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Subject: Mike Warnke

Dr. Schmidt
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Date Posted: 06/21/05 11:09am

14 years after his fall from America's # 1 Christian Comedian, the Rev. Mike Warnke is still on the road, still preaching, still ministering, and still trying to get by.

I believe that Mike Warnke has done more to biblically restore himself to full time Christian service than just about any other minister ever has who has fallen. Christians are often big hypocrites because we have asked Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to forget them, but sadly we refuse to forgive and forget the sins of our fallen Christian ministers. We must allow our fallen to be restored if they follow the proper biblical guidelines.Mike Warnke has done this ,he has well documented it, and now he must be restored.

The influence of Mike Warnke's current ministry is much smaller than his once multi million dollar empire that formerly packed out big time Christian events and large arenas. Today Mike draws in a much smaller crowd, often in the small hundreds instead of the thousands , more like the size of a Trumpet of the Lord event than one from "America's # 1 Christian Comedian".

The good news is that Mike Warnke has remained FAITHFUL , and that his reputation is improving as he is being restored as a Christian minister, who after so many years, has stayed the course and not given up on his calling, even after going thru some very tough times.

After all, being a Christian minister is all about reaching people for Jesus Christ, reaching out to "the one", and not about making a lot of money or being popular.

The good news is that today Mike Warnke is available, and that your church, even if it is a small one, now can afford a chance to schedule one of the funniest Christian comedians in America, who also happens to be very polished as a preacher.

It is tough being a "Christian Comedian"

How would I know you might ask?

Well, from time to time I attrempt to dive into Christian Comedy. I would describe the Christian Comedy that I do as the most misunderstood and often perhaps the most hated thing about the Trumpet of the Lord. The bottom line is that so many people just do not get the bit(s). A bit is just a bit. But too many take the bit for real and associate the one doing the bit with the character in the bit. Perhaps this was what once brought down Mike Warnke.

People just did not get his bit.

But it is not 1991 anymore.

I believe that it is time to forgive and to learn to better understand Mike Warnke, and his fantastic original bits in general.

The key to making a bit work is that you must never, ever spill the bit. Can you imagine a ventriliquist that does not pretend that his "little friend" is real? This is why Phil Hendrie is not as sucsessful as he could be, because he spills his bit too often. People often get mad at me and or at the Trumpet of the Lord because we refuse to spill a bit. I think that it is just plain wrong for a comic to spill a bit, it is imho as bad as if a magician spills a magic trick in public, unethical behavior if you ask me.

So pray about inviting Mike Warnke to preach and to do a few of his bits at your church.

You can learn about Mike Warnke at:


Is Mike Warnke perfect?


He is, like the rest of us, a sinner saved by grace , someone who is trying his best to serve God faithfully the best that he knows how.

It is time that we stop casting stones at Mike Warnke and give him another chance.

God bless you,

Dr. Michael E. Schmidt

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Subject Author Date
Mike WarnkeSloan07/18/05 2:43pm
MikeBarbara day08/24/05 6:35pm
IT'S EASY!!Trondo10/ 1/05 2:01am
I worked with Mike During The Whole Thing!!Jim Saffen01/25/06 10:42pm
Mike Warnkedeano formaro demon fighter05/ 1/06 8:38pm

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