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Subject: Hi Tooly

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Date Posted: 06/20/03 6:16am
In reply to: Toolyskuff 's message, "Educational" on 06/13/03 12:05pm

Hi Tooly

My name is Don an atheist. I think Paul and I are going to fight again over your soul for a
bit if you do not mind. PAUL- That old English bloke that has not answered my questions
from the last board. How you doing Paul?

By the way, no person stops being human because of what god you do or do not believe
in. It is like saying some spirit comes into you and then sucks your brains out. You can
have behavior modification, with or without the many gods, but your behavior will never
prove a god in objectify.

When it comes to the wild and wacky world of subjectivity, well you can always claim a
god if you “feel” one, and people can claim anything. Without some evidence how would
you know the difference between reality and fiction? If I say there are green men on
Mars--- don’t you think I should show some evidence to support that claim?

If I also say these green men will remove that part of your brain that consist of
---territory, money, power or respect----most people should be very fearful of that. Who
said these attributes are evil and wrong? So lets see here--- to own a house is evil as that
is your territory or even to rent a house, to have any money for necessities of life is
wrong, even to take your lady friend out to dinner or to educate your kids. You have no
power in your life to give it direction, you are not able to protect your love ones so I will
come and take your house if you do not mind, and be sure to direct your life so that NO
one will respect you----so you might live under a bridge somewhere all alone in rotting
cloths and call your self holy and claim god is real.---yeah, right.

What are you telling people here Paul? That you are to sell your house and give the
money to JW for a blessing from god?

And as far as “truth” goes I can say, “the red suit of Santa Clause exist” as far as the story
goes but is Santa real and factual? No. So when you say the “truth”---is it in a bible story


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Don what you trying to do scare the poor man?PAUL06/20/03 7:28pm

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