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Date Posted: 15:07:16 12/14/10 Tue
Author: Thursday 17/6/2010Iceland. Monday June 14th 2010==QB==start ski season
Subject: [Info] Morning pre open Wednesday 15/12/2010==buy(294) 295==sell 264==indicative sell 273==272==277=798==matching vol
In reply to: Fed meeting overnight===Fish livestock clear station 's message, "sell 268===Wednesday 15/12/2010==morning pre open" on 14:59:34 12/14/10 Tue

2.730 209,048 SELL 245,239
Ind Open Surplus Volume Match Volume

SummaryDepthCourse of SalesNewsResearchChartsCFDOptionsWarrantsInt. Rate Sec..View: BasicDetailed Levels: 5 10 All Hide All Help Dynamic Updates On Off 15 Dec 10:00:29 AM

Buyers Volume Price

1 4,827 2.940
1 160 2.860
7 61,308 2.850
1 51,604 2.840
5 41,153 2.830
1 29,199 2.800
2 465 2.790
3 47,068 2.780
1 48 2.770
2 153 2.760
2 1,858 2.750
2 7,396 2.740
3 25,000 2.710
6 232,170 2.700
4 257,700 2.690
5 41,487 2.680
7 42,297 2.670
5 262,500 2.660
14 365,294 2.650
6 330,640 2.640
5 268,828 2.630
6 274,000 2.620
2 250,000 2.610
17 135,407 2.600
2 53,500 2.590
4 69,500 2.580
2 20,750 2.570
5 33,580 2.560
10 316,522 2.550
3 12,739 2.540
3 13,953 2.530
6 9,068 2.520
8 36,861 2.510
19 96,600 2.500
3 10,100 2.490
5 67,150 2.480
1 3,000 2.470
1 2,400 2.460
3 14,041 2.450
3 5,210 2.420
2 12,000 2.400
3 5,145 2.380
1 2,000 2.350
2 4,000 2.300
1 298 2.280
1 200 2.270
1 1,000 2.260
2 30,500 2.250
1 628 2.230
2 14,500 2.200
2 6,000 2.180
1 6,000 2.120
1 800 2.110
1 1,200 2.100
1 2,900 2.080
1 2,500 2.050
5 11,790 2.000
1 6,000 1.820
1 3,000 1.555

216 3,605,997 Others
Market Total 216 3,605,997
Price Volume Sellers

2.640 1,011 1
2.650 9,912 2
2.680 29,380 2
2.690 10,839 4
2.700 45,542 10
2.710 161 1
2.720 107,736 12
2.730 249,706 9
2.740 263,306 10
2.750 137,981 24
2.760 125,040 5
2.770 9,988 5
2.780 122,000 4
2.790 25,900 8
2.800 181,793 33
2.810 79,600 5
2.820 21,900 4
2.830 7,400 2
2.840 67,806 5
2.850 56,244 16
2.860 6,000 1
2.870 21,563 5
2.880 55,814 10
2.890 38,482 6
2.900 172,804 21
2.910 14,600 2
2.920 9,715 6
2.930 26,488 5
2.940 7,000 3
2.950 116,534 13
2.960 9,525 3
2.970 13,800 3
2.980 7,434 3
2.990 55,550 7
3.000 150,385 38
3.010 8,557 5
3.020 4,569 5
3.030 2,333 1
3.040 1,650 1
3.050 102,643 13
3.060 10,000 1
3.080 3,851 2
3.100 29,779 7
3.120 1,644 1
3.150 5,025 3
3.160 6,770 1
3.190 1,000 1
3.200 71,599 6
3.240 6,622 1
3.250 20,794 2
3.290 11,000 2
3.300 7,695 3
3.320 10,000 1
3.330 3,300 1
3.400 6,000 2
3.560 1,000 1
3.900 20,000 1
4.000 4,000 1

Others 2,598,770 350

Stock code QANType ORDINARY FULLY PAIDStatus Pre OpenBuySell.
0.000 0.000 0.00 % 2.950 2.640 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.700 0 0 0 0.000
Last Change % Change Bid Offer Open High Low Close Volume Value Trades VWAP
2.730 191,079 SELL 276,166
Ind Open Surplus Volume Match Volume

SummaryDepthCourse of SalesNewsResearchChartsCFDOptionsWarrantsInt. Rate Sec..View: BasicDetailed Levels: 5 10 All Hide All Help Dynamic Updates On Off 15 Dec 10:05:09 AM

Buyers Volume Price

1 4,827 2.950
1 4,827 2.940
1 160 2.860
10 69,041 2.850
1 51,604 2.840
5 41,153 2.830
1 29,199 2.800
2 465 2.790
5 65,675 2.780
1 105 2.760
1 1,810 2.750
1 7,300 2.740
3 25,000 2.710
7 242,170 2.700
5 265,092 2.690
4 31,487 2.680
7 42,297 2.670
5 262,500 2.660
14 365,294 2.650
6 330,640 2.640
5 268,828 2.630
6 274,000 2.620
2 250,000 2.610
17 135,407 2.600
2 53,500 2.590
4 69,500 2.580
2 20,750 2.570
5 33,580 2.560
10 316,522 2.550
3 12,739 2.540
3 13,953 2.530
6 9,068 2.520
8 36,861 2.510
19 96,600 2.500
3 10,100 2.490
5 67,150 2.480
1 3,000 2.470
1 2,400 2.460
3 14,041 2.450
3 5,210 2.420
2 12,000 2.400
3 5,145 2.380
1 2,000 2.350
2 4,000 2.300
1 298 2.280
1 200 2.270
1 1,000 2.260
2 30,500 2.250
1 628 2.230
2 14,500 2.200
2 6,000 2.180
1 6,000 2.120
1 800 2.110
1 1,200 2.100
1 2,900 2.080
1 2,500 2.050
5 11,790 2.000
1 6,000 1.820
1 3,000 1.555

219 3,644,316 Others
Market Total 219 3,644,316
Price Volume Sellers

2.640 1,011 1
2.650 9,912 2
2.680 29,946 2
2.690 10,839 4
2.700 45,542 10
2.710 161 1
2.720 112,736 12
2.730 257,098 10
2.740 263,306 10
2.750 187,981 25
2.760 125,040 5
2.770 9,988 5
2.780 122,000 4
2.790 25,900 8
2.800 181,793 33
2.810 79,600 5
2.820 21,900 4
2.830 7,400 2
2.840 67,806 5
2.850 56,244 16
2.860 6,000 1
2.870 21,563 5
2.880 55,814 10
2.890 38,482 6
2.900 172,804 21
2.910 14,600 2
2.920 9,715 6
2.930 26,488 5
2.940 7,000 3
2.950 116,534 13
2.960 9,525 3
2.970 13,800 3
2.980 7,434 3
2.990 55,550 7
3.000 150,385 38
3.010 8,557 5
3.020 4,569 5
3.030 2,333 1
3.040 1,650 1
3.050 102,643 13
3.060 10,000 1
3.080 3,851 2
3.100 29,779 7
3.120 1,644 1
3.150 5,025 3
3.160 6,770 1
3.190 1,000 1
3.200 71,599 6
3.240 6,622 1
3.250 20,794 2
3.290 11,000 2
3.300 7,695 3
3.320 10,000 1
3.330 3,300 1
3.400 6,000 2
3.560 1,000 1
3.900 20,000 1
4.000 4,000 1

Others 2,661,728 352
2,661,728 352 Market Total

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  • [Info]Wednesday 15/12/2010 afternoon close.buy 295==sell 251==surplus at 272 -- Lose your excuse Aussiemail==US dept of energy, 21:10:26 12/14/10 Tue
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