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Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Alyssa and Ashley
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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 05:43: pm
In reply to: Bob A 's message, "Re: How Far Down?" on Monday, January 18, 2016, 05:18: pm

We went to get our college physicals today. The doctor came in did the quick exam and said you guys are good to go after the nurse comes in an gives you your FLU and DTAP boosters. We are both 18 and the thought of getting a shot was not in the picture. The nurse comes in and he is carrying four syringes. Two small and two larger ones. Who has had a DTAP shot before? How about tetanus? We both grab our arms and said yes. Well he is a little trick you might not know. Do you guys run or walk. We both responded we run our the track at Gold's. To keep from gtting the sore achy arm you should consider getting it in your bottom. larger muscle and as you run/walk you work it into the muslce and then you have no pain. We both sat there and looked at each other. We did rock,paper and scissors and Ashley lost. She laid face down on the gurney. She unbuttoned her jeans and he pulled them down below her cheeks and then came down her panties. I laughed and she looked at me remember your are coming down too. I watched as he took this long yellow syringe and stuck up to the hub in her butt and injected. He pulled it out and using his fingers began to rub it into her muscle. He started to clean the other cheek and said since I got both cheeks and placed another needle in her other cheek and injected. She got up after he put two bandaids on her bottom and pulled up her panties and jeans. Not bad she said. I was fumbling with my button and zipper and laid down and my jeans were pulled down followed by my bikini panties. Just as he stuck the first needle in my right cheek my sister said thats a long needle he just shoved in your ass. It didn't hurt. Knowing I was getting the second needle made me tense. He said you had better relax or this will hurt more. MY sister gave me a hard slap to my bare butt and he quickly put the seond needle in my butt. He laughed and said you actually helped her. I bet you never even felt the needle go in. I sure didn't. My ass is still stinging from her hand. I should have done that to her he said. I am not afraid and Ashley bared her butt and he gave her one hard whack on each of her bare cheeks.

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