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Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Saturday, June 25, 2016, 11:34: pm
In reply to: Chase 's message, "How Far Down?" on Thursday, January 05, 2012, 01:08: pm

It just depends on the nurse . I had one nurse that came in to the room said she had 2 shots one goes in ur arm and one in the hip. She just pushed my jeans down a little and stuck me that hurt . Another time the nurse was in her mid 30s she walked in said got 2 shots for you and they both are going in ur butt so I need u to stand up and drop ur paints and turn around and lean on the table for me . She walked over and put the shots down I looked over at my wife who was smiling from the sound of shots . So I stood up undid my jeans and pulled them down underwear and all to the bottom of my butt making sure everything was exposed then turned around . The nurse had me to stand on one leg at a time shots didn't even hurt told her she did a great job and thanked her she said she in joyed her job and liked giving shots lol . We got out side my wife popped me on the butt said I don't think she meant to pull ur jeans all the way down exposing ur penis too. But she said that it got her attention she liked it !

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

David RN
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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 11:46: pm

My sister and two of her friends needed to get their tetanus shots for college. She called her friends and told them to come over. I had all 3 syringes lying on the coffee table. My sister walked over to the back of the couch aShe was wearing this short grey dress. panties. Both girls were wide eyed as I slapped her right cheek and stabbed her in the butt. I pulled out the needle and rubbed it into her muscle. She told Tori your turn. She was wearing this short grey dress. I flipped up her dress exposing her well tanned bare butt. Commando I said? I like it when my dress klings to my ass and I see the boys looking at me as I walk by. I slapped her on her left cheek and put the needle deep in her butt and injected. She dropped down her dress and walked back over to the couch. Remi the last girl came over. She slowly unzipped her tight white shorts. When she bent over I tugged down her white shorts and her white panties. She could not have weighed more than 100 pounds. I pinched a handful of her butt cheek and one of my fingers slipped up her butt. I just pinched her muscle, darted and injected. She said I think I just got a rectal with my injection. I apologized and she said no problem it distracted me.

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