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Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, October 17, 2016, 07:29: pm
In reply to: Chase 's message, "How Far Down?" on Thursday, January 05, 2012, 01:08: pm

In the place where I live, butt injections are usually given in horizontal position and medical staff rarely expect anything more than exposing the very site of the injection. Even though it is theoretically encouraged to expose the whole buttock for practical reasons of finding a proper (ie. safe) injection location. As regards the injections that I received or I gave or observed being given, the usual practice was to expose whole buttocks or even a little more. Those were rather young or very young people, including myself. Most of them obviously didn't care much that in some cases also their penises or pubic hair of both sexes were more or less exposed. Anyway, I liked it too :)

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, July 24, 2017, 04:48: pm

As a young boy, I didn't wear briefs. I wore one piece unionsuits. These were usually short sleeve, short legged knit underwear with vertical flap in the back. For shots I usually just pulled my pants down and opened the flap and bent over. One nurse always told me to unbutton the front and pull everything down.

I went into the hospital when I was six and wore only a gown. I got shots every day and I lay on my stomach with the gown completely open in back. Everybody in the ward had to do the same and we all got a view of each other's bare bum. When I was in the hospital again when I was eleven, I wore my own pajamas. The nurse would come in and pull the covers back and tell me to pull my bottoms down to my knees and roll over.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Sunday, July 30, 2017, 08:38: am

Last night as I was closing the bar I cut my hand on a glass and I had to go to the ER for stitches. It hurt like hell when they injected the lidocaine in my fingers. I got 7 stitches in my fingers. The nurse asked me when my last tetanus was and I said I don't remember. I said that will be tonight. He came back in the room a few minutes later carrying a small syringe. He said go ahead and loosen your jeans. I unzipped them and turned around. How far down.He pulled them down past my thighs and I was standing their with my half tanned butt cheeks completely exposed. He gave each of my butt cheeks a squeeze and said which side. I said the right cheek. I felt him massage it a few times and then a poke and then he worked it into my butt muscle. I told him he had to kiss it which he surprised me when he did and he followed it with a hearty slap to my opposite cheek.He assisted me in pulling up my jeans. It was one of the most painless injections I have ever received.

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