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Subject: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 05, 2012, 01:08: pm

What is the farthest the nurse or doctor has pulled your briefs down to give you an injection in your butt?
Have you ever had to remove them completely for an injection in the butt?
Have you ever had an injection in your butt when you were completely naked under a hospital or examination gown?

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 07:42: pm

I have 3 stories like that. Once when i was in my late teens I got a crick in my neck from wrestling. The doc had just finished popping my neck several times and then he said he was going to give me a shot and it would have to go in my butt. Then this nurse appeared with this big syringe. I started to unbutton my jeans and then my dad who was behind me came over and pulled them down to my knees right in front of nurse. I caught her staring at my dick. Dad then rolled me over so she could have my butt.

At my first college I had to get a gamma globulin shot. The doc weighed me in my underwear and left room to get shot. He came back in carrying this big syringe and had this weird on his face. i turned around and pulled my underwear down to below my cheek on my left side and bent over table. I wanted the shot on left side because he had given me shot not too long ago on my right side. Then he pulls my underwear all the way down on right side too and then gives me the shot in that butt cheek instead.

I had to go into day surgery for a procedure several years ago. I was put into a gown and naked underneath. I had to have my pre op anitbiotic in the butt since I was not going to have an IV and just getting a local for the procedure. Nurse came in and gave me shot and it hurt. Then doc had an emergency and I had to wait 7 hours for him. When the transporter came to take me to surgery the nurse came running back in and said I had to have another shot since it had been so long. He bared my butt right in front of the transporter guy and stuck it in the other cheek. I think he rushed that shot and kinda jammed it in. The 2nd shot hurt worse the next few days than the first one.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Sunday, January 29, 2012, 12:03: am

Thanks for sharing. Which of these shots hurt the most, and how did you react?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, February 06, 2012, 03:21: pm

They all hurt and I remember them all well, but I think the 2nd antibiotic shot that I got in day surgery hurt the most. It was the most recent being 15 years after the first two. It was Ancef about 3 cc and I think it hurt more because the nurse was in a hurry and jabbed it in and did it too fast. That shot hurt days longer than the same shot I got in the other butt cheek earlier that morning.

The shot I got where my dad pulled my jeans down on the table hurt, too. I assume it was a muscle relaxant. It was a big shot. I am sure I was tense because of the crick in my neck and I know I was irritated that my dad had pulled my jeans down to my knees and rolled me over like that. I remember that I could not sit on my right butt cheek riding home in my dad's pickup. I also remember complaining to my dad still a few days after the shot and showing him the bruise.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Frank (not abig deal)
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Date Posted: Saturday, August 01, 2015, 10:08: pm

I have gotten butt shots--not often but once in a while in a lifetime---Doc always puts them kind of higher on my butt so I do not have pain sitting---Its not different from a shot in the arm is it? Never seemed a big deal to me

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2015, 02:58: pm

yes, it is the same thing, except sometimes the shots given in the butt are larger volumes or too irritating to be given in the arm. i have had some shots given higher up, too, and some given lower down. when i was getting testosterone shots i was given a lot of those lower down because we wanted to rotate sites.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 06:17: pm

In my youth and adolescence, "pull down your pants and bend over" always meant everything down to my ankles and bending across the receptionist's lap. Now, when my usual nurse tells me to pull down my pants for a shot, I drop trousers and try to get away with just lowering my pants a bit in back, but she then pulls them all the way down before making me bend over.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 28, 2012, 08:03: am

I pulled down my trousers, laid down on the left side and pulled down my panties to midtight.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Sunday, January 03, 2016, 04:20: am

I always put my pants way down when it comes to get an injection in the butt. It seems nurses like this way better even the don't say so.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, May 21, 2015, 12:14: pm

As a little boy, my pants and undies were pulled down my ankles. When I got older my pants and boxer shorts always just fell down to my ankles any way. I have received shots in the hospital or during an annual physical when I was nude under a gown or drape.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, May 21, 2015, 08:30: pm

The guys I usually tell to bend over and they will pull down their jeans and underwear to the bottom of their butt cheeks. Most of the guys get their shots bent over.

The older women will usually just pull down their pants and panties to the bottom of their butt cheeks and most of them just stand.

The younger females it covers a wide gamant. Most of the girls will lie flat. Some of them will barely expose any of their butt cheek. SOme of the girls will have you pull their pants and panties down. In that case I will expose all of their butt cheek. I have had some girls take off their pants and underwear and then lie flat. If a girl hs a thong on I will leave it in place since most of their butt cheek is fully exposed. In my experience I find most of the girls between 18-30 expect you to bare their butts. I have had some I pulled down their panties partially only to have them pull them further down.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

bad experience
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Date Posted: Saturday, May 23, 2015, 06:21: am

NURSE always pulled my under wear to my knees /soakes my ass with alcohol never waited for it to dry stung so friggin bad in my ass,even way i was held was in a weird position.if any one want to talk let me know it? HURTS SO BAD in the ass.even my spinal taps were less painful.CHASE how did u get it how far were your under wear pulled down?

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Friday, July 24, 2015, 08:52: pm

Today I ahd a 20 y/o college girl come in for her DTAP and menigitis shot. I told her to lie on the gurneyu face down. The poor thing still did not know she was about to get jabbed in her bottom. I come over and lay the shot right next to her and say ok honey you get one in each butt cheek. She barely pulled them down. I said no I have to see more of your butt muscle and pulled down her red nylon shorts to the bottom of her butt cheeks, followed by her panties. I then wiped the alcohol pad across her firm butt making her tense. I massaged her hip a few monents and then plunged the first needle deep into her muscle and slowly injected. I said one more in your other cheek and placed my hand firmly across her muscle and darted the needle in her butt. She had two little blood trails on her white butt which I wiped and placed bandaids on. She got up and pulled up her panties and shorts.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 04, 2015, 11:57: am

I was at Freshman orientation yesterday. Jenna came in and handed me her slip. She needed a DTAP. I told her to turn around that it was going in her butt. She barely pulled down her shorts and I said no they have to come down further and pulled them down to the bottom of her butt cheeks. She bent over and I poked her in the center of the rose on her right cheek. The next girl Dawn came in wearing a pair of short black lacey shorts. I had her turn around and bend over.This time I just lifted up her shorts and exposed all of her left butt cheek. She was not wearing any panties. I patted her left cheek a few times and poked her. Ow! She said. That smarts she said as I massaged the site. Heather came in next and she was wearing a tight fitting blue dress. I told her it would less in her hip. Im okay with it. She turned around and asked me to unzip her dress. You might be surprised she said as I unzipped her. Pulled her dress down and when it fell to the floor she was standing their in just her sandals. She grabbed her butt cheeks and gave them a squeeze. Please be gentel. I will as I grabbed a handful of her left cheek pinched it and put the needle deep in her butt and injected. That was an awesome shot. I told her come back in September as I will be here to do flu shots. I sure will. The last girl came in wearing a tank top, white short with the zipper in the back and sandals. I could see the bottom portion of her butt cheeks . I said go ahead and turn around and bend over. I unzipped her white shorts and pulled them down. She had on a tiny white thong so all of her perfectly untanned bottom was in plain view. I grabbed a handful of her left butt cheek and one of my finger slipped up her butt and I just darted the needle in her butt and injected. I said I am sorry for that. NO, it felt good and it took my mind off that I was about to get poked in the butt. I massaged the site and she said if you want you can massage both . That feels really good. I watched as she zipped her shorts. Needless to say I had a good time and can't wait to see who shows up tomorrow.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 06:05: pm

I took my 17 y/o twins to get their DTAP booster for school. The nurse comes in carrying two small syringes. Jason was sitting on the exam table and Tori was in the chair. He closed the door. Well since your on the table you want to go first. Go ahead and lay down and loosen your jeans. What the hell he said in my ass. Watch your mouth I told him and do as your told. He unbuckled his belt and lowered his jeans. The nurse pulled down his boxers baring his white butt. His butt flinched as soon as the needle went into his bare buttock. He pulled out the needle, rubbed the site a few moments and pulled up his underwear. he then looks at Tori and tells her to lay down. Not until my brother leaves the room. No young lady you will do as your told. You stayed and watched his shot, he can stay and watch you get yours. She unfastened her jeans and barely pulled them down. The nurse pulled then down to mid thigh and her black bikini panties came down too. He told her you got a half tanned butt. As soon as the nurse placed his hand on her hip and started to squirm. I need something to distract me she said. With that the nurse gave her a firm slap across her bare cheek and poked her. Her cheek was still red after she pulled up her panties. That slap hurt she said. Did you feel the stick ofr shot I asked. NO she replied. Then be a big girl and stop complaining. They both laughed about having watched each other get a shot in their buttson the way home.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Friday, August 21, 2015, 05:31: pm

The latter half of Mom's comment reminds me of something that happened to me in adolescence. I needed a penicillin shot and a neighbour girl who had just passed her driving test also needed an injection from the same doctor, so she gave me a lift and we went in together when summoned by the doctor.

My shot was first and, although embarrassed, I dropped trousers, pulled down pants and bent over allowing her to watch me get it because I hoped hers would also be a buttock injection and I would then be able to watch her get it in her shapely bare bottom. Unsportingly, however, she insisted that I wait outside, where the receptionist embarrassed me by asking in the presence of a waiting girl if I could sit down after my shot. Slight consolation was the thought that making me wait outside probably meant my companion also got her shot in the bottom but I couldn't hear what was happening and she later gave no indication where she had it but delighted in humiliating me by telling others how she saw me get mine.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Chelsey and Lauren
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Date Posted: Monday, August 24, 2015, 11:19: am

Were were at Panaera Bread on campus and they were doing a immunization clinic. Students who got a shot got a free breakfast sandwich. We both had to have a DTAP. He said you both can come in if you want. Lauren was standing next to the desk. She was bent over filling out her form. He walked over to her and patted her on her butt and said you to dressed for the occasion. He pulls down her nylon gym shorts below her cheeks exposing her green thong. I watched as he wiped the wipe across her white cheek and then placed his hand across her hip, pinched her muscle and placed the needle deep in her butt and injected. Afterward he took his fingers and massaged her hip a few moments and placed a bandaid on the site before pulling up her shorts. I knew it was my time. I walked over to the desk. I leaned over. He grabbed my shorts and pulled them down. My bare butt was fully exposed. I was not wearing any panties.I put my hands in front of my bare bottom. He gently pulled my hands away. I felt him grab a handful of my cheek and squeeze it a few times and then a sting as he poked me and injected. Afterward he massaged my hip a few more times . We joked that we had come to get breakfast and got a shot in our bottoms. He said next month girls I will be back to do flu shots. We both agreed he could give us our flu shots.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 25, 2015, 02:37: pm

Chelsey and Lauren came back to the room and I noticed they had a bandaid on their hips when they were changing. They said we got our DTAP shot. Did it hurt. No he is realy good. They said you should go get yours now. You want the guy. I decided I had better folow their advice. I walked over their and asked for the male nurse who came out. I told him about my friends. He said you are wearing my favorite color. I was wearing a red dress and sandals. I said I have one request. He said ask away. Can I see the needle first? He uncapped a yellow needle that he said as a 20g and it was 1.5 inches long. Shit it is so long. I promise you won't feel it. It goes in really fast. My dress is tight so I unzipped and and stepped out of it. I was standing there in my red bra and panties. I laid acorss his lap and he pulled them down to my knee. You have great looking butt. Distract me like you did with Chelsey. Ok, I put my finger up her butt and poked her at the same time. I begin to massage the site and placed a snoopy bandiad on the site. He began to run his hands across my bare bottom which felt so good. He then playfully gave me a few swats before pulling up my panties. That felt great. I liked to be spanked. He then said how about tonight young lady and gave me a good whack on my bare bottom just before puling up my panties.l

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 03:26: pm

Being a southern girl from Kentucky I like to wear shirts, jeans and boots. Well this morning I had to get a tetanus shot that I had been putting off for a long time. I went to the Express clinic and nurse got their early. I walked up to him and said I have a really big favor to ask of you. I have to get a tetanus shot and I am such as baby about this. I am 22 and hate shots. can we get this over before anyone else gets here because I might scream or cry and don't want to embarras myself. He said sure. he let me in and he tunred on the lights and had me go into a room. he came back a few minutes later closed the door. We have 30 minutes before anyone else arrives. I filled out the form. Now he said if you truly are as scared as you say I can give you a few helpful hints to get you through this. Whatever it takes. Well I am going to have you slip those tight jeans down to your knees and then I want you to lie flat on this bed. Point your toes inward. I will then slip down your panties and I am going to clean a spot on your left hip. I will then slap it once and give you the shot. Guranteed it will be over quickly and painlessly. It never occured to me this shot would be going in my butt. I did as he said and I unzipped my jeans and pulled them down and laid down. I was a little embarssed because I had yellow panties with cows on them. I love those cute panties of your as he slipped them down over my tense butt muscles. You have one awesome bottom there Jen as he grabbed a handful of each cheek. Are you a runner or swimmer he asked me. I swim a lot. He kept talking to me a he wiped the cold alcohol pad across my hip. Then I felt this hard whack to my left cheek and he was rubbing my butt telling me it was all over. Whew!. MY butt is still stinging from your hand. Sorry I slapped you so hard. I wanted to distract you. I told him he could keep rubbing it a few more minutes. I guess I got my early birthday spanking. Yep I turn 22 today. He said well now and he started to playfully give me 22 more light spankings to my bottom. He pulled up my panties and helped me off the table. He asked if I had plans tonight and I told him no. How about dinner tonight he asked. I told him yes. How about wearing a dress and those boots he said. He laughed and you can keep those same panties on. I can do that. Meet you at 7.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Jason RN
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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 02, 2015, 02:23: pm

A friend of mine who runs a petmart asked me to come to the store as he had 2 new girls who needed a DTAP. Lauren the first girl was brought to the office. I closed the door. I gave her the form to fill out.Does it hurt? NO it goes deep in your butt muscle and within the next hour you will not even know you had it. I hate shots she said. I noticed you have a tattoo on your inner arm. I promise you that hurt more than this simple shot. I unbuttoned her yellow colored jeans and pulled them down with her yellow panties below her cheeks. I told her to lean over the chair and flex her left leg. I squeezed her cheek a few times and poked and injected. Afterward I started to massage the area and put a bandiad on the spot. I pulled up her panties. Amanda came in next and closed the door. Is it true I have to bare my butt? Yes. It goes deep in your muscle. I undid her shorts and pulled them down revealing her tight half tanned moons. I have a skinny butt. I told her I liked thin butts as I wiped a spot. I squeezed a handful of her muscle and poked her and gave the injection and then I rubbed her butt cheek. Wow!. I really enjoyed that massage so I grabbed both of them and gave her another one. I told her in a few weeks I will be back with the flu shots.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, June 20, 2016, 11:16: am

For me (in my time-60s and 70s) it was usually to just below the bottom. Actually, any lower than a few inches (no need to go further because the shot isn't really given in the butt but the hip), is perverted. It's like taking out the appendix while performing surgery on another organ just because it isn't needed and you do so just "as long as you have him/her open."

When we played doctor, the undergarments never went below the bottom because we knew it was done that way in real life.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, September 03, 2015, 02:03: am

Just curious, do any doctors ever TOTALLY undress a young kid to give them a shot? Also, what is the largest gauge needle used? Thanks

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, September 07, 2015, 02:23: pm

I stepped on a rusty nail during a picnic and had to go to an urgent care clinic. I was wearing a tank top and a mini skirt and flip flops. The doctor and nurse treating me were both very handsome young men. The doctor looked at my foot and dressed the wound. He told the nurse I needed a tetanus shot to be safe. The nurse nodded and they both left the room. The nurse came back and I asked him if he could do it in my left arm. He smiled at me and said Oh, no, sweet cheeks, this is going in your bottom. I blushed. He said I'm very good, so don't you worry. I said okay and pulled down my skirt to my ankles, exposing my thong. He grabbed his supplies and came up next to me. He took a hold of my thong on the left side and asked if he could remove it. I said okay, so he pulled it down past my knees. He told me to lean over the table and relax. I was so nervous, but I did what he said. He wiped a section of my butt with an alcohol swab then fanned it dry with his hand. He picked up the syringe and told me to count to ten. I felt the needle prick then it burned as the medicine went in. I cried out in pain and he whispered soothing words to me. When it was over, he massaged the area. He smiled and told me I had a nice butt. He helped me pull up my thong and skirt and said he wouldn't forget me.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 08, 2015, 09:56: am

My two brides maids were helping us to clean after my bridal shower and afterward I took them on our four wheeler for a ride. We found one of our cows tangled up in the bard wire and we worked getting it free, but unfortunately we all cut our fingers on the bard wire. I called my fiance and he said he was getting off in an hour and to have everyone stay there until he got home. When he got home he looked at our hands and cleaned all of of puncture sites, applied bacitracin and bandaids. They were all so thankful and then he removes three syringes and puts them on the counter . What are they for I asked? Those are tetanus shots that each of you need. That was rusty barb wire and you don't want to get lock jaw. Darcie and Jenny said you go first Shelby and we will will watch. When he pointed to the couch I knew it was a butt shot because that is where I got my flu shot last year. I unzipped my jean shorts and laid down on the couch. He pulled them down and then my green panties baring my bottom. He took the alcohol wipe and rub it across my left cheek. He grabbed a handful of my cheek and pinched it several times and plunged the needle in my butt and slowly injected. he pulled it out and took his fingers and massaged my hip a few moments. My friends were wide eyed. He pulled up my panties and I got up and pulled up my jeans. OK Darcie your next. Darcie unzipped her jean shorts and took thenm off standing there in her red lacey panties and laid down. He pulled them down over her tight tanned butt. As soon as he touched her butt with the alcohol pad she tensed up her butt muscles. He patted her bottom telling her you have to relax or the needle stick is going to hurt. He grabbed a handful of her small butt cheek and started squeezing it and when she was good and relaxed poked and injected. He slowly massaged her injection site a few minutes and slipped up her panties. You do give a good shot. Jenny the last girl was very quiet. She had long brown hair down to her waist.She was really cute. I unsnapped her jeans and unzipped them because she had most of her cuts on her finger tips. I pulled down her shorts. She had on a pair of red panites that said I have been a bad girl. He pulled down her panties and gave her a smack on her bare bottom. She looked over her shopuld and he smiled and said your panties said you were a bad girl and we all laughed. She had a dimple in each of her very white firm butt cheeks. he grabbed a handful of her small cheek and plunged the 20g needle deep in her cheek and injected. Afterward he started to massage the site and she asked when are you going to stick me. Its done he told her as he pulled up her panties. Shelby told Darcie and Jenny next week he is offering to give you both flu shots. They both grabbed their butt cheeks and said we will get them if you do it.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, September 10, 2015, 02:54: pm

My fiance came into our Hooters store this morning for our staff meeting. The manager introduced him and told the girls he was here to give them a DTAP. The manager said here is a gift card for a $100. Get a shot and ticket. Winning ticket gets the card. The girls were giggling and laughing until I stood up and pulled down my shorts and said got mine this morning right here and pointed to my bandiad. They looked at me and I said he is waiting for the first customer in the girls room. They were saying I not going to show my bare butt. I said he has seen all of our butt cheeks in our shorts. Amanda said I could use the cash and went into the bathroom. I told her to lean over the counter and she barely pulled down her shorts. I pulled them down below her butt cheeks and patted her firm little white butt and poked her in the center of her dimple on her cheek. All done. NIkki came in and just pulled down her shorts and hose and bent over. Jab me she said as I watched. Cara came in and I knew she was a tease. She barely pulled down her shorts and he grabbed them and pulled them down to her thighs. Look at that cute rose on her butt cheek. Yep and he poked her right in the center of her flower. Trish and Tori both came in and said we need to hold each others hands. He grabbed their shorts and pulled them down baring their white bottoms. Girls has sun ever shined on those firm little ass cheeks. H'm which butt cheek to dart first he said. He ran his hands over their butts. He pinched Tori, making her jump but actually poked Trish. hey that wasn't fair trish said. Well now she know her butt is next and with that he poked Tori in the butt. I told him there are 2 more coming in later today. he came out with me and all the girls were standing in a line looking over their shoulders rubbing thier butts. He laughed. See you all later.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Saturday, September 12, 2015, 03:33: pm

it seems that our general practitionar had clear assignements of tasks. he ordered his assitants to prepare the syringe. when she came back, I had to get up and had to open & lower my jeans. After I lean over, it was him who pushed down my panties approx have way down. He then instructed the assistant where to clean and prepare which felt to last ages. when I put his hand on my cheek I knew that it will hurt right after. especially as he didnt plunge in fast. but most hurted when injecting

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Saturday, September 12, 2015, 06:09: pm

Welcome to the club, Sonja! I agree that the wait when bending over seems interminable and that the serum being injected usually hurts more than the initial jab. Even if the shot doesn't hurt while getting it, I am often unable to sit on the tender site later.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 06:26: pm

I went to a dental office to give their staff their DTAP and flu shots. Holly the cute blonde hygenist came in. I told her the DTAP went into her butt muscle. What the hell my ass is already sore from falling while wake boarding. I pulled down her black scrubs baring her lightly tanned firm bottom. She had a bruise on her left butt cheek. I gave the DTAP in her right cheek. She said just put the other shot in the other cheek. I slowly massaged her left cheek and poked and gave her the injection. Hey if you don't mind keep rubbing both of them. That actually made it feel some what better. I wasn't going to argue as she had a good looking butt. I told her halk joking if you need more of a tender rub let me know, I am free tonight. Jennifer came in next and she was almost in tears. I hear one is an arm shot and the other is a butt shot. I pulled down her black scrubs and her red lacey panties to find a rose in each of her white butt cheeks. I said you are afraid of shots yet you let someone tattoo each of your butt cheeks. I was drunk and don't rememeber. I made small talk and poked her and finished before she even realized she got the flu shot. Now this next one has a little sting and I squeezed her muscle a few times before inserting the needle deep in her bottom and injecting. Ouch she said. Wow! that had a kick. I took my fingers and rubbed her hip a while before pulling up her panties and scrubs. I gave a few more shotsto the three dentist. She came back and said you musr be good because my butt no longer is hurting.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, September 17, 2015, 05:27: pm

I was at a catholic elementary school today giving FLU and DTAP shots. Two of the kindergarten teachers came in Jenny and Melissa. Melissa filled out her form first and stepped back into the bathroom. She said I need both. I picked up the DTAP first and told her this goes in your hip. Great I get to teach all day with a sore butt. She unzipped her red jeans and pulled them down and I pulled down her red panties. I poked her in the right cheek making her jump a little. Sorry about that. Heck you might as well give the other one in the other cheek which I did. Not all that bad and my ass really isn't hurting. Jennifer came in next I guess I have to get both of them. I picked up the DTAP and my friend already told me I have to drop my pants. She unfastened her cream colored jeans and pulled them down. I pulled down her pink bikini panties baring her very tight butt. As soon as I grabbed a handful of her butt she moved forward. I pinched her small cheek and plunged the 20g needle up to the hub in her butt and slowly injected. Wow! That has a kick to it.I started wiping a spot on her other cheek and said smaller needle just as I pierced her hip and injected. They laughed and said we have one more you need to get. Dawn came down a few minutes later and said I hear you give a good shot. I hope so because I am a screamer if you dont. She stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. She unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it. He was this cute blonde standing there in her boots and a pair of Texas long horn panties. I told her I am from Texas. I slipped her panties down and told her to hold onto the sink and gave her the flu shot first. I massaged her hip a few minutes and she said your good and that felt good. I patted hr right cheek and said one more to go and uncapped the 20g needle. She got to see it and said that whole is going in my butt. it will be over before you know it. You know the saying Texans like it big. I grabbed a handful of her form butt and poked her and when she jumped my finger slipped up her butt and I just injected and pulled out the needle. I grabbed both of her cheeks and started to just rub and massage them. I put bandaids on both sites and pulled up her panties. She said I am free tonight if you want to come over and barbecue and then can run those big strong hands across my sore bottom. That's a deal I told her and she flashed me the long horn sign.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Friday, September 18, 2015, 02:50: pm

My new boyfriend of three days took me shopping for some jeans. I met him in the ER when I took my mom there after she fell breaking her wrist. I am in Neiman Marcus trying out these cute jeans. The zipper is in the back and my panties get caught in he zipper. I am trying to get the zipper unstuck and after trying for about 20 minutes I called out to David telling him I needed some help. He comes into the room and I close the door. I am really embarrased , but I need your help. I turn around and he can see that the zipper is caught on my lacey panties. He trie to move the ziper up and down , but it is caught in the tracks. He put his hand down my jeans and pulled the lace out of the track of the zipper and pulled dowm the zipper. I slipped the jeans off and standing there with a hole in my panties and he is looking at my bottom. I put my old jeans on and we both walk out. Thanks for the help I told him. Sorry you had to see my bottom. He replied well I have to admit that I enjoyed seeing it. You have an awesome bottom. We were walking past Victoria Secret and I said I guess I need to replace these. We went in and I told him surprise me and pick a pair out. I am a small. he came out a few minutes later and handed me the bag. In it was a tiny pair of bikini panties with tiger prints. When we got back to my place and I went to the bathroom and changed into them and came out wearing them. How do you like these as I slowly turned around. He surprised me when he grabbed them and pulled them down exposing my bottom, telling me I love them, but I love admiring your perfectly shaped bottom slipped my panties back up. I put on my new jeans. he walks into the kitchen and tells me I am going to give you that flu shot in that cute little butt of yours. Shots don't bother me. So tonight he is coming over to give me a shot. I am kinda of looking forward to getting it in the butt. It has been a really long time since I had one in the butt.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 22, 2015, 03:16: pm

I went to a resturant that recently opened up and gave their employees flu and DTAP shots. The first girl was this tall red head, slender. I told her that it would make her arm sore a few days and she said honey give it to me where the sun don't hine and dropped her leather pants. I uncapped the needle and jabbed it into her tight white bottom making her flinch. Sorry. I would do the same when someone poked me in the butt. Damn your good. never really felt it. The next girl TOni came in and said she was a bartender. I heard what you told her and took off her jackets and unzipped her leather pant and removed them. Underneath she had on a pair of leather shorts with her butt cheeks exposed. I unzipped the zipper in the back and pulled thenm down. She had about 8 little tattoos on both of her butt cheeks. She had a really firm butt too. I took my time looking at the different ones. This cute little blonde Daisy came down and said no way, got two small kids, they get the shot not mom. A little while later she came down with her boss and daisy is going to get her shot because I am giving her $50.00. He gave me the money and once you stick her you can give her the money. We went into the room and I told her to pull down her pants. She pulled them down exposing her tight tanned butt and just as I was about to stick her she pulled them up and said this is too weird give it to me in my arm. I poked her inthe arm and she cried out it hurts. I told her that is why I told you in your butt. OK next week give me the tetanus in my butt. I told her okay.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Campus nurse
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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 08:54: am

I was at a student lounge where we were offering flu and DTAP and the Sunday service. The priest suggested to the young group that they get their shots. Holly was the firt to come in and said she needed to get her DTAP. I told her to loosen her jeans and lie on the couch. I pulled them down below her hips and her panties. I poked her in the top portion of her firm butt gave her the shot. The next girl came in wearing a flowery dress with boots. I told her to lie down on the couch and flipped up her dress. She had on a thong so both of her cheeks were fully exposed. As soon as i placed my hand on her left hip she tensed. I pinched her muscle a few times and when she relaxed poked her and injected. The last girl Kellie was wearing a short blue skirt and sandals. I tired to lift it over her hips but it was too tight. She unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt and took it off. She laid down on the couch. She had on a pair of lacey blue panties which covered the center portion of her tight butt. I pulled thenm down below her cheeks. I gave her the flu shot in the left cheek making her squirm a little as I injected. I then said this one stings a little more as I poked her in the right cheek with the 20g needle. She gasped as I started to inject. Afterward I started to massage both of her butt cheeks for the next few minutes. Whew! That last one was a kicker. its feeling better so please keep doing what your doing. After about five minutes I pulled up her panties she got up and put on her skirt. Thank you

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 08:57: pm

I was at a company today doing flu shots. One of the girls who was 24 said she was an interior decorator and wanted to know if her arm would be sore. I said it usually is for a day or two. What about if I get it in my butt cheek. I told her it would hurt less. She said great and lifted up her long skirt. I was looking at her small and very firm bare ass cheek. NO panties. I took aim and jabbed her in her right cheek and slowly injected. She dropped her skirt and said wow I barely felt that. I then told her I had DTAP and she said I guess I need one of those and lifted up her skirt giving me a really good look at both her firm butt cheeks, My boyfriend says I have a skinny ass. Well from my stand point I think you have one fine looking butt and I like firm butts like yours just as I plunged the 20g needle deep in her butt and injected. I took my fingers and rubbed her butt and she said go ahead and give me a firm massage. Not wanting to disappoint her I grabbed and handful of each butt cheek and gave her a long massage. She dropped her skirt and said if you are not busy tonight give me a call. You have my number on the form.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, October 01, 2015, 09:11: pm

I was at a clinic today doing flu shots and this realy cute blonde came in. I told her this would make her arm sore for a few days or she could get it in her hip. She said lets do it in the butt and lifted up her dress. I pulled down her pink panties and pinched her cheek and darted the needle into her hip making her jump. She apoligized and I said it was okay. I took my fingers and rubbed her cheek a few moments and pulled up her panties. That was the best shot I ever got. Thank you.

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Date Posted: Monday, October 05, 2015, 10:50: pm

I did a Regions bank this morning. They only had four tellers. Lauren the branch manager let me use her office. She filled out her paper work. She said I will take both the flu and DTAP. She watched as I drew up the two shots. That looks like a longer needle you just put on that one. I said yes this one goes deep in your butt muscle. She walked over to the end of her desk and said you might as well give me both in my butt and unzipped her slacks and pushed them down below her hips. She had a tiny black thong. I gave her the shots and placed bandaids on the spot. I will send your next girl. Amy your next. No sore arms she told her and she patted her butt and walked out. Amy came in and saw the two shots. I take it these go in my butt. She unzipped her slacks and pulled them down and her panties. I gave her the flu shot shot and she said I barely felt that one. When I poked her other cheek she said wow now that one I felt. Amiee came in next and unzipped her slacks and pulled down her red jeans baring her small white butt. She stood there squeezing her butt cheeks saying I am used to getting shots in my butt. I used to get penicillin shots all the time. Just give me a good smack before you poke me each time. Each time I slapped her white butt it turned bright red. The last girl Summer came in and she was the youngest of them all. She was white as a ghost. She had on a short red mini dress and bots. I told her to lean over the desk and flipped up her dress and to find out she was not wearing any panties. She had a rose tattoo on each cheek. I said you let some one stick you cute little butt hundreds of times yet you are afraid of two needles. Each time I poked her in one of her dimple she let out a cry. I took my fingers and slowly massaged her firm bottom for a few minutes. I flipped down her dress and she said if you want to come by tonight after I get off work you can take me to dinner and then give me another massage. I was kinda of enjoying it. heck yeah I told her. Just leave your panties off. As she was about to walk out she flipped up her dress and laughed.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Gary RN
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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 10:28: am

I was at a child care center yesterday to give their staff flu shots. The receptionist was the really hot looking blonde. She was wearing a green top, really tight pair of green jeans and high heels. She was going around getting the different staff so they could get their shots. At the end I asked the director if everyone was done and she said I think so. I mentioned the recptionist and she said Ginger needs both. She was not to happy when she came into the room. I gave her the forms to fill out as I drew up both shots. I then instructed her she needed to loosen her jeans. I suggested she might want to take off her high heels which she did. I then pulled down her jeans to mid thigh and then her mint green panties. She had a lightly tanned firm butt. I told her bend over the desk. I ran my hand acorss her left cheek, giving her firm cheek a pinch and darted the 21g needle into her bottom and injected. Afterward I took my fingers and rubbed her hip. I then picked up the sceond syringe and uncapped the 20g needle and grabbed a handful of her right cheek and placed the needle deep in her butt muscle and injected. Afterward I rubbed her cheek a few moments. She asked me to keep rubbing her bottom. I told her she had a really cute butt and she told me as she pulled up her panties and jeans well come by tonight and you can give my bottom another longer massage.

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Date Posted: Monday, October 26, 2015, 09:34: pm

I was a a school today giving teachers DTAP injections. I had four of them today. One by one they stepped into the nurses office and closed the door. I told them that it hurts a lot less in the hip. The first teacher was 22 and was dressed like a cat for Halloween. She laid down and I pulled down her black tights revealing her rock solid bare bottom. No panties. She jumped as soon as I put the 20g needle deep in her hip and injected. I took my time rubbing it into her muscle. The next teacher came in who was 30. She said I am going to run after this so if you don't mind I am going to change out of this dress. She came out a few minutes later in a tank top, thong and socks. She laid down on the bed. The back of her thong was up her butt. I took aim at the dimple in her left cheek and put the needle in and injected. She got up and said going for a run to work it into that muscle. I watched as she slipped into her red nylon running shorts. The third teacher was in her 50's so no big deal there. The last was a 24 year old outside who was shaking she was so scared. She was wearing a black and orange dress with boots. I told her to lie face down and i pulled up her dress above her waist. She had on a pair of Halloween panties which I pulled down exposing her half tanned butt cheeks. I grabbed a handful of her right butt cheek and just kept squeezing it until she relaxed and then plunged the needle into her hip and waited for her to relax and slowly injected. afterward I just let her lay there and I rubbed her bottom for while. I finally pulled up her panties and helped her up. Am I the last and I told her she was. Well I think you should take me for an ice cream after that shot. Needless to say we went for an ice cream and I would up at her house with her across my lap enjoying rubbing her bare bottom for the next few hours. I told her due to her build that he hip might be sore for a day or two. She said well I know where to get ahold of your for more tender care.

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Date Posted: Thursday, October 29, 2015, 11:28: am

I was at a bank yesterday doing flu shots and I had two tellers who said they wanted the flu and DTAP shots. We went into the bank managers office. I gave them the papers to fill out. Tori finished her papers first and I told her The DTAP goes deep in your butt muscle so I am going to give both of these in your butt one in each cheek. I told her to undo her slacks and bend over the end of the desk. I pulled down her slacks to to mid thigh and then her hose. next I pulled down her bikini panties. her friend watchedas as I grabbed a handful of her left cheek and squeezed it a few times and then I put the needle in her butt up to the hub making her jump and then I slowly injected. I pulled the needle out and rubbed her bottom and rubbed her bottom. I wiped a spot on the right cheek and darted her one more time making her jump and slowly injected. I put bandaids on both of her butt cheeks and then I rubbed then a little while. I plulled up her panties and she pulled up her hose and slacks. Her friend said did those hurt. No not really. he gives a good shot. They why did you jump? Tori said when you get a sharp object stuck in your ass you will jump too. They both laughed. Now get over Tori told her and show the man that cute ass of yours. Tori was taller, had long blonde hair down to her waist. She was wearing a short red dress with knee high boots. She leaned over the table and I pulled up her dress above her waist. She had on a really small pair of red bikini panties which I pulled down. Her butt muscle was very small, round and firm. I patted her butt cheek making it giggle. She tensed right up. I then slapped her left cheek once and quickly poked her and injected. There one down. Did you feel it. No just your hand across my ass. Do that again please so I don't feel this one. Once again I slapped her right cheek and poked and gave her the injection. I rubbed her firm little ass for a few minutes working the medicine into her cheeks. I slipped up her panties. Whew that shot in the right cheek I can feel now. I told her to lean over and I grabbed a handful of her right cheek and massaged it a little longer. She stood up and said it feels a lot better.

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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 04, 2015, 04:02: pm

I went to a Kinder care to give four of their staff their DTAP shots. I had been there earlier in the day and gave the older women their shots in their hip as it hurts a lot less there. The four girls were college students. The director placed me in the lounge and sent the first girl in. She came in and closed the door. She saw the four shots laid out and said I have to get all four of those. I said no just one. She said they sure do look like big needles. I told her they were long because it went deep in the butt muscle. I told her to lie down on the couch and loosen her jeans. I hate shots. Its been a real long time since I got one in the butt and she pulled down her tight jeans. I pulled down her bikini panties exposing her tight bottom. I pinched her left cheek and darted the needle deep in her hip and gave her the shot. I rubbed the site and slipped up her panties. Not bad. I barely felt that. Her friend was out side and she said its a butt shot. He's good did not hurt. She came in and I oltd her to lie down on her stomach and slipped down her tight spandex pants. She was not wearing any underwear. She too had a tight little butt with a dimple in each cheek. The third girl came was a little heavy and she just pulled down her sweat pants and I gave her the shot. The last girl came in was the cutiest of the four. She closed the door and said I am a big chicken when getting shots. I asked how old hse was and she said 18. I said well Summer this goes in your hip. So go ahead and lay down. I flipped up her black skirt and pulled down her hose and her purple panties. I told her to point her toes inward and then I rubbed her left cheek and then darted the needle in her hip and slowly injected. I barely felt that she said as I continued to rub her hip. I was told I have one more to do tomorrow her sister. I am not going to tell her, just surprise her.

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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 06:53: pm

I was at a bank today and there was a new teller there I had not seen before. She was a cute blonde with long blonde hair down to her butt. She was wearing a tight red skirt and long sleeve blouse and boots. The manager came out of the cage and saw me. Hey there I see you have met our newest girl Autumn. She needs both of the shots if you have them with you. Well I am on my way to another bank so she is lucky I do. I went out to the truck and got my bag and came back in. You can use my office again. She waited onm a few customers and came in. I gave her the forms to fill out. I hate shots. Its been a while since I had one. They make your arms sore. Well these two are going in your bottom. She stopped writing and looked at me. The DTAP will make your arm sore for 8-10 days sometimes. She was white as a ghose. She filled out the papers and stood up. I told her to unzip her skirt which she did and she let it fall to the floor. She looked so cute standing there in her blouse boots and her tiny red thong. I told her to lean over the table and I grabbed a handful of her firm left butt cheek and gave it a couple of squeezes and put the needle in her hip making her jump and injected. ALl done. That was not bad. I then grabbed a handful of her right cheek and uncapped the needle and placed it in her other cheek and slowly injected. Ow!Ow! ALmost done and then pulled out the needle and rubbed her hip a few moments. I placed bandaids on her sites and she pulled up her skirts. Your good. That was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Next time I need a shot I am looking for you.

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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 08:11: am

I was in the student activities center last evening holding a clinic. These three very cute girls came in telling me that they needed to get a DTAP booster or they were going to be restricted from attending classes. I gave them the forms to fill out. The blonde girl had this cute little sock hat on. I told her to lie face down on the couch in the room. They all looked at and I said this goes deep in your butt. I pulled down her white sweat pants and panties baring her tight butt. I uncapped the needle and darted her in the left cheek and injected as her friends watched. Her two friends said did you see how long that needle was and he put it all in your ass. I rubbed her hip a few minutes and pulled up her pants. The next girl laid down and I pulled down her sweats and her panties. She tensed up her cheeks as I wiped a spot. I swatted her bare bottom twice and then darted and injected. Wow! MY butt is still stinging from your hand across my butt, but I didn't even feel the shot. The last girl laid down and I bared her bottom. She said smack me before you stick me. I slapped her left cheek and grabbed a handful of her small cheek pinched and put the needle in her butt and injected. I was putting a bandiad on her site and the blonde said I fill cheated as I did not get spanked. I told her to come over and I pulled down her pants and her thong. I then slapped her one on each of her lovely butt cheeks. We have one more friend Jessie who is coming in later. I told her she will get the same treatment.

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Date Posted: Friday, November 13, 2015, 01:49: pm

I was at work this moring unpacking boxes this morning and I cut my finger with a box cutter. My new boss took me to the Express clinic up the street and I had to get five stitches. We were just getting to walk out when the doctor yelled out wait a minute you are going to need a tetanus booster. Go back to the room and I will send the nurse in. My boss says I will wait for you out here. You can stay with me. I hate shots. I think it goes in your butt. Well I am 21 and still freak out when getting shots. Iv'e seen you looking at my butt while I am working. I have to admit you do have a cute butt he told me. My unlucky day is your lucky day. The nurse came in carrying a small syringe. He said this goes in your butt. I said ok. I unzipped my jeans and turned around and pulled them down. I saw my boss looking at my red panties which said spank me. The nurse pulled them down to mid thigh. He watched as the nurse jammed the needle in my butt making me yell out and injected. The nurse tells him you might want to rub her butt a moment and put the bandaid on. I've got another patient to see. He came over and started rub my bare hip for a few minutes before pulling up my panties. Without any warning he slapped me three times across my bare bottom. I was shocked at first and then he said well your panties said spank me so I did. We both laughed as I pulled up my jeans.

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Boyfriend RN
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Date Posted: Saturday, November 14, 2015, 09:52: pm

My new girlfriend on three weeks who is a bank teller was getting out of her car and slipped on some frozen ice. She called me and asked me to drive her to hospital. I looked at her left wrist which was swollen and she had some abrasions to both her knees. I took her into to triage and got her vitals and ordered a x-ray of her wrist. I'm a mess she said. You probably think I am a clutz. We got to get those hose off and clean your abrasions. When was your last tetanus I asked her? I don't know. Tonight I told her. It turned out she only had a bad sprain. I had her sitting on the exam table. I took off her boots and told her we were going to need to get the hose off. Well you are going to have to help me since I only have one hand to use at the moment. She got off the table and turned around and I helped her pull up her black and white dress above her waist. I pulled down her hose exposing her cute firm tanned butt in a very tiny pair of red bikini panties. I took my time pulling off her knees and the rest of the way off. I cleaned off both of her knees, applied ointment and dressings. I slipped on a pair of booties and her boots. I came back a few minutes later with the tetanus shot. Where does that go she asked me. I one of those cute butt cheeks of yours. Your choice. can we do this at my apartment. I don't handle shots very well. She signed her chart and I drove her back to her apartment. I said are you ready for your shot? I will be right back. She came back in a few minutes wearing a long see through t shirt. I she laid down on the couch and he shirt rode up over her bare butt. I sat next to her and pushed it a little furtehr up exposing all of her butt. I took my time rubbing the alcohol pad across her hip and then darted the 21g needle in her bottom and injected. I spent the next 30 minutes playing with her cute bottom before she got up and showed me the coffee pot and I made us some coffee. I bet you had not pklanned on getting to seemy bare ass so soon and i know I definitely had not planned on getting poked in the butt by you so soon. You do give a good shot she said.

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Date Posted: Monday, November 16, 2015, 07:55: pm

I had to get a tetanus booster today for school. The male nurse came in and closed the door. He was holding a small syringe and alcohol pad and a bandaid in his hand. I asked him where is that going. He said right above your jean pocket. You decide which side he said. I unzipped my jeans and asked how far down. he said well you have a nerve that runs across you hip and I usually have the person fully expose their cheek so I get the right land marks. I pulled them down and my panties and leaned over the end of the exam table. I felt a sluight sting and he was rubbing my butt telling me it was all done. having my butt fully exposed took my mind of getting stabbed in the butt. Painless shot.

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Nick (injection embarrassment)
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Date Posted: Thursday, November 19, 2015, 05:32: pm

Yes, Nicole, bare-bottomed embarrassment can distract one from the shot itself. Perhaps that is why I had to bend over receptionists' laps for my injections well into adolescence. The humiliation of a girl watching me injected in my bare bottom was by far the worst part of the ordeal and successfully distracted me from what the doctor was doing.

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Date Posted: Thursday, November 19, 2015, 06:36: pm

I was working at the store today and one of the groomers has a friend who is a nurse that comes by and gives the staff free flu shots. I told her to have him come see me I was interested. He came in mid morning and I told him we could go into one of the empty offices. He pulls out this syringe and alcohol wipe and bandaid. I am 19 and I freak out out with shots. He pulls my sleeve and tells me this will make your arm sore for 2-3 days especially since you are so thin. He told me it will only hurt for about an hour if I got it in my butt. He uncapped the needle and I looked at it. I said all that goes in my arm. I said ok and I unsnapped my yellow jeans and turned around. He pulled my jeans down below my cheeks. I put my hands across my bottom. He said why dont you lay across my lap which I did and he pulled down my panties. I felt the cold swab as he rub it across my hip. He grabbed a handful of my cheek and plunged the needle into my hip and injected. Of course I squealed shit and he was already massaging the spot where he injected. I have to admit it was a turn on layuing acorss a strangers lap while he squeezed and rubbd my bare butt. I am getting my tetanus shot next week.

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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 04:05: pm

A friend of mine who is a nurse gave me my tetanus shot last night. We went out to dinner and I was wearing my red dress with boots. He said you look hot in that red dress. He said you are going to look even cutier when I pull it up over your awesome bottom and give you your shot. I almost chocked on my food. It goes in my butt. I have not had a shot there since I was a little girl. Larger muscle so it will hurt less. I said are you telling me I have a big butt. NO!. It small and firm but you have more muscle there than you do in your arms. When we got home he laid the syringe on the coffee table while I got us two beers. I was trying to stall when he grabbed me and pulled me acorss his lap. Are you embarrased for me to see your bare butt. NO I don't mind its just getting a needle in my butt that scares the hell out of me. He pulled up my red dress above my waist. I had a really tiny red thong on so all of my entire bottom was fully exposed. He grabbed both cheeks and started squeezing and massaging them. I felt him wipe a spot and then he pinched my butt cheek and stabbed me and was rubbing my bottom. All done. I was really surprised how little it stung. He spent the next 30 minutes just running his hands across my bare butt. I told him anytime I need a shot in the butt you are giving it to me. Well you do need your flu shot so how about next week. OK I guess so.

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Date Posted: Monday, November 30, 2015, 10:32: pm

Myself and my two roomates after eating dinner tonight dinner tonight went back to our dorm. The floor RA was waiting for us. He said girls the nurse is here to give your tetanus booster or you are going to be suspended until you get it. Damn it you finally caught up with us Jenna said. We stepped into our room and closed the door. The nurse said okay which of you three is going first. Jenna was next to the bed so he told her to unzip her jeans and lay face down. We all three looked at hom and he said this will hurt a lot less in your butt and then showed us the long needle. Jenna unzipped her jeans and pulled them down. We watched as he pinched her butt cheek 2 times and darted the needle up to the hub in her butt and injected. He rubbed the spot a few moments and she got up. Your good she said. I barely even felt it. I laid down and pulled down my spandex pants and panties. I felt him pinch my butt cheek and then flinced as he put the needle in my hip and injected. Amy was the last and she laid down and barely pulled down her sweats. He grabbed them and pulled them down to her knees with her panties. He told her on three but put the needle in her butt on one and injected. Hey that was not fair. You said on three but poked me on one. We all laughed and aid any way you were getting it in your butt. The nurse left and we laughed and joked about the expressions each of us made when our bottoms were bared and when he poked us.

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 03, 2015, 12:14: pm

My twin sister and I went to the college health clinic to get our tetanus booster yesterday. When we arived the nurse had us sign in and then took us back to a treatment room. He took out two small syringes and put needles on them. Okay he wants to go first. I said I guess I can and started to pull up my sleeve on my sweater. I can give this to you in your arm and it will be very sore for a week or so or you can bend over and get it in your butt and within the hour you will not even know you had it. I leaned over the end of the gurney and asked how far down do you need me to go. He grabbed my spandex pants and pulled them down past to mid thigh. He made the comment you are the 8 or 9th one in those pants to come in and not have any panties on. My boyfriend likes the way they cling to my butt. I placed my hand firmly on her cheek, pinched a handful of her muscle and plunged the needle up to the hub in her hip and injected. My sister Beth said, shit girl he just put that long needle all the way in your ass. He was massaging the site and I told her he is good. I really didnt even feel the stick. Beth came over and leaned over and he pulled down her pant too and her red and green Christmas tree panties. He swatted her on her tight butt saying look at you. You have a rose pedal on each of your butt cheeks. She said I was really drunk when I did that. He swatted her firmly on her left cheek and poked and gave her the shot. Her white butt was red from where he slapped her. Did you feel it. No my butt is sting stinging from his hand across my bare butt. He distracted you. he pulled up her panties and pants. So I decided to have a litte fun and asked him who had the cutier butt. He said that is a hard decision. Both of you had a very cute butt. Hers with the rose pedals and your half tanned cheeks.

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Date Posted: Friday, December 18, 2015, 09:18: am

I am a teacher and had to get my DTAP updated and my friend told me that he could give it to me. We went out to dunner and then over to his apartment. I took off my coat. I noticed the syringe and alcohol swab were on the counter. I started to rub my arm and said I guess I am ready for a sore arm. I was surprised when he took me in his arms and grabbed my left butt cheek and said sorry Laura but it goes right here in your bottom. he took me across his lap on the couch and flipped up my sweater above my waist. Are you ready he asked? I guess so. He pulled down my spandex black pants do to mid thigh. Wow! You have one cute firm bottom as he grabbed both of my cheeks and gave them a squeeze. Which side he asked? I said you can choose, just don't hurt me. He ran his hands lightly acros my left hip for the next few moments, told me a joke that made me laugh and poked and me and gave me the shot. He then spent the next few minutes just massaging my bare bottom. As he was pulling up my pant he noticed I was not wearing any panties. All this time you have been walking around no panties on. This morning he came by to take me to work. I was wearing my short red dress he really likes with a pair of boots. I asked him if I still needed the baidaid and he said no. I told him he could remove it and surprised him when he pulled up my dress that once again I was not wearing any panties. He pulled off the bandaid and I handed him my red thong and had him help me slip into it.

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Date Posted: Monday, December 28, 2015, 11:37: am

This young girl came in for her college physical with her boyfriend. At the end of the exam the doctor said she needed a DTAP booster. I asked her if she wanted her friend to stay or leave. She asked why. Well the injection gord in your bottom. You are going to need to loosen your jeans and lay flat on the exam table. She undid her buckel and unzipped them and pulled them down as she laid down on the exam table. She looked over her should at him and said do you like what you see. She was wearing a tiny green pair of panties with reindeer on them exposing her firm white butt. I told her to point her toes inward and then pinched her left cheek and darted the needle in her hip and injected. I pulled out the needle and told him to massage the area a few moments. He walked over and started to rub her left hip. After a few minutes he stopped and she pulled up her panties and stood up pulling up her jeans. Don't worry honey when we get home you are going to get plenty of time to rub my bare bottom. Your hand on my bare bottom felt so good. She looked at me when her boyfriend stepped out and said finally I might have his attention. he is so timid around me and I think it actually turned him on seeing my bare bottom.This was one butt shot I didn't mind getting.

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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 13, 2016, 09:39: pm

I have this 20 year old hot blonde in my class. She is always flirting with me whenever we do practicals. When we did practice on lung sounds she was always willing to let me use her as a model. Well this week we started practicing IM injections. I told her we would be practicing deltoid, thigh and gluteal. Arm, thigh and butt. She turned white. I gave her two injections one in each arm and then she gave me one in each arm. I then told her okay you need to drop those tight jeans of yours. Wait can we just skip this p art. Not if you want to graduate. I then said okay and I pulled down my jeans and shorts. I told her just stick it in and pointed to the site. I stood up for the first and bent over for the second. I then pullked mu my jeans and drew up two syringes. She had tears in her eyes and was really shaking. I asked her now when I gave you the shots in your arm did they hurt. NO. Well it is no different in your bottom. You have a little more muscle there. Are you afraid to bare your bottom? NO and she unzipped her jeans and pulled them off. She was wearing a yellow pair of bikini panties that only covered half her butt cheeks. I pulled them down and patted her firm bottom. I pulled across my lap and said here goes the first one and plunged it deep in her hip and injected. Wow! That stings a little. I told her to stand up and then I had her hold on to the desk and flex her right leg. This time I used a 20g needle and gave her the second injection in her other cheek. Afterward we spent the next hour rubbing eacj other bare butt. I told her at graduation she would get two more saline injections. I hated to see her put her jeans back on. That is a perk in this job.They all have to practice and I get to choose who will give me a shot.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Bob A
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Date Posted: Monday, January 18, 2016, 05:18: pm

When I was a young boy, the nurse pulled my pants and underwear down just past my butt. In the hospital I have received shots when I was naked under a gown and when I was wearing pajamas. With the pajamas, the nurse told me to unsnap and roll over onto my side, then she pulled them down about half way down my butt.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Alyssa and Ashley
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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 05:43: pm

We went to get our college physicals today. The doctor came in did the quick exam and said you guys are good to go after the nurse comes in an gives you your FLU and DTAP boosters. We are both 18 and the thought of getting a shot was not in the picture. The nurse comes in and he is carrying four syringes. Two small and two larger ones. Who has had a DTAP shot before? How about tetanus? We both grab our arms and said yes. Well he is a little trick you might not know. Do you guys run or walk. We both responded we run our the track at Gold's. To keep from gtting the sore achy arm you should consider getting it in your bottom. larger muscle and as you run/walk you work it into the muslce and then you have no pain. We both sat there and looked at each other. We did rock,paper and scissors and Ashley lost. She laid face down on the gurney. She unbuttoned her jeans and he pulled them down below her cheeks and then came down her panties. I laughed and she looked at me remember your are coming down too. I watched as he took this long yellow syringe and stuck up to the hub in her butt and injected. He pulled it out and using his fingers began to rub it into her muscle. He started to clean the other cheek and said since I got both cheeks and placed another needle in her other cheek and injected. She got up after he put two bandaids on her bottom and pulled up her panties and jeans. Not bad she said. I was fumbling with my button and zipper and laid down and my jeans were pulled down followed by my bikini panties. Just as he stuck the first needle in my right cheek my sister said thats a long needle he just shoved in your ass. It didn't hurt. Knowing I was getting the second needle made me tense. He said you had better relax or this will hurt more. MY sister gave me a hard slap to my bare butt and he quickly put the seond needle in my butt. He laughed and said you actually helped her. I bet you never even felt the needle go in. I sure didn't. My ass is still stinging from her hand. I should have done that to her he said. I am not afraid and Ashley bared her butt and he gave her one hard whack on each of her bare cheeks.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Saturday, June 25, 2016, 11:34: pm

It just depends on the nurse . I had one nurse that came in to the room said she had 2 shots one goes in ur arm and one in the hip. She just pushed my jeans down a little and stuck me that hurt . Another time the nurse was in her mid 30s she walked in said got 2 shots for you and they both are going in ur butt so I need u to stand up and drop ur paints and turn around and lean on the table for me . She walked over and put the shots down I looked over at my wife who was smiling from the sound of shots . So I stood up undid my jeans and pulled them down underwear and all to the bottom of my butt making sure everything was exposed then turned around . The nurse had me to stand on one leg at a time shots didn't even hurt told her she did a great job and thanked her she said she in joyed her job and liked giving shots lol . We got out side my wife popped me on the butt said I don't think she meant to pull ur jeans all the way down exposing ur penis too. But she said that it got her attention she liked it !

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

David RN
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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 11:46: pm

My sister and two of her friends needed to get their tetanus shots for college. She called her friends and told them to come over. I had all 3 syringes lying on the coffee table. My sister walked over to the back of the couch aShe was wearing this short grey dress. panties. Both girls were wide eyed as I slapped her right cheek and stabbed her in the butt. I pulled out the needle and rubbed it into her muscle. She told Tori your turn. She was wearing this short grey dress. I flipped up her dress exposing her well tanned bare butt. Commando I said? I like it when my dress klings to my ass and I see the boys looking at me as I walk by. I slapped her on her left cheek and put the needle deep in her butt and injected. She dropped down her dress and walked back over to the couch. Remi the last girl came over. She slowly unzipped her tight white shorts. When she bent over I tugged down her white shorts and her white panties. She could not have weighed more than 100 pounds. I pinched a handful of her butt cheek and one of my fingers slipped up her butt. I just pinched her muscle, darted and injected. She said I think I just got a rectal with my injection. I apologized and she said no problem it distracted me.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Saturday, August 27, 2016, 09:15: pm

What "Mom" wrote (8-18-15) reminded me of something a teacher told the class once. Some of us had to get shots for something and they called us out of the room one by one. We were pretty nervous. Although our shot was in the arm, he told us how they did it in the Army. You dropped your shorts, bent over and the doctor or nurse slapped your butt hard and immediately gave the injection. He said the slap made the muscle relaxed.

Today they'd be charged with assault.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Lucas Gerardo González
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Date Posted: Sunday, August 28, 2016, 09:38: am

When I was five I got a injection in my butt, it was a vaccine and I was very scared. The nurse took of my pants and left me nude waist down, and I took of my t shirt too so I was completely nude. When the doctor poked me I started to cry and cry because it hurts too much.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, October 17, 2016, 07:29: pm

In the place where I live, butt injections are usually given in horizontal position and medical staff rarely expect anything more than exposing the very site of the injection. Even though it is theoretically encouraged to expose the whole buttock for practical reasons of finding a proper (ie. safe) injection location. As regards the injections that I received or I gave or observed being given, the usual practice was to expose whole buttocks or even a little more. Those were rather young or very young people, including myself. Most of them obviously didn't care much that in some cases also their penises or pubic hair of both sexes were more or less exposed. Anyway, I liked it too :)

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, July 24, 2017, 04:48: pm

As a young boy, I didn't wear briefs. I wore one piece unionsuits. These were usually short sleeve, short legged knit underwear with vertical flap in the back. For shots I usually just pulled my pants down and opened the flap and bent over. One nurse always told me to unbutton the front and pull everything down.

I went into the hospital when I was six and wore only a gown. I got shots every day and I lay on my stomach with the gown completely open in back. Everybody in the ward had to do the same and we all got a view of each other's bare bum. When I was in the hospital again when I was eleven, I wore my own pajamas. The nurse would come in and pull the covers back and tell me to pull my bottoms down to my knees and roll over.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Sunday, July 30, 2017, 08:38: am

Last night as I was closing the bar I cut my hand on a glass and I had to go to the ER for stitches. It hurt like hell when they injected the lidocaine in my fingers. I got 7 stitches in my fingers. The nurse asked me when my last tetanus was and I said I don't remember. I said that will be tonight. He came back in the room a few minutes later carrying a small syringe. He said go ahead and loosen your jeans. I unzipped them and turned around. How far down.He pulled them down past my thighs and I was standing their with my half tanned butt cheeks completely exposed. He gave each of my butt cheeks a squeeze and said which side. I said the right cheek. I felt him massage it a few times and then a poke and then he worked it into my butt muscle. I told him he had to kiss it which he surprised me when he did and he followed it with a hearty slap to my opposite cheek.He assisted me in pulling up my jeans. It was one of the most painless injections I have ever received.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 01, 2017, 02:36: pm

I get about 2 or 4 shots a year . Most of the time I just wait for the nurse to tell me what to do . They usual walk in the room close the door behind them say i have 2 shot and they both go in the bottom , hip or the butt . I stand up and if they don't direct me to what they want me to do I just undo my jeans and pull my jeans and underwear down mid thigh . Exposing myself as I turn around

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, August 07, 2017, 01:43: pm

Last night at work I cut my hand on printer at work. The ER doctor told my friend the triage nurse that he could dermabond my finger and to give me a DTAP. He wrapped my finger. We had several more patients to triage. I had to add more paper to the printer and I bent over put the paper in the drawer. When I stood back up I stretched and I saw him looking at my butt. He said Mackenzie I know exactly where I am going to give you the shot. I said where? Right in one of those tight dimples on your butt. Does it hurt more there or my arm. As you walk you work it into your muscle. The only pain is for me exposing that awesome bottom of yours. I took her into one of the treatment rooms and unfastened the zipper in the side of her slacks and pulled down her slacks exposing her half tanned cheeks. No panties. I grabbed a handful of her butt cheek gave it a few squeezes and put the 21g needle deep in her muscle making her twitch and then slowly injected. After I slowly worked it onto her muscle and gave her a firm swat on her bare butt before helping her fasten her slacks. Wow that was the best shot in my ass I have ever had. Next time I am coming for you.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Tommy A
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Date Posted: Monday, December 04, 2017, 03:01: pm

The farthest pulled down was actually a case of “fell down”. I was wearing yoke front boxers which have to unsnapped and when you unsnap they fall to your ankles. I have also had shots when I was wearing a hospital gown as a patient. When I was a little kid in the hospital I cried every time they asked me to roll over because I thought I was going to get a shot even when it was just to take my temperature.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Friday, January 05, 2018, 11:13: am

I was in the ER this morning with my boyfriend. We went fishing and I got a hook in my hand. I was surprised how easy it was for the doctor to remove it from my hand. It really did not hurt at all. He said all you need now is the tetanus shot and you will be on your way. My boyfriend said that goes in your bottom. More muscle and you arm will not be sore. When the nurse came back she said go ahead and lower your jeans and bend over. I unfastened them and barely pulled them down. Sorry got to have more cheek than that. She pulled them down to my thigh along with my panties. My boyfriend had his eyes on my bare butt which I soon forgot as she placed the needle in my butt and injected. Felt like a bee sting. As I slipped up my panties and shorts I made the comment well did you like what you saw. Absolutely he said as he squeezed my cheek. Looking forward to working it into your muscle when we get home.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, March 29, 2018, 09:07: am

I had to go get a tetanus shot for my new job. I went to the Med Fast near the office. I got there just as they were leaving for lunch. The male nurse gave me some paper work to fill out and told me to come back to the first room on the left. As I walked in I saw him attaching a needle to this small syringe. He told me to lie on my stomach on the exam table. He sand said look like that bee just stung you in your butt cheek. aid you can slide your sun dress up to your waist. I had worn my bubble bee panties which i barely pulled down. he grabbed them and slipped them down exposing all of my bottom. Its ben a long time since I got a needle in my ass. he took the alcohol swab and wiped it across my left cheek. Then he placed his hand firmly on my cheek, squeezed and poked me giving me the injection. Then he slowly worked into my muscle. He slowly pulled up my panties.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

ER Nurse
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Date Posted: Sunday, April 08, 2018, 09:06: am

Yesterday I got a 18 year old cheerleader who was being thrown up in the air breaking her and was dropped breaking her ankle. I took off her shoe an sock. Our policy is that everyone gets medicated for pain for fractures within 10 minutes. I gave her a motrin and when she came back I had her lie on her stomach with her leg up in the air so I could splint it. She said it was really hurting so the doctor ordered morphine and Zofran. I flipped up the bottoms of her cheer leader outfit. I told her she was getting one in each hip. She barely even exposed any of her bottom so I helped and pulled them down to mid thigh exposing her firm white bottom. She cried out as the first needle pierced her hip and I injected. I placed my hand on her other cheek and pinched and placed the last needle deep in her butt and injected. Her mom came in just as I was finishing with the splint. I had her sit up and fitted her for the crutches. She stood up and grabbed her bottom. You made my butt sore. The mom laughed. Funny mom. I just poked 2 shots in my butt. Oh honey remember how you laughed at me when I had to get that shot in my butt last month. carma is a bitch

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

BJ boy
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Date Posted: Sunday, April 15, 2018, 01:30: pm

I now have in my medical records that ALL injections are given in my butt. After former arm injections that all seemed to hurt so much, I requested the above, even including my annual flu shot.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Sunday, April 15, 2018, 06:18: pm

I have done the same.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

ER Nurse
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Date Posted: Saturday, April 21, 2018, 12:41: am

I was moonlighting in the first aid shack on the beach yesterday when these two girls show up and they had run into a family of jelly fish. They had whelps legs. their stomach. I made up a batch of the meat tenderizer and applied it to their stomachs. I started to apply it to their thighs and I noticed it was on the back of their legs. Both of them had rock solid bodies. I untied Emma's bottoms and let them fall to the ground. I applied the paste to her thighs and bottom portion of her butt cheeks. I went over to Whitley and pulled off her bikini bottoms and applied the paste to her thighs and butt cheeks. I drew up 125 mg solumedrol and 50mg Benadryl. Wiped the paste off Whitley bottom and said okay one shot in each cheek and poked the first 20g needle into her butt making her scream out. I picked up her second syringe and jabbed her one more time making her scream out again. Emma was looking terrified as i walked over to her. SHe leaned over and I grabbed a handful of her firm ass and my finger slipped up her butt and I poked her making her scream out too. Stop it is burning she said. I picked up the last syringe and plunged it deep in her other cheek and injected. Both of them were limping holding their little butt cheeks. I had them bend over and I slowly worked it into their firm little butt cheeks. After about 20 minutes I helped them back into their bottoms. poor girls I don't think they will in the ocean again anytime soon.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

Fake Patrol
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Date Posted: Thursday, May 10, 2018, 07:17: pm

This entire thread with a few exceptions is the same author using different names. Either that or else there are a lot of people with the same name who have exactly the same writing style, and remember ridiculous amounts of details. Thanks for all the fiction, but from now on just use the same name and give your stories titles and tell us they are fictional accounts. Most people with a brain can tell they are anyway.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Friday, May 11, 2018, 09:08: pm

Agree totally with you. This has been going on for years. I wonder why others have not noticed this. It's always 2 young girls, never guys, never older and heavier women. Same story ad nauseam. This person uses a host of names and thinks he is fooling people (maybe some). A real nurse would also never comment that someone has a cute ass. They are in the business for medical purposes. If he just prefaced his stories with the word fantasy it could be somewhat acceptable.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 06:18: pm

Yes, fiction should be labelled as such. I have been criticised for comments about getting injections in my youth across the lap of a receptionist/medical assistant but at least I was the patient and that really happened although I admit fantasising about it in retrospect to the effect of wanting to relive that experience as an adult.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, June 21, 2018, 08:50: am

I had to get a penicillin shot yesterday for strep throat. I am leaning over the exam table and I pulled my shorts down a a little. he says that will not work I need you bottom totally exposed. He pulled down my shorts and panties exposing my bottom. I sore forgot as he stuck that large needle in my butt and started pushing that cold medicine in my hip. He pulled out the needle and I got to see how large that needle was as he worked the medicine into my hip. He told me I have nerve that runs across my butt cheek and he wanted to make sure he had the right land mark. My butt ached all day from that shot but I do feel better today.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Sunday, July 01, 2018, 09:53: am

I had to go to the ER yesterday after coming into contact with poison ivy. The nurse came in carrying a couple of syringes. He told me one was decadron and the other solumedrol. He told me to loosen my jeans and to bend entire butt. the exam table. My boyfriend was sitting in the room. I slipped my jeans down just exposing the top of my butt cheeks. The next thing I know my jeans were pulled down to mid thigh and my panties are pulled down exposing my entire butt. At first I was embarrassed about standing there bent over with my butt fully exposed to a stranger and my boyfriend. I soon forgot about it as the first needle was stuck in my butt and he injected the medication which burned liked hell.I stood up holding my butt cheek. he said one more to go. MY boyfriend walked over and held my hand as I got the last shot which hurt just as much. Then the nurse worked the medication into my hips before I pulled up my panties and jeans.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, July 02, 2018, 09:53: pm

We are all very certain that this really happened. For goodness sake think of a different fantasy.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 09:53: pm

haha I remember this well.

I was 17 and had a bad cold. I usually didn't go to the dr. for a cold, but this wouldn't go away and I had already missed some school because of it, so my Mom took me to the dr. I usually went in alone for physicals, but if I was sick, she came in with me.

The dr. examined me and told me to wait there, the nurse would be in in a minute.

She came in and drew up two syringes. I had no idea where they were going to go, but quickly enough, she told me to let down my pants and shorts and bend over the end of the end of the table.

My mom was sitting right beyond the end of the table ugh.

I let my pants down and lowered my undies to about mid butt and bent over. The nurse told me to stand with my feet apart and toes pointing inward. Unfortunately, I was wearing boxers and they slid all the way down on their own, giving my mom and the nurse a full view of my behind (which wasn't the worst thing), but I knew they could see everything between my legs like that.

The ride home was a bit uncomfortable and it wasn't because of a sore bottom lol, which tbh, while getting the injections hurt a bit, I really wasn't sore after.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 03, 2019, 03:41: pm

i had a similar thing happens to me when i had a bad sinus infection. i was in my mid 20's. i was wearing boxer shorts, too, and had these heavy cargo shorts on over them. when the nurse was about to give me my shots i guess i let my shorts go and they pushed my boxer shorts all the way down to the floor. i had my shirt off still so i was pretty naked. i received two shots, also. one was a steroid and it was not too bad. the other was an antibiotic and it was a larger shot and it did hurt for a couple days.

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[> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 06:47: pm

I had to get a shot in my ass when I was 16, and the doc was very specific in instructing me to pull my pants and underpants down to mid-thigh level and then bend over the table.

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