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Subject: Re: Shots in the butt making a comeback?

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Date Posted: Friday, May 04, 2018, 05:00: pm
In reply to: Bum stick 's message, "Shots in the butt making a comeback?" on Friday, May 04, 2018, 06:47: am

Ouch man i onow tbe feeling got do many NEEDLES in the ass growong up.would be cool if we could talk share a few stories..i had tbe ass pain will never forget it.leave email if u wanna chat.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Shots in the butt making a comeback?

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Date Posted: Thursday, July 05, 2018, 09:23: am

I just started a job and I had to go get my tetanus booster updated. I went to the med fast down the road where I knew a friend that worked there. he was at the front desk when I walked in and he took me to the back where I filled out the immunization form. He came back in the room and closed the door. I started to raise up my sleeve and he said this will make that arm sore or you can get it in your bottom and it will not hurt. I leaned over the exam table and he flipped up my short red dress. Then he pulled down my hose and panties. I flinched as he poked me in my butt and gave me the injection. He was right my butt never did hurt.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Shots in the butt making a comeback?

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 09:23: am

A friend of mine is a ER nurse and I went to see him after my cat scratched my leg and it was getting red and swollen.
He said I am afraid you are going to need some antibiotics and a tetanus booster. He said I am going to clean it and apply some bacitracin. He had me lie down on the gurney on my stomach. He pulled up the bottom of my red shorts so that the shorts would not get wet. He tucked in a chux under my shorts. He said the doctor ordered a gram of ancef and tetanus. He said I will be right back. He came back carrying 2 shots. He removed the chux and said okay now for the bad pacheek ese two shots need to go deep in your butt muscle. I unsnapped my button on the shorts. He pulled down my shorts and panties. He placed his hand on my left cheek, pinched it and gave me the tetanus shot. Afterward he slowly worked it into my muscle. Thyen he picked up the next larger syringe. He said this is going to sting a little more. Then I felt a much sharper sting as he stuck me in the right cheek. At first I did not really feel anything but as he pulled out the needle it began to burn. He slowly worked it into my until the pain finally subsided. I got up still rubbing my butt slipped up my panties and shorts. He said is it still hurting? I said yes. He said I can work it in a little more if you need me too. Without hesitation I lowered my shorts and leaned over the exam table and he slowly massaged my right hip. Today I have no pain and my leg looks a lot better.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Shots in the butt making a comeback?

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Date Posted: Thursday, August 09, 2018, 07:26: pm

I was helping my mom clean up her back yard and I came in contact with some poison ivy. It got on my thighs, low legs and forearms. I tried using over the counter Benadryl but the hives and itching would not go away. I finally went to a Med fast today for some relief. The doctor came in looked at it an said we can fix you right up. The nurse came in carrying three syringes. He said I have some Benadryl, solumedrol decadron for you. Great, three shots and my arm is going to hurt like hell. Not exactly he said. You bottom is going to be a little tender. He tells me I need to lie on my stomach. He pulls down my gym shorts and panties to mid thigh. My instinct is to try to place my hands over my bare butt.Tells me to place my hands at my side and point my toes inward. I flinch as he pokes me with the first needle and injects. As he pulls out the needle my butt begins to burn. before I could say anything he has the second needle in my butt and is injecting with what felt like fire. I have tears in my eyes. I see him pick up the last needle and I beg him to wait. He grabs both of my cheeks and begins to slowly massage them. Your bottom is thin and firm. After five minutes he is still squeezing my one cheek he stabs me for the last time and injects catching me off guard. I laid there another 15 minutes while he continued to work the medication in my butt before he slipped up my panties and shorts. My butt is still hurting so bad.

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