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Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 09:53: pm
In reply to: Chase 's message, "How Far Down?" on Thursday, January 05, 2012, 01:08: pm

haha I remember this well.

I was 17 and had a bad cold. I usually didn't go to the dr. for a cold, but this wouldn't go away and I had already missed some school because of it, so my Mom took me to the dr. I usually went in alone for physicals, but if I was sick, she came in with me.

The dr. examined me and told me to wait there, the nurse would be in in a minute.

She came in and drew up two syringes. I had no idea where they were going to go, but quickly enough, she told me to let down my pants and shorts and bend over the end of the end of the table.

My mom was sitting right beyond the end of the table ugh.

I let my pants down and lowered my undies to about mid butt and bent over. The nurse told me to stand with my feet apart and toes pointing inward. Unfortunately, I was wearing boxers and they slid all the way down on their own, giving my mom and the nurse a full view of my behind (which wasn't the worst thing), but I knew they could see everything between my legs like that.

The ride home was a bit uncomfortable and it wasn't because of a sore bottom lol, which tbh, while getting the injections hurt a bit, I really wasn't sore after.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 03, 2019, 03:41: pm

i had a similar thing happens to me when i had a bad sinus infection. i was in my mid 20's. i was wearing boxer shorts, too, and had these heavy cargo shorts on over them. when the nurse was about to give me my shots i guess i let my shorts go and they pushed my boxer shorts all the way down to the floor. i had my shirt off still so i was pretty naked. i received two shots, also. one was a steroid and it was not too bad. the other was an antibiotic and it was a larger shot and it did hurt for a couple days.

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