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Subject: Painfulll shot

Rashidha (Sad)
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Date Posted: Sunday, March 21, 2021, 11:28: am

I am 18 years old.About three months ago,I got fever.I hate to take injection so I thought to cure it by tablet itself.But it was not cure. Doctor arrived home.He asked about my condition and said to have one injection.I refused.But he said that I had to get it.So he told me to lay on my stomach.i did so.I was in great fear.He prepared the injection with big needle and white colour medicine.I got nervous when he expelled the medicine to remove the air bubbles.Then he take the cotton swab and face towards me.I was in night suit (shirt and pants).I turn and keep my face buried in pillow and kept my hand aside my stomach.He uplift my shirt and lowered my pant and panties upto my mid butt.He further lowered my butt little more.As I was thin there is not much muscles so that he may lowered below middle heart pumps very fast.He swabs my right mid butt with cotton it felt cold.I was in a great tension like when he would end the process of injection.After taking the cotton he asked me how does the online class goes.Just after I said yes he poked fast in exactly mid of my right butt.It felt like the whole needle till the hub was in my mind butt and I jerked lightly.He said it won't pain that's it.With pain I laid hoping that it won't pain after that.Truly after that only the intense stinging starts.He started to push the medicine at first I bit my mouth moaning.After few seconds it started to sting moreeee .I can't keep my leg unshaken.I started to tight my butt and moved the legs with a little scream aahhhhh.Without considering anything he injected casually and said again that's it that's it gonna finished.Finally he take the needle out of my butt and put the cotton in injection site.It stings like helllll.Then he told me to rub otherwise it would get sore.So I rubbed severely it pains like something is in my butt.I can't lift my leg any side.I was in the same position about 15 mins rubbing my butt.As time passed with great difficulty I sat on the bed.And tried to walk so the pain would reduce fastly .I limping while feet can't touch the flour.However when I woke up after a nap the pain is better.There was no pain while walking but there was pain butt while I touch the injection site.

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[> Subject: Re: Painfulll shot

Panku (Excited)
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Date Posted: Saturday, March 27, 2021, 11:11: am

Hi Rasidha

Have u got in front of your brother any time or cousin

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