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Subject: Re: How common were injections in the posterior?

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Date Posted: Friday, November 30, 2012, 07:45: pm
In reply to: Steve 's message, "How common were injections in the posterior?" on Monday, November 19, 2012, 01:43: am

Great replies. I think people, and especially kids, are much more concerned about protecting privacy now than back in the 40s and 50s. I suspect it started to change in the 70s-80s. Still, I had an experience at a clinic set up for hepatitis shots in the early-90s where hundreds of people lined up for shots in the buttocks, and there was no question at all about where the shot was going. Older teens and adults of same sex were seen in semi-private rooms, 4 to 6 at a time. I was pretty shocked when I figured out what was going on, but no one complained about the set up. People did complain about the shot itself, which was pretty huge, and tough for even a good number of adults to handle.

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[> Subject: Re: How common were injections in the posterior?

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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 05, 2012, 08:40: pm

I grew up in the 50s-60s. We got smallpox, several polio, tetanus, and I think DTP (though that may have arrived later.) We didn't routinely get vaccinations against measles or chicken pox as they do now, though I get a shot for measles (I think it was) just after my older sister contracted them. This was not to prevent them, but give me a milder case. Penicillin was also a pretty common prescription and I guess they didn't have the pills then.

The "best" were the oral Polio vaccines which only involved standing in a long line and eating a sugar cube. Smallpox and some of the polio I got in the arm. But most seemed to be in the bottom. Penicillin always seemed to even as a teen. I think this was simply a matter that a child's arm even at 8 is pretty small, a child can jerk his arm out of the way, but not his bottom if he's lying flat, and privacy didn't seem to be a issue.

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