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Subject: Re: magnesium sulfate injection

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Date Posted: Friday, June 14, 2013, 11:06: am
In reply to: Maya 's message, "magnesium sulfate injection" on Thursday, June 13, 2013, 02:09: pm

I too had to go through this in the late 80s when I was pregnant and had Preeclampsia. I remember how big and painful the injections were. I was told that I should have the shots every 4 hours, alternating the pain and soreness in each cheek. For once, a nurse suggested to split the dose and give half of it in each thigh. The pain wa even worse.
I endured this for 3 days before the termination of my pregnancy and for an extra 2 days after that and remember how I cryed and begged the nurses to avoid the sore spots and go slowly. Even the alcohol rubbing before the injection was a pain. I was in tears, just at the tought that I will get a new injection in few hours. I recall how my butts looked like and ached after that, bruised and swallen. I know that most of the centres now use intravenous rather than the old very painful methods.

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[> Subject: Re: magnesium sulfate injection

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Date Posted: Friday, April 04, 2014, 11:36: am

I went through a similar experience with my last pregnancy when I was told that I my blood pressure was getting high and had some protein in urine. My doctor decided that it was time to admit me to hospital before the induction of delivery and started me on these horrible shots of magnesium in the butts. The nurse came in with two big syringes and told me that I will get these shots every 4 to 6 hours one on each side. She asked me to lay on my right side and lowered my pants and rubbed my left cheek with alcohol before jabbing the needle. I felt severe pain along my whole limb as she pushed the liquid in. I was clenching my teeth and starting to cry but she told me to calm down. " you will have to get used to that for the next few days." Once the needle was out she asked me to move to the other side of the bed and turn on the other side. The second needle on the right side was not better, I was almost in tears and was finding it difficult to sleep on my back. 4 hours later I had to endure the same experience...again and again and over the next 2 days with very bruised, hard, sore bottoms. Over the following days, I would start crying when the nurse would knock on the door as I could imagine the pain I would go through. I could hardly move to the bathroom without limping and sitting on the toilet seat was a real pain. I ended up having a CS. The worst was yet to come when I was told that I will have to get antibiotic injections after the surgery "Claforan" twice a day for 5 days. Thanks God that my boy is fine but I left the hospital with very very sore butts and a painful experience I cannot forget.

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