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Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 11:22: am
In reply to: Richard 's message, "Re: Rocephin" on Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 02:47: pm

18g and it was 1.5 inches long

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

Tonya and Jennifer
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Date Posted: Friday, August 02, 2013, 05:51: pm

We work in an ICU and the other night we got an admission to our unit. It was a young guy with bacterial menigitis. Unfortunately for us we were doing patient care and we both had gloves to had holes in them. We both freaked out being 22. The doctor told us to go to the ER and get 1 gram of rocephin and we would be ok. Jake a nurse on our floor told us if you dont mind baring you bottoms I will give you your shot. We both agreed. He drew up four shots 1.5 cc each with lidocaine. I told Jennifer I would go first and I went into a empty room and closed the door and laid on the bed. He untied my scrubs and pulled them down to my knees. He then pulled down my panties. Nice butt he says. He cleans an area on the left and squeezes my hip a few times and I feel him put the 18g needle in my butt. I said sh-- and take slow breaths as he injects. He then rubs my right side and once again I flinch as the needle goes in my butt. I have tears in my eyes after he is done. He grabs both of my bare cheeks and gives me a long massage. I told him he was good and got up and said we might be back inhere tonight for one of those butt massage. Anytime he says. Jennifer asked me to stay in the room and she untied her scrubs and pulled then down as she got up on the bed. He pulled down her light blue bikini panties. He wiped a spot on her left cheek and I watched as he put the needle into her hip up to the hub. She moaned and grabbed the sheets as he injected. He then repated the same on her right hip and she also was crying. he gave her a long butt massage just like he did me and I told her I have already let him know we might be back in here for some more massaging. She got up and looked at him said later tonight and tomorrow too.

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