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Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Thursday, November 07, 2013, 01:28: pm
In reply to: Richard 's message, "Re: Rocephin" on Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 02:47: pm

Hi Ginger,
Been away, but I just saw your reply to my question. That must have been a bit painful. I've had both 21g and 18g...and that 18g needle and it's about 1.5' long, gets my attention, or I should say, got it when I received an anti-biotic shot for a strep condition. Aore butt muscle for sure. Thanks for your answer

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

Joe RN
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Date Posted: Thursday, April 24, 2014, 09:21: am

My co-worker came in this morning and she was pretty sick. she is a new ER tech and I could tell right away she did not feel good. I put her in a exam room and took her vitals. She was running a fever of 103.1. I gave her some tylenol and had one of our attendings see her. I don't have insurnace yet, I can't afford this. I told her, we are not doing a chart just relax. The doctor told her she had bronchitis and told her he was going to give er a couple of injections and put her on bed rest for two days. I came back with a shot of zofram and rocephin. She was sitting on the gurney when I came into the room. I told her she needed to lie on her stomach. I said I am going to give you 2 shots one in each hip. She started begging please give them to me in my arm. I explained they needed to go in a large muscle. She laid down and I untied her marron scrubs and pulled them down to mid thigh. She had on a pair of white satin bottoms thst had HOT BOTTOM. As I pulled them down exposing her well tanned firm butt I laughed and you do have a hot butt. She is like 6 foot with hair down to her waist. I told her to pint her toes inward and cleaned a spot on her left cheek. I then put the 20g needle deep in her cheek and slowly injected the zofran. I said this next shot has a kick to it as i slapped her bare cheek twice before placing the second 20g needle in her other hip and slowly injected. She was begging me to remove the needle and I told her relax I am almost done. Afterward I slowly massaged both of her hips making her squirm at first and then she relaxed. This is embarrassing she said. Firt I have to bare my bottom in front of my boss then I cry like a baby. I told her these shots would make me tear up. As I slipped up her panties and scrubs you might hve to get one injection in two days. As she got up and walked around rubbing her butt, I hope not she said. I told her she should change the saying from HOT BOTTOM to SORE BOTTOM. She laughed and said no shit

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