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Subject: Re: Bronchitis

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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 12:24: am
In reply to: Carli 's message, "Bronchitis" on Monday, January 27, 2014, 11:36: am

My doctor would NEVER give a shot for bronchitis or strep, He'd give a z-pack at most......Tim

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[> [> Subject: Re: Bronchitis

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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 04:17: pm

man up take a shot in the butt and feel better the next day.
without the upset stomach.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Bronchitis

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 30, 2014, 05:14: pm

We are college roomates and we both came down with this bad cough and low grade fever. Misty's boyfriend works in a ER and so he had us come in to fast track. He met us and triaged us and put us in the same room. We both had a throat culture done and then got a chest x-ray. Rick came in with the doctor and he had us sit on the exam table and listened to our lungs and had Rick get our oxygen saturation levels. We were told we had bronchitis. He told us I normally place you on a zithromax and give you a shot of rocephin to jump start you. You talk it over and let Rick know and then he left. I asked Rick what he thought. This is usually what we do. He said we would feel better by the next day, but would need to finish the zithromax or it could turn into pneumonia. We said okay. He came back in a few minutes with two syringes and 2 vials and the 2 zithromax packets. We watched as drew up the two shots with this big needle. I mentioned that it looked like a big needle and he said it is an 20g needle. After he was done filling the syringes he said okay who wants to go first and he was looked at Misty. Misty stood up and he told her to lower her jeans and lean over the gurney. He pulled down her panties. He wiped a spot on upper left hip and buried the needle up to the hub in her butt and then slowly injected. She was grabbing the table moaning that it was burning. he pulled out the needle and she had a small trail of blood runniong down her hip which he wiped off and put a bandaid on it. He then slowly rubbed her hip for a few minutes before pulling up her panties and jeans. She had tears in her eyes when she turned around. Misty said Cara he is good and yes it is going to make you butt sore. I lowered my jeans and opted to lie flat. He pulled down my panties and then told me to point my toes inward. As he wiped my cheek I tensed up knowing I was going to stabbed at any moment. He placed his hand firmly across my hip and then I felt the needle go into my hip and then a intense burning sensation as he injected. Afterward he massaged my hip a few moments and pulled up my panties. We both walked around the room rubbing our hips for the next 15 minutes.

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