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Subject: erection/orgasm

Nick (injection excitement)
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Date Posted: Saturday, May 31, 2014, 06:34: pm

As much as I hated getting buttock injections in my youth and adolescence, sitting (or trying to sit) on the tender site afterwards often produced an erection. Fantasising about them when none were imminent generated similar excitement, although I consciously suspended such fantasies before doctor visits lest I tempt fate!
Now that I enjoy the fetish of having beautiful nurses inject my bare bottom, I am always rampant in anticipation while in the waiting room but, curiously, only partially erect when my pants come down for the shot(s) although fully so after getting them. I have heard from nurse/receptionists who held even young boys across their laps for injections that they are almost invariably erect when standing up afterwards. Young ladies who share my fetish often tell me about pulling down moist panties for their shots back there, which leads me to suspect an orgasm when they get them.

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[> Subject: Re: erection/orgasm

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Date Posted: Saturday, May 31, 2014, 10:38: pm

I have been into medical fetishes and roll play for a long time. I have recently got divorced and my ex wife was not into such Until recently I have not found anyone, close by, with the same interest.

I got involved with a local dating service looking for ladies between mid 20's and early 30's who had interest in fetishes.

Presently I am seeing 3 different girls and not long ago I brought up the subject
to one the girls named Amanda, 26 years of age.

Her response was that she was more into some type of high heels and foot fetish
as well as a lingerie fetish and being submissive

She said she didn't like going to the doctor ever since she was a child and that she hated needles. She said every time she had to get a shot she would cry,
even as an adult.

She said during her last tetanus shot it took 3
health care workers to hold her still while the nurse put the needle in her arm.

I have this medical roll play/play doctor that I have not done yet. It would be that Amanda is in the hospital to have her tonsils out.

She does not want it done and she refuses to cooperate and refuses to put on the hospital clothes.
She wants to check herself out but can't with her parents permission.

My job would be to have Amanda take some medicine a shot while before the operation. The medicine would quiet her down, make it difficult for her try to leave the room and the hospital. The medicine would also make her real drowsy where she would fall asleep in the room
before they came to take her for the procedure.

I would give her a pill to take and some water but after I left the room I found out that she did not swallow the pill, took it out of her mouth and crushed it with her shoe.
She not only did not like the fact of having to get her tonsils out. She also did not like the fact that she was going have to go to sleep against her will and have no control of the situation. It would be like a dominant/submissive roll play.

So after I was told that she did not take the pill I was going to have to make an attempt to give Amanda the drug again but this time I would be giving her a little shot.

If anyone would like to share medical fetish stories/ roll play fantasies and I share more of my idea, please feel free to send me an email.

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