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Subject: Wife's friend

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Date Posted: Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 10:34: am

My wife had me look at her friends foot after she stepped on a nail at work. She was walking through the warehouse and stepped on a nail. I cleaned it and asked her if she knew when she had her last tetanus. She said when I was 12 and I an 20 now. I told her She needed one and I would bring one home the next time I worked. last night I called her and told her I had the shot and she told me to come over. She was wearing a short black long sleeve dress. Is this going to hurt she asked. I said it usually makes your arm ache a few days. If you get it in your hip you will work it into your muscle and will not get the sore arm. She said okay and had me follow her into her room. She unzipped her dress and stepped out of it and was standing there in her bra and black panties. She laid across the bed. I told her to point her toes inward and I slipped down her panties. She had a tan line running across the center portion of her very firm bottom. I slowly rubbed the alcohol pad across her left hip and then placed my hand firmly on her hip and darted the needle up to the hub and slowly injected. Afterward I rubbed the spot a few moments and put a bandiad on it. She got up and put on a pair of shorts and blouse as if I was not there. You give a good shot.

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