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Subject: Toradol

Jack RN
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Date Posted: Friday, June 13, 2014, 11:21: pm

I was attending a class and today and one of our instructors who was a NP asked to speak with me while on break. She said I have a horrible migraine and need you to give me an injection of toradol. I had been eyeing her during her lectures. She was wearing this really short black skirt, lavender low low cut top and high heels. You could see her tight butt as it clinged to her tight skirt. We went into another empty room and locked the door. She stepped out of her heels and was not wearing any hose. She unsipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. I almost fainted. She was just standing there looking at me and turned around butt naked. No panties. She laid across the table. She is has a real dark tan except for the center portion of her butt. She tells me give me a couple of good whacks before you stick me. I gave her two firm whacks across her butt making her right cheek red and then plunged the 20g needle up to the hub and slowly injected. I pulled out the needle and then slowly massaged her butt. She looks at me and tells I have two cheeks. I spent the next ten minutes massaging her beautiful bottom. She then gets up and puts on her skirt. After class get me dinner. I probably will need another treatment. As the afternoon progressed once in a while she would rub her butt and look at me. This is one class I will never forget.

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