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Subject: Seven Years

No name
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Date Posted: 15:00:54 09/15/24 Sun
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

To understand where Miss America is today with the lawsuits and how far the Miss America program has spiraled into ruins, it’s important to understand the last seven years of the organization’s history.

1. In Jan 2018, the Forever Miss Americas banded together to start a new journey of running the Miss America program after Sam Haskell was ousted. There was 100% unity in the pageant community at this time and the hope and promise of an amazing future.
2. In summer 2018, the pageant was in turmoil as Gretchen Carlson and Regina Hopper hijacked the pageant and changed it to a new 2.0 version which eliminated swimsuit and the judging of physical beauty.
3. Cara Mund got the support of almost all of the pageant community with her outcry of being bullied by Gretchen and Regina. States banded together to try and stop Gretchen and Regina, except for the notable holdouts of Kay Alexander and Jan Mitchell who stayed silent.
4. A massive fundraising effort raised $50K for the legal defense fund for Jennifer Vaden Barth to fight the Miss America Org, but came up short on court victories in the end.
5. Gretchen Carlson and Regina Hopper racked up in excess of over $100K worth of legal bills to fight Jennifer Vaden Barth and the states legal fights.
6. Allison DeMarcus and her Tennessee Org are one of the franchises to be kicked out, only to move on and start the completely new Miss Volunteer America pageant system.
7. In Dec 2019, the Miss America contestants while in Connecticut are forced by Regina Hopper to sign statements acknowledging that Miss America can only pay for scholarships announced on stage if they have the money to pay for them. This leads to the “loophole” of the organization getting to announce scholarships that it legally doesn’t have to pay to the contestants in the end.
8. The Dec 2019 telecast by Regina Hopper and Brent Adams was the one and only time the pageant was “scripted,” with no real judging of finals night and a pre-written script with contestant placements already filled in before finals competition.
9. In 2020, Regina Hopper resigns, followed by the Board recognition of Gretchen Carlson several months later. Gretchen single-handedly passes on the leadership of Miss America to Shantel Krebs and announced her as CEO and Board Chair.
10. In late summer 2021, Shantel puts on a 100th Anniversary parade in a small Connecticut town, while the Miss America Foundation puts on a competing event in Atlantic City at the same time.
11. In Dec 2021, Shantel hosts the 100th Anniversary Miss America pageant in Connecticut, which will go down as perhaps the worst Miss America pageant in the history of the organization. This was also the first pageant not to be on television.
12. In Fall 2022, rumors swirl that Miss America is being sold. State EDs are all flown to Dallas for an all-expense paid weekend with new potential owner Jeffrey Hayzlett, who dreamed big for the future of Miss America back on television.
13. In Dec 2022, the Miss America Organization Board of Directors voted to sell Miss America to Robin Ross-Fleming.
14. In January 2023, Robin Ross-Fleming is announced as the new CEO of Miss America. Rumors swirl on the Voy message board that the real owner of Miss America is Glenn Straub. Google searches of Glenn Straub turn up horrible stories of his past.
15. Shantel Krebs tells members of the pageant community that if you want to know who really owns Miss America, to look up Glenn Straub. Robin-Ross Fleming tells the pageant community that she has enough money to run Miss America for the next 100 years.

And here we are today…..

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Gretchen Carlson had the connections, resources and the money to bring Miss America back to its glory days. What the hell does someone do with 20 million dollars in a lifetime? Instead she turned everything upside down by the "we're no longer going to judge our 'candidates' on their physical appearance. There was no way we would have ever had an unattractive, overweight Miss America. (NT)No name
12:06:15 09/16/24 Mon
I had no idea that 2019 didn't score finals night. Kind of seems like a big waste of time and energy to make them do all that. (NT)No name
15:40:48 09/16/24 Mon
2018 (9/2017) was the last Miss America pageant. Every year since has been a more and more diluted version (NT)No name
09:20:53 09/17/24 Tue
This is one of the best digested version of the recent history of MAO. Thank you. It is so sad to see how far we have fallen. I hope we can get back on top soon...but it can't happen with the current leadership. So tired of being told what each state HAS to do: Raise $3K for AHA, Buy each princess an expensive sash/crown, Buy your dress from Henri's, Pay for a $2k ad page, etc... (NT)No name
13:56:37 09/17/24 Tue
Amen. 🙏 (NT)No name
21:37:41 09/23/24 Mon
I thought Gretchen resigned shortly after the 2018 competition that was held in Atlantic City. Regina and Brent were the ones in charge of the "scripted" 2019 pageant, and I don't believe Gretchen was involved in any way at that time. (NT)No name
02:26:50 09/29/24 Sun
You can add 2019 when Shantel sued Miss America's Outstanding Teen BOD and org. (2 lawsuits). The teen program was doing well, financially, and paying their scholarships. They had built up their scholarship account and operating funds. It was thought at the time that Shantel was desperately trying to get her hands on the teen money. Donna fought her. They eventually settled but Shantel didn't get any of the teen funds. The teen board decided it was best to break their ties with MAO. Donna continued to pay all the scholarships as they were requested until the funds ran out. The lawsuits emptied the operations account but legal fees could not be paid from the scholarship account. I have been told that Donna pays uncovered scholarships out of her pocket. I would imagine there are not too many left to be paid. (NT)No name
18:14:36 09/29/24 Sun
Miss America’s demise started long before 2018. The biggest problem is fiscal. Any pageant can survive with money. MAO was driven into a fiscal hole of millions of dollars. (NT)No name
07:07:14 10/13/24 Sun
Number 7 above is revealing and I am surprised more people have forgotten this. From that day forward every contestant signed a contract agreeing to this stipulation. If there is no money to pay the announced scholarships then there is NO OBLIGATION TO PAY THEM. Know who else signed that contract? The MAF!! Yep. The very organization who is suing Robin to collect a debt they know is not owed. I think this is why the announced scholarships were not listed as debt and why Shantel was never concerned about it. One more piece of evidence that MAF is in the CYA mode. It borrowed money to continue to pay its salaries including raises and now is trying to get Robin to pay them money she does not owe them. Thank you poster for reminding us (NT)No name
10:48:21 10/13/24 Sun

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