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Date Posted: 14:46:16 07/27/24 Sat
Author: Bonnie's Kid
Subject: Re: Bulb enema given on table…
In reply to: Carol A 's message, "Re: Bulb enema given on table…" on 13:13:04 07/27/24 Sat

>>>Kathy, omg yes brings back memories!
>>>Did you also give enemas on the table?
>>I gave my 3 children enemas on the changing table when
>>they were young. At age 5 they were given enemas over
>>my lap.
>Kathy, why did you give them enemas on the changing
>table? Were they sick? Fever? Constipated? or?
>Did you give an enema often?
>When I stayed with my aunt (she was old fashioned
>nurse) I remember her giving my cousin a bulb syringe
>enema on the changing table often.
>He would with hold and so got enemas often.
>I am few years older than him. So remember it very
>When he was about 5 she gave the enema across her lap
>way. Then she gave them on the kitchen table to him.
>The changing table was in the bathroom. She lived in
>an older house. So the bathroom was very big.
>I wasn't spared the enema! She gave me a few bulb
>enemas on the kitchen table.

I apologize if my attention to this predominantly female forum is offensive. I noticed LisaK's posting regarding "nozzles" and have followed the posts regarding "bulb enemas" as well as "suppositories". I have also followed many of you who post in other forums and have appreciated your candor and background relative to this topic.

I was perusing Ebay, Temu, and Etsy for some of the more vintage items that were commonly used in our home years ago.
I found that many of the bulb syringes are still available in a more modernized version, although I still possess some of those that my mom and grandma used. It's interesting that many of the more antiquated equipment is still available.

I'm sure that most of you have found the efficacy of an old fashioned enema to be as valid today, as it was back in the 50's and 60's. Most health/natural food concerns seem to be providing legitimate advice and guidance. I have a store nearby that is staffed by knowledgeable women who still are advocates of this effective treatment.

Best wishes/blessings to each and all of you!

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