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Date Posted: 21:40:25 07/15/13 Mon
Author: E. Mom
Subject: Re: Vintage Enema Equipment
In reply to: brunswick 's message, "Re: Vintage Enema Equipment" on 12:12:34 07/13/13 Sat

When I was a little girl, we had a big red Victoria hot water bottle. I believe it was made by Rexall, but I'm not sure anymore. It was part of a combination syringe and I wish I had it today because it would have been an excellent syringe for punishment enemas.

First of all, it had a Higgenson squeeze bulb in the rubber tube! It was black and kind of top-shaped - one end of the bulb was very round and the other end - the outlet end - was tapered a bit. I'd guess it held at least four ounces. Each squeeze probably delivered three ounces. It said "Force-Flo" or "Force-Flow" or something like that on it.

It also had four pipes. It had an infant and adult rectal pipe plus a thin douche pipe like you find on a modern douche syringe. All three of those pipes were black and made of hard rubber. But what would have made it a perfect punishment enema syringe was the second douche nozzle. It was white and long and thick, like you find on a bulb douche syringe today, except that this had a fitting where the bulb would have been that attached to the hose. It was white and had a white shield that could be slid to any position on the pipe. It was basically the same length and thickness as a modern bulb douche pipe, but it was smoother because the grooves on the business end were rather shallow. There were eight holes in the business end for the water to come out. Unlike the nozzles on modern douche syringe, this nozzle was stiff and didn't bend.

The tragedy is that our mother never used the syringe attachments! She had a one ounce and a four ounce bulb enema and that was all she ever used on the rare occasions she gave us enemas. I'm honestly not sure if she knew what the hose and pipes were for. I know that her mother only had an eight ounce bulb enema in her bathroom, or at least that's all I ever found and I looked hard every time we visited plus a hot water bottle with no hose or syringe nozzles, so she may not have known how combination syringes worked.

Another reason I don't think she understood combination syringes is because I accidentally walked into the bathroom one day when I was very little and caught her douching with it. Except that instead of attaching the hose to the hot water bottle and using it as a fountain syringe, she was squatting over a bucket of water. She had one end of the hose in the water and she was holding the other end of the hose between her legs. She was squeezing the bulb vigorously. Her hand was blocking my view of where the hose was, but I asked her if she was giving herself an enema (I had no idea what douches were then). She just muttered something about my father and kept squeezing the bulb.

I didn't find the hose and nozzles until I was in maybe the sixth grade. They were in the cardboard box the syringe came in, under a bunch of towels in the top of the hall closet. I figured out how the hose and bulb worked right away, but I still didn't know anything about douching and I was a little confused about the long thick pipe. I just figured it was an enema pipe for grown ups. Or maybe it was for naughty girls!

Whenever I had the house to myself for a few hours, I brought down the hose and pipes and got the hot water bottle out from under the sink and "played enema". I felt very grown up when I was finally able to stick the whole length of that pipe up my poop chute. I still remember how good that rubber shield felt wedged between my cheeks.

I used to play "naughty girl" a lot. I'd insert the whole douche pipe into my rear and start the water flowing and then I'd stand at attention while I "took my medicine". Sometimes I'd bend over and spread my legs a little and put my hands on my knees with my butt sticking way out to "receive my punishment", but I'd have to re-insert the pipe every few minutes.

I also loved spanking myself as hard as I could with a hairbrush and then standing at attention with the nozzle up my rear, "taking my punishment enema". I loved to feel the water squirting into my bowels while my bottom stung from the spanking I'd just given myself. I found that if I led the hose forwards between my legs and then up to the bag, I could spank myself as I was getting the enema which me feel extra grown up. After all, I was punishing myself and punishing was something grown ups did.

The Higgenson bulb was great fun too. One of my favorite "punishments" was to start the fountain syringe and take just as much water as I could possibly hold. Then I'd promise myself that I would squeeze the bulb ten times before I used the toilet and if I didn't finish them, I'd punish myself with one swat for every squeeze I couldn't take. I'd usually squeeze the bulb twice or maybe three times before slamming my butt down on the toilet and then after I was empty, I'd give myself six or seven hard swats with the hairbrush. I eventually raised the anti and promised myself I'd squeeze the bulb 25 times. I still only managed to squeeze it three or four times, but now I had a really fearsome paddling to take after I'd pooped. I'd have tears running down my cheeks after four or five swats, but I'd take them all because I knew I was a naughty girl and needed the punishment.

I also remember taking just the hose and the douche nozzle into the bathtub. I'd give myself a bathwater enema by holding the end of the tube underwater and squeezing the bulb. It's amazing how fast you can fill your bowels up when you can squeeze the bulb about once a second. And if I waited until the bathwater had started to cool, the temperature was just right. The only problem I remember is that it could be hard to get out of the bath when I'd pumped a couple of quarts of water into my bowels.

If I had that wonderful syringe today, the next time I needed to punish my oldest girl, I'd put her up on the counter and have her hug her thighs. Instead of using the enema bag, I'd fill the sink with hot soapy water, lubricate the daylights out of the douche nozzle and her rectum and then insert the whole tube into her poop chute, until the shield was wedged between her cheeks.

And then I'd start pumping and pumping and pumping. I always spank her because she doesn't mind enemas, but I think that by the time we'd pumped two and a half quarts of hot soapy water up her bottom, she might decide enemas weren't so pleasant after all and start asking for the hairbrush next time she was naughty. I'd give it to her, of course, at the same time I was giving her an enema.

I found a syringe set on ebay that was almost the same as my beloved childhood set and bought it for over $100 dollars. There was no Force-Flo bulb and the bag was stiff with age, but the nozzle was still in pretty good shape and brought back a lot of memories when the shield wedged my cheeks apart. Unfortunately, I ruined that nozzle. I wanted to set the shield so I could insert about three inches of the nozzle up my poop chute and then press on the end of it and wedge the shield between my cheeks. (That really does feel good!) Unfortunately, I wrapped a rubber band around the nozzle several times and then slid the nozzle down on top of it. Unfortunately, the outer portion of the nozzle had hardened with age and the rubber band cracked that hard shell and that was the end of it.

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