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Date Posted: 12:11:04 07/09/02 Tue
Author: Channa
Subject: =-=
In reply to: Aiko 's message, "Re: ::_::" on 16:59:21 07/08/02 Mon

((OOC~ Wessae's player will be away for about a week sooo... she's just gonna be real quiet until then. *G*))

Channa grins up (waaaay up - she's short) at All'ndar and laughs lightly at the scene he puts up when Niyt chooses to speak. "A good excuse indeed," she grins, eyes bright. A low, rumbling growl from Wrelor catches her attention for a moment and when her eyes refocus, Aiko and All'ndar are chatting merrily. With a look that suggests self-reclusion, Channa takes a half-step backwards, blue eyes casting to the ground.

Channa. Just because I'm upset doesn't mean you need be.
-Ha. Right. I have every reason you have, and more, why shouldn't I be?-
Don't start. I'm allowed to be depressed. I'm 'just' a bl- a red.
-And I'm 'just' a girl.-
You led all of Pern here.
-Those that didn't get lost
Wasn't your fault. They were overloaded.
-Okay Wrel.... Wrelor. (I WILL get your name right!) Then you sleep and I'll spout off nonsense.-
Channa. Why are you so upset? I know you miss your sister and your friends and your home, but there is something else wrong.

Channa doesn't reply to her Kilven's query, brows furrowing and defiantly refusing to cry as perfectly clear visions of Pern swim before her eyes. Of her friends and sister, her parents, her home. Shaffit, Igen is gone now, but still in her head. The rider takes a deep breath and glances back up, to find that she's drawn several steps away during her conversation with her red. With subdued eyes, she watches the bronzeriders and the girl talk.

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