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Date Posted: 16:10:09 07/10/02 Wed
Author: Wessae & Shrinae
Subject: ~^~
In reply to: Channa 's message, "=-=" on 12:11:04 07/09/02 Tue

(Guess who's feeling beeeeeetter!! Whoooooooooo! Well, I saw the words "bronzeriders" on the addying board, and you know me. Hehehe. Actually, this will be my last time on a board for a wee while. I'm helping my friend with a party this weekend ( 27 screaming five year olds and two teen girls...oy, I better get a coin for that feat) and before that we're having a going away celebration for my friend who's moving to Arizona, on top of the two hour counseling sessions she's been getting from us. So, here I am every one. For now.)

Spotting her friend stroll over to other Pernese, she smiles at her Kilven, who's eyes reflect the same shining emotion. Carefully, so not to disturb mother or cubs, the pair slink up behind Channa and grin brightly, waving at All'ndar and Niyt. "Channa, I can't believe you haven't introduced us. Or was I off zoning again? I tend to, of course." She grins brightly at the two riders and curtsies with a slight chuckle. "Good day gentlemen, it's nice to meet you both." The little silly act put on and put over with, she nods to them both with a wee bit more seriousness, but no less friendly manner. "I'm afraid I have been zoning off a bit." Her eyes turn to the cubs and she smiles softly. "Young ones are great healers, trained or no." She murmurs to herself, before turning back to Channa, trying to get bearing on her brother once more. "The Guide Den you say? Well, head start on me, that's for sure. I wanted to stop here, and the mother of these young allowing, take a peek. But it feels as though I shouldn't be here, and I don't want to overstay my welcome." She looks at each rider thoughtfully, her brow furrowing.

You big stubborn lug. Shrinae grumbles at the red, lashing her tail in an irritated manner. Maybe, just privately Channa can call you Wrelth. Nicknames are always good. Like the one I'll give you. Lug. You've ALWAYS been impossible. Lucky our riders are friends, or I'd eat you. That girl's lucky to have you, you know, when you aren't in your own grumbly funk. She mutters, untwining and twining her neck. I'm a little famished, maybe we should go eat? She inquires of her lifemate.

"Well, I better jam, my lady's stomach awaits, and I don't like keeping her hungry, very much." She looks sideways at Channa with a mischevious grin. "Great Leader, I have read the books, but perhaps in your infinite wisdom, you'll point us to food?"

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