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Date Posted: 11:49:47 02/02/03 Sun
Author: Skivi and Lysander
Subject: ~Watch~
In reply to: Jasmine 's message, "Hmmm..." on 09:21:14 02/02/03 Sun

~+The pair watched the three silently. Skivi smiled, admiring the Vae, hues trained somewhere between the people and the Kilven, watching both. She raised an eyebrow slightly, noting first Fern's slight scoff at everyone, followed by Jasmine's angry scowls. Lips quirked into a slight smile. Lysander had retreated, sitting calmly against the wall, crooked smile appearing after a time, dark hues trained on the litter. All else eluded hus senses for the time. She smirked at her sibling before sidling over to the other girls in the den. The three intrigued her, along with her tendency to want conversation with anything animate. Slowing her walking speed so not to startle any Kilven, mother or cub, she made space between the litter and herself. She grinned as she approached, introducing herself in a low voice.+~
"Hey. I'm Skivi."
~+She returned her gaze to the Kilvens before saying more.+~
"They're enchanting, aren't they?"

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