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Date Posted: 14:38:44 03/28/03 Fri
Author: Kalya - Layae
Subject: [-]
In reply to: A'rak~Kador & Wessae~Shrinae 's message, "Dismay" on 02:05:27 02/20/03 Thu

Kalya, around...oh, sixteen years or so, by now, slips into the Black Kilven Inn. She's hoping, as many people are, for a drink - gold Layae's following appropriately, stretching Kilven claws. This feels...odd, Kalya. Different. But not unpleasant. Requesting a mug of something mild from the bartender, Kalya squeezes into a tiny corner of the Inn, trying to sit in a chair - that's missing the end of one of its legs, causing a bit of a rocking motion. Belatedly, Kalya replies to Layae's comment - That's good. We both have to adjust. We're not the only ones, you know, who have to do so.

Layae simply smirks, watching Kalya battle with the chair. You look comfy. Even with her hands having a death-grip on the table, Kalya loses the battle, and the chair goes *kersplat*. And Kalya's on the floor. Thanks, Lay, is her savage reply. Standing up, dusting herself off (not much use, considering the current condition of her beat-up leathers), Kalya scans the area. D'you see them, Layae? A'rak and Kador, Wessae and Shrinae? They're usually together, aren't they?

I'm looking, Layae replied.

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