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Date Posted: 15:29:12 07/12/02 Fri
Author: K'nde :: Dimor
Subject: ::_::
In reply to: [ Ritaki & Aliae 's message, "...." on 15:11:04 07/12/02 Fri

K'nde snoozes lightly, two of his flits curled around his neck. The gold had assumed her post around his neck while Creyeron is draped over his left shoulder. Dimor sleeps a few yards off, so deep in the peaceful black he doesn't hear the pair land. As alert ashis rider usually was, the past day had exausted him so he slept fitfully.
It was not to last.

His eyes fly open at the sound of mixed flit screams and weeping. Uable to see much in his current position, he sits up fully to see who it was. His heart stops. "Ri-Ritaki?" He blinks in an effort to hold back tears, watching her in a dumbfounded silence. Ever since she had left to find the MasterHarper, something had been missing, a piece of his heart had gone with her and remained absent when she was. He had almost gotten used to feeling half-complete. K'nde swallows past the lump in his throat, reaching out to brush away a strand of hair from her face. "Don't cry, 'Taki. Please," he manages to choke out a few words before taking her up in his arms and drawing her into his lap. To finallyhold her again...it was bliss, joy and ressurection all in one blast of emotion.

And while she cried, he held her and his eyes remained dry.
He finally tilts her chin up, looking calmly into her eyes. "Ritaki, I had thought you lost forever. I was never able to even dream of seeing you again. And now you show up at the most crucial point of my existence..." A single tear wells in the corner of his eye, yet he refuses still to resort to crying. It was not his way.
Kina huffs in her own way and detactes herself from his neck. She flickers to Dimor and curls up on his back, son asleep once more. The Brown's back rises and falls evenly - a sign he still slept.

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