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Subject: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 12:54:51 08/29/24 Thu

I may be stepping out of bounds here, but I just commented for the first time having been a long time reader. It feels kind of good to finally speak up.

I know there are probably a lot of people who read but never comment or join in. I would like to encourage those of you to give a little introduction of yourself and your interest in spanking.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 18:25:37 08/29/24 Thu

Hey, thanks for asking this cause I've wanted to come out of the closet, but like you I don't have much to say.
In all other aspects I'm a 'normal' heterosexual woman cept for one dark secret. I have more than a passing interest in spanking. I have no interest in getting spanked by a man or spanking a man. Like any other normal kid I got my share of spankings and like any other normal kid I feared and hated them. I was about 11 when they stopped. I'd always had a enchantment with spanking, mostly an interest in other girls getting spanked. But about the time they stopped my interest turned into an obsession. Not a lesbian, not that there's anything wrong with that, but my only interest has ever been getting spanked by a mature woman or spanking a girl myself.
Well that's my introduction and why I read this forum.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Kyle (Happy)
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Date Posted: 09:46:35 02/05/25 Wed

Hello, I am a Manny (male nanny) helping Michelle a single Mom caring for her 4 kids, a 15yr. old girl, 13yr. old girl, 12 yr. old boy, and a 10 yr. old boy. Her Kids were a bit out of control, defiant, driving her crazy lol! I have cared for a lot of kids especially teens with the same behavioral difficulties. She was at her wits end with past caregivers not disciplining properly, and agrees with how I discipline, and has been outwardly appreciative. I use multiple types of creative discipline, for more serious things, like lying, not following discipline instructions, not doing homework, back talk, cleaning room etc. I give them a spanking. Its been a few months now and they are getting a lot better.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 08:22:59 08/30/24 Fri

I'm 26 years old, live at home and my mom still spanks me.
I'm here to read about other girls who still get spanked.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 17:44:28 09/01/24 Sun

Has your mom always spanked you? Does it really hurt, like with a hairbrush? How do you feel about it? Does it help you?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Dr Spock
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Date Posted: 21:59:15 09/01/24 Sun

> I'm here to read about other girls who still get spanked.

You've come to the right place.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 11:53:25 09/01/24 Sun

Welcome readers. I hope more introduce yourselves.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Kyle (Happy)
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Date Posted: 10:08:15 02/05/25 Wed

Caring for 4 kids as a Manny (male nanny) I have disciplined a lot of kids, 10 of them have been teens 8 girls 13 to 16yrs. old, and 2 boys, 13 YR. old and a 15 yr. old. It has always been for single parents mostly moms and 1 single dad, having a very difficult time with there out of control/defiant teens. The kids I care for now as the others I cared for are sometimes disciplined with a spanking. It is such a good discipline. There behavior has gotten so much better, especially because they know that I pull there pants down, bend them over my lap, lower there panties/underwear and give them a long and firm spanking on there bare butts with my hand.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 08:29:38 09/02/24 Mon

24 female, spanked bare by Mom growing up till 19. Fantasize about being spanked bare by a mam. But any spanking or the mention of seems to get me excited

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 12:47:06 09/02/24 Mon

Hi Emily, did you mean you like to be spanked by a man? Or did you mean 'mam' as in an a mom?

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 12:40:52 09/02/24 Mon

I've been on this forum for a short time. Haven't introduced myself since I think this is more of a women oriented forum. But I guess writing a small introduction wouldn't hurt.

I'm a male and in my twenties. Never been spanked. Live in a country where it is not considered acceptable. Have an interest in the topic.

I'm reading about people's experiences here but sometimes it's too much and I have to take a break. Sometimes I'm trying to help people here by asking questions and attempting to give advice. But don't get much replies. Hope to get to talk with more people about this subject.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 17:44:02 09/02/24 Mon

I am a 69 year old Spanker of adult women. Been interested in spanking for as long as I can remember, but did not become active in the lifestyle until 2008. I regularly attend spanking parties and meet play partners on the internet.

I went to Texas public school in the 60s and early 70s when paddling was the go to disciplinary measure. I did not have much experience with spanking in my childhood, but I was paddled a few times in school. I guess that is the reason I have a particular fascination with school paddling. Recently I created my on Voy Fourum titled School Paddling. https://www.voy.com/251035/

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 05:11:30 09/08/24 Sun

I love reading this stuff.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Mork and Mindy
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Date Posted: 08:17:03 09/08/24 Sun

Cassie, what a great idea. I'm no closet dweller here and have been posting since, I think, Truman was President but I've often wondered how many are here as readers and haven't posted. Nice to meet some of you.


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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Carol Anne
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Date Posted: 11:31:49 09/08/24 Sun

I used to post on forums like this when I was in high school until my mom caught me on one. I was grounded from my computer
and could only use it for school assignments. I also got my bottom blistered good. Now I still come on but only read them. Now that I am away from home as a freshen in college I am hoping to start posting again.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 12:57:26 09/08/24 Sun

Welcome Carol Anne! Please do start posting again. The tale of your mom catching you on here must be epic. Feel free to share the whole story when you have time.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:35:31 09/09/24 Mon

Hi Carol Ann. How did your mom catch you? Were you writing or just reading? It's kind of interesting that she caught you on a spanking forum and then spanked you. I think my mom caught me hundreds of times on sites like this and watching spanking videos. I'm not sure though. The worst of it was the embarrassment and not knowing. Of course I wasn't going to ASK her if she caught me.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 06:04:34 09/10/24 Tue

Oh my god I would die if my mom caught me when I was in Highschool. That's when I started reading forums like this, die!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself (How I got caught)

Carol Anne
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Date Posted: 06:05:18 09/10/24 Tue

I had just turned 15 and found a forum on spanking girls. I cannot remember the name of the forum. I was on that forum almost every day. I always closed my door so if someone came in, I had time to get off and switched to something else. One Saturday afternoon, my little sister came in and I shut down the forum. When she left, I returned to the forum, but did not remember to close the door. I was right in the middle of writing something.

With the door still open I did not hear or see mom walk in. I was to engross writing about a spanking. Mom looked over my shoulder and said CAROL ANNE (LAST NAME) what are you writing and where is this from. I immediately shut down the forum and calmly said oh it is just some girls' forum. She made me get back on it and read some of the entries. After reading some of the forum, mom wrote, (Carol Anne will not be on here ever again but rest assure she will be getting her butt blistered.) Carol Anne's mom.

Mom grabbed by arm and walked me into the living room with me pleading and begging not to be spanked. Once in the living room, mom yanked my pants and panties down and said step out of them. Standing half naked in front of mom she lectured/scolded me for about 5 minutes. Mom then pulled me to her side and over her knee and clamped me tight against her body. She put one leg on top of mine and started hand spanking my bare bottom and thighs. I tried to wiggle or squirm some, but mom had such a tight hold on me that I could not. From the hand spanking she grabbed the paddle and my crying and screaming went up several notches. I did not think she was ever going to stop. I was screaming so loud that I actually was hoarse.

When mom finally stopped spanking me, my bottom and thighs felt as if they were on fire. Mom sent me straight to the corner with the order that I was not to touch my bottom unless I wanted another spanking. If I remember right, I sobbed to the point that I was hic cupping and trying to get my breath. After I had finally calmed down and the fire on my bottom still burning, mom let me out of the corner and told me to sit on the sofa with her. Mom told me that if she ever catches me on that sight or any other sight like that, she will give me a spanking worse than the one I just received. She then said I was not to use my computer except for school assignments and that she will be checking my computer to see if I am on any forbidden sights. I did continue to read that girls sight but never wrote anything until just now.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself (How I got caught)

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Date Posted: 10:50:31 11/13/24 Wed

You were fortunate that your mother apparently didn't realize that your cache file recorded every site you visited, even if you never posted on it!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 10:44:40 11/13/24 Wed

Your mom caught you surfing a spanko site... and her response was to give you a spanking??

Gosh, that doesn't sound rational on her part.

Did she try to find out why you were viewing that site?

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 16:30:12 09/08/24 Sun

I'm almost an old man now. But I've been interested in spankings since early grade school. Girls and woman of course. I didn't even know it was a kink or how much I enjoyed it until one day around 16 I read a story about a young adult getting spanked by her mom. She asked for it because she was guilty about how rude she had been to her mom. There in front of sisters and young ones her Mom took her over her Knee! In my 20's I felt guilty about my desire to spank woman, but with the internet I learned how positive it can be, how some people want and need it and how with honesty and consent it is totally normal to have such desires of control and submission. Reality is stranger than fiction and every once in a while I believe I have come across such individuals and their stories. I keep an open mind, and a place available over my knee.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 05:08:24 09/12/24 Thu

I am not here on a regular basis but I think i am known to some. For the rest, I am a middle aged woman who were spanked on bare bottom across my parents knees way into my teens. It was horrible, embarassing, painful and humiliating. I also had complex for my big hiney even in early teens so that added to the humiliation. I believe my parents actually enjoyed spanking me and sis and as a result of this my relationship with my parents is not very good. I am married to a wonderful man and he spanks me both for discipline (which I of course consent to) as well as for pleasure.
Also as a result from the spankings I got from my parents I am very much anti-spank. I don't want any girl have to go through this, at least not the way I and sis got it. Having said that, I love to hear about other womens stories about how they were spanked by their parents and I am also curious about younger girls/women who never were spanked but really want to be.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 10:37:31 09/19/24 Thu

I posted a bit back in April on here. I am now 51 (youngest of 4) and was spanked bare bottom along with my 3 older siblings (2 sisters and 1 brother).

We got them in front of other siblings. As we got older there were a lot fewer spankings, but when there hasn't been one for quite a time and it happens it somehow seems way worse.

I still love hearing about spankings esepcially how people react and behave before, during and after.

I was quite a bit younger than my three siblings as I was an accident child. So I kind of lucked out in that I saw my older siblings get their teen spankings, whereas by the time I was a teen they have moved out or at least most of them were gone. So my teen humiliating moments were defintely less and fewer than theirs.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 05:28:59 09/19/24 Thu

Are there any more sensible adult readers who are lurking who feel brave enough to share your experiences and lifelong interests in spanking who wish to come out and share with us?

Although I have virtually no experience in the adult spanking world, I felt a great burden lifted when I came out on here and admitted my deep, secret interest in spanking.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 23:05:44 09/19/24 Thu

I grew up in a family where spanking was the primary method of punishment for misbehavior. In my neighborhood and at school, spanking/paddling was common, however, it was never just a ho-hum thing I got used to. Whether I saw, heard, or heard about a spanking, to me it was always high drama. I was just too embarrassed to talk about it with anyone. It only got worse as a teenager.

That is what brings me to forums like this. A spanking, and everything about it, is very interesting.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 13:56:01 11/09/24 Sat

Hello! I'm a 72 year man from England. I'm very new here. I've been interested in spanking since a child. Fortunately, my spanking experiences have never been too severe, so I was never totally turned off!

Some well deserved parental spankings, lovingly given otk on my bare bottom.

At school I got the cane and slipper a few times.

As an an adult I have spanked a few lady friends who were willing to go over my knee.

I enjoy hearing of other people's experiences and sharing my own.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 17:39:41 01/11/25 Sat

I'm worried that I maybe shouldn't be here because I am only 12 years old. My two sisters and I get spanked bare bottom by mom and dad. Mom and dad say that spankings keep kids sweet.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Caitlyn D
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Date Posted: 21:21:10 01/13/25 Mon

I’m Caitlyn and I’m 34. Originally from NW Ohio but now in Colorado. I was spanked growing up, so was my brother, for that matter so was probably every kid from my hometown who grew up in the 1990s/2000s. But that’s not why I’m here.

A long story short, I can share more details if anyone wants to hear them, at age 18 we worked out a deal with my parents’ close friend, whose wife was a college professor at a university near their home that had high marks for my chosen career path (education).

My parents weren’t exactly wild about me leaving the state and being 1500 miles away. But since she was a professor they pulled some strings to get me in-state tuition and if I lived with them under close supervision. Coming from very blue collar background, going to college, real college, was a VERY big deal. And since it was deemed affordable with the in-state tuition, we did it.

I was told I would be subject to their rules, their expectations and, upon arriving there (I hadn’t seen them in a few years, but knew them and liked them so I wasn’t terribly uncomfortable and I felt safe), was told traditional corporal punishment would be used when warranted even though I was 18 and technically an adult. It was the whole “my roof, my rules” thing and my parents were fully supportive.

Now, when I say I was spanked growing up (yes, through high school), it was a “grab and spank.” My mom, mostly, would be mad about something I did or said or didn’t do or whatever, would grab me, grab something, whap my butt a dozen or so times almost always over whatever pants I had on and that was that. Only a few times, and mostly when I was younger, was I really bared, bent over and spanked.

That wasn’t the case at my host parents ‘( I guess I can call them that, or my godparents if that term is still used) house. For them, a spanking was a “full production” with a formal, ritualistic procedure. There was a specific spanking tool (a heavy wood spatula with holes), a predetermined number of stokes, a spanking chair which was kept in the corner where I’d be placed afterwards. A loss of some modesty wasn’t a byproduct of the spanking, it was a central component.

I struggle to this day with a wide range of conflicted feelings. One, it was exhilarating. But it didn’t really “turn me on.” Was what they did “right” I don’t know. I don’t feel abused or mistreated, they never (he was the spanker but she was always present) crossed a line or touched me in an improper place or in an inappropriate manner, but they sure made a point of exposing me. They did the same to their kids (who were 3 and 4 years older than me and out of the house when I lived there) and they turned out great.

So, that wasn’t a long story short, lol. But regardless I’m here.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Allison to Caitlyn D
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Date Posted: 07:32:12 01/14/25 Tue


Your story feels very close to home for me. I am only 12, but will turn 13 soon. You were 18 and older when you were spanked by your godparents, and 18 sometimes feels not that far away for me (ha ha I guess I still have a few years before I am 18). My older sister is closer to 18 than me because she is 13 and will turn 14 soon. My little sister is only 9.

Do you feel like the spankings helped you behave better or improved your attitude? My parents often spank us because they say we need an attitude adjustment.

The way your godparents spanked you is almost exactly the way mom and dad spank me and my sisters. Mom and dad have a procedure for spanking us that they always use. None of us are spanked while mom or dad are angry. We have to go to our bedroom and wait for a while before mom or dad comes into our bedroom to spank us. We have to stand up and mom or dad takes our pants and panties off and lays them on the bed. We have to stand with no pants on while mom or dad scolds us for being bad. But they do not yell. They speak calmly. When mom or dad is ready to start spanking us, one of them will sit on the edge of my older sister's bed while the other one goes and gets the wooden spoon from the kitchen. Our wooden spoon is old and heavy like the heavy spatula you were spanked with. It HURTS LIKE CRAZY and makes all three of us cry like babies. It stings so so bad and makes our butts feel like FIRE. The good thing is that mom or dad only spank us when we deserve to be spanked. I have never been spanked when I didn't deserve it.

Did you cry when your godfather spanked you?

Thank you for saying that you have confusing feelings. I came here the other day because I have confusing feelings too. I HATE HATE HATE having my bare bottom spanked, but I think I am like you because I find spankings scary but exciting too. I like seeing my sisters get spanked and seeing their bare bottoms on mom or dad's knee and their legs kicking and arms waving while their butts are spanked red like cherries. The way my sisters cry and yell scares me but it excites me. At school one of my teachers last year talked about involuntary reactions that we can't control. I think my reaction to seeing my sisters getting their spankings is involuntary.

Luckily, spankings are only a couple times a month. Did you get spanked often? Did the spankings hurt a lot? Did you have marks on your butt after? Me and my sisters always have spoon bruises on our butts for a few days.

Did you have to sit on the spanking chair with no pants on after your bare bottom was spanked with the wooden spatula? We have to stand in the corner with no pants on after spankings.

I hope you have a nice day.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Alfred22 for Caitlyn
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Date Posted: 08:08:54 01/14/25 Tue

Nothing to feel conflicted or concerned about. Spankings are a memorable "big deal" and are necessarily exciting. They have several components that make them dramatic: there are the preliminary components: A rule of conduct with the hint or sometimes explicit warning that a spanking awaits those who fail to obey the rule. The tension and other feelings when you break the rule, the discovery that the rule has been broken, the sentencing often with the word "spanking" in the sentence, the dressing or undressing for the occasion, the implement appearing, the complicated positioning of both spanking parent and recipient, often a last minute reminder of the broken rule, and the FIRST SPANK! And then the three phases: initial spanks with resistance and possibly an effort not to complain, the realization that you are going to cry and the crying, and finally the end of any resistance and the limp acceptance that ends the experience. And then the dreaded no rubbing cornertime!

How could such a series of events not be exciting and packed chock full of emotions? A totally normal response. I bet your current memories of it all are even more complicated, in part because your bottom is totally safe, NOW. We are all here for the same reasons.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Intrigued to Caitlyn D
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Date Posted: 09:02:13 01/14/25 Tue

Caitlyn, you wrote: "I can share more details if anyone wants to hear them..." Yes please.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Caitlyn D
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Date Posted: 09:49:29 01/14/25 Tue

Thank you everyone.

And, Intrigued, what would you like to know?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 10:07:55 01/14/25 Tue

You could describe in complete detail a typical spanking. You could relate why you got it the first time and how you felt in being told you were going to get it. Did you know before you got there that corporal punishment meant a lot more than how your mom did it? Were you sat down and warned about your behavior and what would happen when you moved in? Things like this...

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 23:45:03 01/14/25 Tue

Patrick ,got enemas from mom age14 to 22 and beyond from mom ,by faking constipation

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 01:22:57 01/15/25 Wed

Oopps wrong group

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Intrigued to Jenna
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Date Posted: 11:46:17 01/16/25 Thu

Did this ever happen -- a bad meeting with a teacher and your mom where your mom told her (and you..) that you would be getting a spanking as soon as you got home?

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Lexiewheeler (Lexie)
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Date Posted: 14:54:24 01/18/25 Sat

I’m a 36 year old woman from North Florida. I grew up on a ranch/mini farm. My Four brothers and I were spanked up until our late teens by my mother, father, and grandfather. Mom used a wooden spoon or hair brush and Dad and Granddad used their belt or a wide leather strap that was kept in our tack room. I’ve also gotten spanked with a switch twice and it was agony.

All spankings were on the bare bottom. It was non negotiable. I got my last spanking at 16 from my dad.

Now I am happily spanked wife. My husband spanks me occasionally for discipline but mostly for foreplay.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Beth Swikart
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Date Posted: 09:30:48 01/19/25 Sun

I have a question about the spanking for foreplay. Do these spankgins hurt as well. I know you get pleasure also. Can you explain the difference thanks.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 09:35:00 01/19/25 Sun

They do hurt. But not as much as a discipline spanking. They are also much lighter as far as the atmosphere meaning there is a lot of touching and rubbing in between seats. Occasionally we will do a role play type spanking which is technically a “real discipline spanking” during and yes those hurt very much as well but once the role play stops the rubbing and caressing starts and always ends with very hot sex :)

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Emliy (amazed)
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Date Posted: 11:55:51 01/19/25 Sun

Hi, I'm Emily, and I'm 16 now. I have a sister and cousins who are very close. WE live in the South and I love it. But daddy spanks me and sis,and sometimes our cousins see and sometimes we see them get it (a boy and girl younger than us). That's awful as it is, but daddy usually takes our tops off too, not just our bottoms. I'm super shy about my chest cause it's just like an A cup so far, and other girls are bigger.
I know sometimes we need a spanking and daddy has the right. But how many other girls have to be all bare and how does that feel for you?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Allison to Emily
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Date Posted: 19:12:29 01/19/25 Sun

Hello Emily.

Thank you for saying hello. I saw that you are not too much older than me and my older sister Katrina and that you still get spankings by your daddy. My mom and dad would agree with your parents decision to still spank your bare bottom even though you are a teenager. You said that your daddy takes off our shirt too when he spanks you. Goodness that would be unbelievably embarrassing and I suppose he does that to your sister too. How old is she? You said that you have one girl cousin and one boy cousin and that they are younger than you. Does your daddy spank your cousins too? Does he take their shirts off too? You are right that your daddy has the right to spank you all, and he has the right to take your shirts off too and spank you totally bare. He is the adult and can decide what is best for you. I would enjoy seeing you get spanked totally bare naked and see your bare backside and your bare front side. Do you and your sister cry? My mom and dad have told us that they have the right and authority to spank us all bare and as they see fit, but they don’t take our shirts off unless they are already off from just wearing a towel after a bath or coming home from the beach and us taking our wet swimsuits off. If we are naked before the spankings start then we stay totally naked during our spankings with the wooden spoon.

I was going to report about Mrs. Davidson and what happened last night but got busy adding messages to other people’s messages and I wasn’t sure anyone was interested in me saying what happened anyway. It was a good night for me and my little sister, Melanie. We behaved well and did not feel Mrs. Davidson’s wooden hairbrush on our bare bottoms. My 13 year old sister Katrina however did not have a good night, not a good night at all. She ended up getting her mouth washed out with soap and a totally blistered bare bottom that was so super red it looked like a red neon sign glowing in the night.

Just before Mrs. Davidson arrived, Katrina threw a tantrum about being too old to have a babysitter and my mom lost it. Katrina had been skating on thin ice for several days and she finally went too far. She had been standing in the middle of the living room wearing her grey cotton sweatpants and hoodie and clean white ankle socks when mom grabbed her by the arm and Katrina started pulling away and resisting which is a HUGE NO NO. Mom said that she didn’t have time to give Katrina what she had coming to her and that Mrs. Davidson would do the honors. Mom walked Katrina to the dining where she took off Katrina’s sweatpants and panties and then stuck her nose in the corner. Between the bottom of Katrina’s grey hoodie and the tops of her white ankle socks Katrina was bare naked and crying because she was afraid of how much pain Mrs. Davidson’s wooden hairbrush was going to spank her bare bottom. Mom told Mrs. Davidson what happened and then she and dad left.

Mrs. Davidson didn’t say anything to Katrina but just carried on as if nothing terrible was about to happen. She just acted normal with me and Melanie and was friendly. Mrs. Davidson saw Katrina standing bare bottom in the dining room. The light was on in the dining room and Mrs. Davidson went and turned it off leaving Katrina bare bottomed in the dark room. The evening went on for a few hours and Mrs. Davidson made popcorn for me and Melanie and we watched a funny movie. Mrs. Davidson told me and Melanie to go upstairs and get ready for bed and to stay upstairs. She had business to attend to with Katrina. Melanie and me stayed up in our bedroom and could soon hear some arguing and Mrs. Davidson telling Katrina to go to the kitchen sink. We heard the water start running and Katrina start begging not to get her mouth soaped. Melanie and me didn’t have to see what was happening to know exactly what was happening. We could hear our bare bottomed 13 year old sister coughing and gagging and then finally things went silent again. A few minutes later Katrina started begging again, only this time she was begging Mrs. Davidson to just hand spank her and to not spank her with her wooden hairbrush. For several long minutes the house was filled with Katrina’s loud yelling and screaming and begging Mrs. Davidson to stop!!! For a long time Melanie and I listened to Mrs. Davidson’s wooden hairbrush soundly spank the tar out of my sister’s bare bottom. The spanks were super loud and Katrina’s hot bawling was even louder.

Do you cry like we do when you get spanked? How long do you have to stay naked after your daddy spanks you and your sister good?

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 19:17:56 01/19/25 Sun

I'm in my 60's and have been a mentor for many years and a mentor/disciplinarian to two college-aged girls and one woman in her 30's who sought a disciplinarian. It is my belief that a consensual spanking given to young adults can be very effective. I no longer see it as a "child's punishment".

Semi-retired and live near the Sacramento area of California. I really enjoy mentoring and helping others. It's never all about discipline. That's a small part.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 00:14:35 01/20/25 Mon

Hi Everyone,

I'm Megan, tho my friends call me Meg, I'm 20yo (21 in Feb) and from the Uk. I'm on the spectrum, so still live with my parents, who can be very old fashioned at times. Tho not often i still get smacked at times, but to me any is to many at my age.

Anyway thats me, feel free to catch me on google chat sometime if u feel like chatting :)


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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:01:27 01/20/25 Mon

How do you get spanked and how often?
I thought spanking was illegal in England.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

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Date Posted: 19:55:36 03/02/25 Sun

The spanking of children is illegal in England. However, Meg is over 18 and I suspect it is legal for her parents to spank her in England if she agrees to it.

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[> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself - my new book

Jillian2005 (grateful)
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Date Posted: 21:34:12 03/02/25 Sun


hey! There's plenty of stuff about punishment in my new memoir that people here would be interested in!

The amazon link is embedded in the article - thanks!! Jill

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