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Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 06:09:35 09/27/24 Fri
In reply to: Aunt Nat 's message, "Not Sure About This..." on 12:08:14 09/19/24 Thu

If I could be so lucky, giving or getting.

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[> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 04:16:34 09/29/24 Sun

If the first 4 emails are any indication, this young lady will be bare bottom over my knees in 9 days. I have to give her props for her honesty.

Questions; How do I do this? I'm starting to get cold feet, but I'm committed to this. Basically my intentions are to have a long discussion with her about her behavior, performance etc. Then turn her over my knees for a very long and hard hand spanking. Then use my hairbrush. Do I...
Sit in a chair or couch?
Do I tell her to pull down (or off) her pants and underwear or do I do that?
Do we have our discussion with her pants on or off?
I am determined that the hand spanking will be a very long affair that would be enough for the message to sink in, do I...
Go immediately to the hairbrush or give her corner time in between?
How many swats and how hard with the hairbrush?
Do I put her in the corner after or do I cuddle and sooth her? Should I be so stern as to send her home or do I cuddle and mother her afterwards?

I hope some of the experts will have some advice for me. I'm very nervous about this and I don't want to hurt her, but isn't that the whole point of a punishment spanking?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 06:16:02 09/29/24 Sun

My premise in answering your questions is that you want your protégée to leave feeling that she has accomplished her psychological goal and therefore welcomes a continuation of the process. Hence:

Position: couch with a pillow into which she can scream.
Clothes: You remove pants and panty, the latter being removed when she is over your lap.
Corner or not: Take a temporal break after the hand spanking is finished but keep her over your lap.
Aftermath: Cuddle and mother her, with a further discussion of how she can improve.

You did not answer an earlier question about the state of the groundwork for this process - does she expect a bare bottom spanking by hand and hairbrush? If that is not clear to her when she arrives, keeping the process as affectionate as possible (acknowledging your point that a punishment spanking is meant to hurt) is particularly important.

Bottom line (pun not intended) - if the process is too severe and cold, neither of you will achieve your respective objectives.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 06:22:25 09/29/24 Sun

Very good advice. Thank you.

We discussed the bare bottom punishment. Well, I told her I will paddle her bare bottom and said "Do you understand? Do you agree?" so she knows whats on the table.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 14:35:11 09/29/24 Sun

To supplement my response:
Discussion of her deficiencies should occur when she remains dressed. Pants should come down only after she understands the basis for your decision to spank her.
Number of swats: play it by ear while being cognizant of keeping the pain (including duration) at a level that will not cause her to decide a return session is intolerable.
In the aftermath, stress “Rome was not built in a day” and she should not be discouraged at the need for regular sessions. Tell her that you are confident that her behavior will improve and that ultimately her behavior will reach a level of which you and she can be proud. At some point, probably not at the first session, suggest that she will only need a tune up from time to time once her behavior is at an acceptable level.
Set up the next session after she has calmed down from the discipline. Ask her if a two week interval is best in her opinion or if weekly sessions are appropriate.
Do have a fun activity (e.g., baking in your kitchen followed by a meal) from time to time.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 07:05:36 09/29/24 Sun

Aunt Nat, I would like to repeat a question I asked you a few days ago which you may have missed: "When you say she laid her cards on the table --- can you share more of how this conversation went and what she had to say? Do you know if she was raised with spanking and if so until what age?" And if she was not raised with spankings, where did she get this idea?

Knowing more about your detailed discussion during and after your lasagna bake may help in answering your new questions.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 07:12:42 09/29/24 Sun

You're asking a lot. I didn't record the conversation. When you're in the moment you don't always remember all of the details of your conversations. She did mentioned being spanked and indicated it wasn't weekly, but occasionally. She didn't go into how often or how old. Where do any of us get the idea from?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 07:24:14 09/29/24 Sun

I may be wrong but I would have thought that a discussion of if and how she was spanked growing up and until what age would no be a very normal line of questioning for at least shedding some light on and helping to understand her current needs and expectations. She's the one you quoted as saying "you know, like parents do...."

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[> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 09:36:49 11/13/24 Wed

If I were you, I would administer her first spanking with my hand over whatever she was wearing. If she wants you to use an implement or to bare her, she'll let you know.

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