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Subject: Paddling Position

JD Winchester
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Date Posted: 12:51:24 11/16/24 Sat

If you were paddled - or just knew how paddlings were carried out - was there a "standard position" the student was required to assume, to get "The Board of Education?"

It seems like with the private forums I've managed for years, the most common position was bending over the desk or a table in the Principal's or Assistant Principal's office. If they were hallway paddlings, the majority appeared to have been required to place their hands on the wall in a semi-bent forward position, butt out.

When I was in Elementary School, Grades 1-4, all paddlings were done in the classroom by the (always) female teacher, with the student standing straight up next to his or her desk, he or she had just been ordered to arise from.

Near the end of 4th Grade, a rumor circulated that when we "graduate" to Middle School (Jr. High...grades 5-8), we would be required to actually BEND OVER for licks... OH, the HORROR! Honestly, it was a frightening thought.

Turns out the rumor was true. From that point foward all the way through to graduation from high school, almost all paddlings, regardless of where they were done - either hallway or in the office - required the hapless boy or girl to spread feet about shoulder width apart, bend over and grab your knees, head up, eyes forward, all of which had the inadvertent effect of causing your butt to be pushed out, providing a better target for the paddle.

What say you?

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[> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

Cliff (to JD Winchester)
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Date Posted: 21:48:33 11/16/24 Sat

Like me, you seem to have a special interest in school paddling. Please take a look at this forum I created a few months ago, https://www.voy.com/251035/.

BTW, position for getting swatted with a 2 foot long piece of lumber is a safety issue. If the receiver is bent over, with their shoulders positioned lower than their butt, it should be next to impossible to strike their tailbone.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

JD to Cliff
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Date Posted: 02:13:06 11/17/24 Sun

Thanks Cliff, I'll definitely take a look at it. I cannot promise how active I may be on it, like the rest of us I only have so many hours in a day and sometimes I'm stretched pretty thin.

I don't know that I have any stronger affinity for school paddlings than other forms of spanking - and obviously everyone on this forum shares that interest - but it's what I'm most familiar with, having been raised with two older sisters who NEVER got spanked, but I did get exposed to a LOT of school paddlings from 1st Grade through 12th Grade. And again, like most guys, could not care less when a boy got paddled...but when a girl got paddled - in high school - the word spread around the campus like wildfire, I think even faster than students today could share it with their smartphones. But I DO agree, I find school paddlings very intriguing.

The private forum I moderated was recently hacked and I'm not sure if we're going to try to re-establish it on another platform...some of these private platforms are costly. However, I still co-manage a FB Forum called "Old Fashioned School Girl Discipline (OFSGD)," along with a guy named David, in Liverpool, UK, and a younger woman named Jennifer, who grew up in Sweet Home Alabama, very familiar with paddlings, both at home and at school...as was her younger sister.

It's kind of strange that even though we have diversified the forum to cover all aspects of spanking, David is REALLY into the paddlings of high school paddlings and that remains his primary focus, something he NEVER grew up with, living in England. That said, he is an amazing researcher and producer, of this content. He and I are the most prolific contributors of the forum - but he produces a lot more content than me - and our archives are MASSIVE because we've been active on this forum for SEVERAL years.

If you - or anyone else - is interested in joining, please let me know and we can work out the connection.

Thank you for the invitation.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

Karl (to JD)
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Date Posted: 12:14:16 11/17/24 Sun

I searched "Old Fashioned School Girl Discipline (OFSGD)" on Google but didn't find your forum. Can you post the URL? Thanks.

Love your many anecdotes and stories btw.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 06:54:12 11/18/24 Mon

Thanks for your kind words, Karl...

It's a private FB Group, this is the URL:


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[> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

JD Winchester to Cliff
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Date Posted: 03:13:41 11/17/24 Sun

I've made 3 attempts to register on your forum. Each time it tells me "Username Invalid."

Sorry, but I'm done. My advice would be to make it less difficult to register new members, in order in increase membership.

Thanks anyway,

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

Cliff (to JD)
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Date Posted: 18:14:53 11/17/24 Sun

Sorry about the difficulties getting into my group. I did not intend it to even require members to join before they could post, but it come out that way. I have looked through the administrator options and do not see how to change it.

Yes, I would very much like to find your private group and check it out.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

JD to Cliff
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Date Posted: 07:02:12 11/18/24 Mon

Hi Cliff,

I hope you didn't think I was being rude...over time of dealing with sites, even things like where I pay my utilities, insurance, etc., when they do things to make it so difficult to even pay a bill, I have lost a good bit of patience with them.

It does look like you will have a wonderful site, once people can join without getting a bill passed through Congress, haha.

This is the URL to Old Fashioned School Girl Discipline (OFSGD): https://www.facebook.com/groups/1434844673441350.

I should caution, for whatever reason we don't currently have a lot of really active members, nothing like we used to have...so we're always looking for good, like-minded people to join us...and again, having been in "business" for several years now, our archives are incredibly large...a LOT of material to explore.

Thanks for your interest.

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[> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 17:16:13 11/17/24 Sun

At our Christian school it is now and was bent over hands on a chair in the APs office in. K through 12 school it allows all sizes and ages of students to get thier swats

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[> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

Cliff (to Beverly)
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Date Posted: 22:05:22 11/17/24 Sun

I went to Texas public school in the 60s and early 70s. The most they could give at one time were 3 licks. Do you remember how many swats you got for what offenses and what was the most could they give at a time?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

Beverly for Cliff
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Date Posted: 08:31:01 11/18/24 Mon

It was 3 licks I went to a Christian school from the 90s up to 2004 the public schools stopped paddling around that time . Being a Christian school the gave licks out for teachers wrote a referral to the office and you got called down later that day or the next day . Skipping school or fighting was a suspension not licks . My three daughters go there now and it is the same way . For my sisters and I a spanking in school was a spanking at home from daddy it is the same way for my girls now

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[> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 11:33:59 11/27/24 Wed

Public school in Georgia in the 80s and 90s: only the principal and assistant principals could paddle students. The requesting teacher would call them over the intercom and request that they come to room 309 or whatever room number. Then the teacher would take you into the hallway and wait. The principal came with a notebook and the teacher said what you did; the principal wrote it down and asked if you had anything to say. The answer was always no. You signed under the principal’s handwritten notes acknowledging that whatever was on the form was true, then you put your hands on the wall, spread your legs to shoulder width apart and they adjusted your position by tapping your back and shoulders etc to make your butt stick straight out. Then it was usually 3-6 strikes with the paddle but under the rules it could be up to the number of your age (I don’t think anyone ever got more than 6 though). Everyone on that hall couple hear the paddling and your screams. Then you had to go back to class and everyone would just have their eyes fixed on you as you’d be bawling and tear-stricken for the next hour. You also had to take the form home for your parents to sign.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

Robert to Steve
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Date Posted: 12:26:27 11/27/24 Wed

I assume you could tell whether it was a male or female getting paddled? Was there more interest from the boys when a girl was being paddled?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 13:29:18 11/27/24 Wed

Yeah, I mean everyone in the class knew who was getting paddled because they all see the student get in trouble and taken out into the hallway and then they saw them come back in. Boys definitely got paddled more than girls but girls got it too. I would say I got more excited when girls got paddled but the overall atmosphere was very hushed and still no matter who was getting it.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

Robert to Steve
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Date Posted: 13:53:24 11/27/24 Wed

I suppose there is no way of knowing this but I wonder how many girls at your school had families with paddled at school spanked at home policies. Did you ever wonder as you listened to a girls paddling if she was going to get worse at home?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 16:43:20 11/27/24 Wed

I always assumed everyone had that rule lol

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[> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 13:42:51 11/27/24 Wed

I got paddled a few times at school.

In Elementary School
They were all bent over the desk in front of the class.
I pretty much got spanked or paddled at least once each year.

In Jr. High.
I got a couple in the hall,
My History teacher gave me three licks with my hands on my knees,
My English teacher paddled me leaning over with my hands on the wall. It was five licks.
My Gym Coach paddled me twice, Two licks the first time, three licks the second time. Both times, in the gym in front of the class, bent over grabbing my ankles.
My Assistant Principal gave me three licks bent over his desk.

After Seventh Grade, I didn't get paddled anymore. Momma withdrew the permission for them to use Corporal Punishment.

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[> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 17:26:57 11/27/24 Wed

"Grab your ankles" or "Touch your toes." Those are the two directions I remember. The posture pushed the lower spots on your butt out so they made the best target for the paddle. The paddle was brought back and swung straight and level with the floor, the swats landing flush across the lowest curves of the cheeks. Striking low was probably a safety consideration. Some administrators, male or female, knew how to propel the paddle with great velocity. Five swats was the most I ever heard of. The repeated impact on the same spots made each swat more painful than the last. The seat of the pants provided far too little protection, and the punishment was like being branded with a red-hot iron. It is an understatement to say it burned. When you checked in the mirror the next day, you knew you got spanked, as the paddle had left dark red-to-purple bullseye marks on the two spots where the wood made initial contact, where the full impetus of the board was absorbed by the vulnerable target. Sitting would be uncomfortable for awhile.

I don't know what paddling is like in schools these days, but it could be downright cruel where I went to school.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 20:09:29 11/27/24 Wed

Most of the times I got spanked or paddled at school, stung for a few hours but they weren't terrible. The last one I got from the Assistant Principal in Seventh Grade, left me severely bruised. That's why my parents no longer allowed them to do it.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 22:41:43 11/27/24 Wed

That is good your parents stopped it from happening again. Where I went, the school did not need approval of the parents, but mine also spanked at home with a paddle. It was a small paddle, but more licks on the bare caused similar bruising. A spanking at home was much more embarrassing, but the pain was not as long-lasting. The marks made by the smaller lighter paddle looked worse than they felt, and sitting down the next day was not too uncomfortable. Once when I got in big trouble at school, I wasn't sure whether I would get swats from the principal or a spanking at home. It turned out I got a spanking at home. If given a choice, I don't know which I would have picked.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 23:21:32 11/27/24 Wed

Well sweetie, If I got in trouble at school whether it was a paddling or detention or whatever, I usually wound up over Momma's knee getting my bare butt spanked at home. Just because they told the schools they couldn't spank us anymore, that didn't stop them from doing it at home.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 14:33:35 11/28/24 Thu

Well, Sonya, I was lucky there. My parents did not spank an already paddled behind. I guess they figured if I had not learned my lesson in the principal's office, I was hopeless. I could be rebellious at times, but I did not need lots of spankings. One blistered burning bottom, and I was well-behaved for a good length of time.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 23:15:06 11/28/24 Thu

I think in the case with me and my sibs, it was because my folks expected us to behave better away from home than we did at home. Also, in their defense, they didn't always spank us for getting in trouble at school. There were a few times I got paddled or a detention and Momma understood why I got punished but actually understood why I did what I did. She would always listen to our side of the story and then decide if the spanking was needed or if we'd get a pass that time. I hope I'm making sense.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 14:58:03 11/29/24 Fri

I think every parent has their own way of thinking and, yes, what you say makes sense. Your mom was not looking for an excuse to spank. She listened to your side and was hoping she didn't need to punish you like that. My parents were the same way, and a lot of the time we escaped a spanking where other parents might have gone ahead with it.

One difference is that mine never doubled the punishment. One spanking, at home or at school, and that was the end of it, but then a spanking where I lived was, I believe, more severe than average. I'm glad I don't know what a paddling feels like on an already sore behind.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 06:21:59 11/28/24 Thu

Maybe your parents believed that you preferred spanking to any other parental punishments such as taking your phone or your car away, early curfew and/or bedtime, or no spending money?

You got a lot of spankings but I wonder if you ever felt that you got better at taking them?

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