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Subject: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

JD Winchester
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Date Posted: 07:43:21 11/18/24 Mon


This is a conversation about a high school paddling that was posted on October 22, 2011, so “yesterday” (as the author titled it) would have been 10/21/2011, a Friday, when this paddling actually took place. This was posted by an ex-member of another forum I’m a member of, by a Texas high school girl named Kelli, an avid volleyball player.

This is actually Kelli’s second school paddling; in her first, she details how it was also “the first” for a new school administrator who witnessed her first paddling; she was basically the unwitting “guinea pig” used to demonstrate the proper way to paddle a student. The paddler was the school’s male athletic director (and if I’m not mistaken that was Coach Grey, who is mentioned in this story as well) who explained each step of the process to a new male staff member as he proceeded, first with the proper positioning of the student to be paddled, and then indicated just the right spot on the girl’s butt for the board to make contact with. Interestingly, when some of us questioned Kelli about the seemingly inappropriateness of her being used as a demonstration model by the school administrators, she became fiercely defensive of them; Kelli contended they were just doing their job and added the fact that she had rather someone actually be taught the “proper” way to paddle a student, so as to not have someone inexperienced do it in an unsafe manner. I had never thought about that before; as in, how DO new teachers/school administrators know HOW to paddle properly, if they have never administered one.

At any rate, this is Kelli’s real-life account of what happened, in her own words. Some others, including me, later join in the dialogue…

Kelli: I'll write some more about this later when I have more time, but I guess I better explain what I meant in my volleyball thread when I said yesterday was a memorable day for several reason.

I got a paddling yesterday morning after I got into a sort of fight with one of my teammates after our morning practice. It wasn't a real fight, I didn't punch her or anything, but I did push her to the ground. This was considered to be a "violent incident". I chose to take the board again as the alternative was a 5 day ISS. I'm now grounded for 3 weeks as well. I'll explain more later.

OK, I'm back now, so I'll try and explain the best I can how things went down. This may take a while.

We had volleyball practice yesterday morning before school. We usually have a practice on a Friday morning as we don't usually play on Fridays. I was kinda surprised that he didn't cancel it, but Coach K said he wanted to go over some stuff with us ahead of the game yesterday afternoon.

I think I've mentioned before, there is one girl on my squad, a senior called Kim, who I don't really get along with well. During practice she left her hairband lying on a bench and, just for a joke I guess, I threw it up and managed to get it hooked around a basketball net so it was just hanging there. Kim had to jump up and try and swat it down, and she was pretty mad at me for throwing it up there.

At the end of practice I stopped to talk with Coach Kinder about something and I was the last one into the locker room. When I got to my locker my jeans and my top were missing. I was like "Where the hell are my clothes?" Nobody said anything, but everyone looked towards the showers. When I went through there I found my clothes lying soaking wet in the showers. I knew right away who would have done it and I really lost my temper. When Kim saw my coming out of the showers all mad she tried to run away out of the locker room.

I chased her out into the hall, and when I caught up with her I started yelling at her and I pushed her. I guess when I pushed her she lost her balance and fell backwards. I guess Coach Kinder and Coach Grey heard us yelling as they came rushing out of the coaches office to see what was going on. Kim was rolling around on the ground saying that I had "hit" her. Thankfully some of the other girls had followed me out into the hall and saw what happened, and they all said that I pushed her, not hit her.

Coach Kinder totally lost his temper in a way I never seen before. Coach Grey was more calmer. He told me and Kim to both get into the office, and told all the other girls to go back in the locker room. Once we went in the office he asked Kim to tell her version of what happened. Then I had my turn to tell my side. We both basically said the same thing but I guess we both told it in such a way that we were in the right. Coach kinder didn't say much at all, but I could see he was still really mad. Coach Grey then asked me if my clothes were still in the showers, I told him they were. He told me to go and get them and take them to the laundry room next to the gym where they wash the uniforms, I could put them in the dryer there. I was told to do that, then come back and wait outside the office while they spoke to Kim.

I had to wait a few minutes until Kim came out, I found out later they assigned her Saturday school today as punishment for putting my clothes in the showers. When I got called back into the office Coach Grey said that they could see no way to write up what happened as anything other than a violent incident. School policy is that all violent incidents get referred to Principal Hooper to deal with. I was told that Coach Kinder would accompany me to the Principal's office. I tried to apologize to Coach Kinder as we walked to the office, but he just sorta snapped at me to keep my mouth shut unless I was spoken to.

When we got to the office I had to wait outsides at first while Coach Kinder went in to talk to Principal Hooper. After about 5 minutes I got called in and Mr. Hooper asked me to explain my actions. I just tried to say I was sorry and that I had lost my temper. I got a long lecture about how physical confrontations are not acceptable at school. Eventually he got around to explaining what my punishment would be. He said that he was going to accept Coach Kinder's recommendation to treat it as a Class 3 violent incident. That is the least serious kind, violent incidents can be class 3, 4 or 5 misconduct. The punishment for that was 5 days ISS. He said the suspension would start on Monday, so I would be in suspension all next week.

Principal Hooper explained exactly what ISS meant, then asked if I had any questions about it. Before I got the chance to answer, Coach Kinder asked how my athletic suspension would work. I knew that you get suspended from athletics if you are in ISS, so I assumed I'd be suspended next Monday through Friday. But Principal Hooper said that the athletic suspension would run from "the end of the last school day before the suspension until the start of the first school day after the suspension". So I'd be suspended from athletics from Friday and wouldn't be eligible to play again until Monday 31st. So a 5 day ISS would actually mean 10 days of athletic suspension. That would mean missing Fridays game, as well as games next Wednesday and next Saturday.

Mr. Hooper said that he realized that volleyball was very important to me and that if I wanted the option was there to "burn those days off with the board". I remember he used that exact phrase. I looked at Coach Kinder, but he said nothing. Principal Hooper asked me if that was something I wanted to do. I asked what would happen if I chose the board, he said he'd "take care of it right away". He asked again if I wanted to take that option. I said I did, he asked if I was sure and I told him I was.

I really couldn't bring myself to miss 3 games, I've worked too hard, and the whole squad has worked too hard, to risk messing up our season now when we still have a shot at making regionals. And there was really no way I could think of how I could explain to my parents how I got a 5 day suspension. I have no doubt I'd have got a strapping if I'd gone home and told my Dad I was suspended for a week for fighting.

Principal Hooper came around the front of the desk and took the chair out and turned it side on to the desk. I was told to bend over the back of the chair and put my hands on the seat. He then took his board out of the drawer and laid it on the desk while he filled out a discipline report form. Once he did that he picked up the paddle and came around behind me. He told me to arch my back more, like to kind of stick my butt out more. He sorta rubbed the board on my butt, while he told me to stay as still as I could and if I moved I should get back in position right away.

I guess I thought I was sorta mentally prepared for the swats. I'd had the swats from Coach Grey over a year ago and I remembered how they felt, but nothing could really prepare me for that first swat. I don't know if Mr. Hooper spanks way harder than Coach Grey, or maybe the fact that this time I was wearing shorts instead of jeans made a big difference, but that first swat was the most intense thing I've ever felt. I'm still not sure how I managed not to jump up when it landed. He gave the next 2 swats pretty quickly afterwards and they were just as hard.

After 3 swats I couldn't hold still no more and I stood up and grabbed at my butt, it was so sore. He gave me a little while before he told me to bend back over the chair. I didn't really pay much attention to that instruction and Coach Kinder told me "Do as your told Kelli", so eventually I bent back over. I was told again to arch my back more, and he rubbed my butt with the board again when he told me to keep still. The first three swats had all landed in more or less the same place straight across my butt, the next two were lower down, like right on the bottom part of my butt. It was like he swung the paddle from below and brought it up to hit my butt, it sort of lifted me onto my toes.

Once I'd had all 5 swats I was trying so hard not to break down and cry right there in the office. My eyes were totally filling with tears but I just managed to get out of there without bawling like a baby. I walked as fast as I could through the office and back down towards the gym, I didn't look at anyone I passed. I went right back to the laundry room where my clothes were in the dryer. Once I got in there with the door closed I cried like I haven't done in a long time. I couldn't sit comfortably in class all day, and I was still in a lot of discomfort when I played volleyball after school. It especially hurt when I landed after jumping. I still have marks from the board now, more than 24 hours later.

Principal Hooper spoke to my parents at the game and told them what happened. I've been grounded for 3 weeks. My Dad took my TV out my bedroom and took away my iPod and my cell phone for the duration of my grounding. Thankfully I need my laptop for school work so I get to keep that.

JD: I honestly do think the larger part of the difference you felt, was the fact you were wearing volleyball shorts instead of jeans...denim is just about the best protection from the board you can have, short of Kevlar or steel. OTOH, maybe the principal DOES spank harder than the Coach...but still the lack of denim is definitely a contributing factor. I'm assuming that the number of swats was originally going to be five, and you didn't get anything extra for jumping up after 3 and grabbing your butt...is that correct? Did you know beforehand that it WAS going to be five? Did you know that it was going to be 5 before you agreed to take the board over the ISS? If you did not know beforehand, would having known influenced your decision?

I know you certainly didn't mean for this to escalate to the point it did...it's like things just spun out of control. I guess you'd have to know the exact situation/circumstances in the event you ever find yourself in a similar situation having to make a similar decision...but because this paddling was so much more intense than your first one, do you feel you are less likely to choose the board in the future?

Kelli: JD, sorry if I didn't make it clear, the choice was 5 swats or 5 days ISS. Kim is in the squad photo in my gallery folder, directly in front of me, number 4.

Coach Kinder stayed to act as witness. I guess I ran off too quick for him to be able to escort me back to the gym.
I think you are probably right about the jeans being a big help the last time. A thick layer of denim is surely going to absorb more of the force of the swat than a thin layer of spandex.

As for any future paddling, I would make that decision based on the circumstances at the time. Although I had a very severe paddling, and I still have the marks to prove it, I think I made the right choice. If I'd taken the days instead I'd be sitting here now gutted that I didn't play last night. Most likely I would have had a strapping last night. I would be facing spending all next week working in a horrible little room all by myself, and I still have to miss two more games.

Bryan: Kelli, it seems like you had a pretty tough day! Five smacks with the paddle over shorts must have been quite painful but if the school rules provide for severe punishment for fighting then I guess you should have thought of the consequences of your actions before you struck out at the other girl. Were you concerned that when your parents were told that you would have gotten another spanking when you went home? Or do they take the view that you shouldn’t be spanked twice for the same thing?

Kelli: Bryan, I was not concerned at all that I would be spanked at home if I took the paddling. If I'd done the ISS instead I would have fully expected the strap.

JD: I want to be careful not to say or even imply anything derogatory about your school faculty members, because I know before, I think I unintentionally may have offended you slightly when I made a disparaging comment about one of your coaches...sorry for that. With this new experience, which I know you are not going to second-guess and question anything that happened after you said you'd take the board as it was ENTIRELY up to you, but I thought it was a little.............curious............that Principal Hooper had you bend over and get into position first, before filling out the discipline report form. It seems that would have caused you unnecessary anxiety and maybe a little undue embarrassment, especially with Coach Kinder in the office, to be waiting in this compliant and submissive (as in, submitting to your punishment) position... I shan’t criticize him for it, but did you find that to be a bit...awkward?

Kelli: Sorry JD, I just saw this question just now. I guess I skimmed over this post the first time I read it.

I think the order that things happened was more by accident than anything else. He told me to bend over the chair, then I think he realized that he hadn't completed the form. I guess he just chose to quickly fill out the form rather than have me stand up, wait for him to fill it out, then bend over the chair again. It was a little awkward waiting there bent over the chair, but it probably took less than a minute for him to complete the form.

While we are on the topic of the form, a copy of it was sent to my parents about a week after I was paddled. This didn't happen when I was paddled last year. I'm not sure why that was the case this time, especially as Mr. Hooper already told them what happened.

Becky: Hi Kelli. I'm so sorry you got paddled again. I know it had to hurt really bad and I know you were probably really scared even though it wasn't your first time to be paddled. I'm kind of thinking how I would feel in the same situation. Anyway, I do think you made the right decision for you. You had a lot to lose by not taking the paddling and as bad as I know it was, it's now in the past. At least that part is over and now you don't have to worry about other consequences. I remember Jen was in the same situation and stood to lose her place on the cheerleading team. If it had been me, a girl who wasn't a cheerleader or on a volleyball team, I wouldn't have had as much to lose but I probably would have taken the paddling anyway just to get it over with.

Bryan: Hi Kelli, Am I right in thinking that bad and all as your paddling was it wasn’t as bad as the strapping you would have got from Dad?

Kelli: You would be wrong Bryan.

Bryan: I'm interested in the comparison between your school paddling and the strapping you might have otherwise have got from Dad. You seem to suggest that the paddling was somehow worse than Dad's strapping (unless I have misunderstood you?) I have never strapped any of my girls (a good spanking with my hand has always been effective!) but it seems to me to be a pretty harsh punishment. Would you have received the same number of smacks with the belt? And, would you have had more "protection" for your behind than you had for the paddling?

Kelli: Bryan, It is hard to explain the difference between the belt and the board to someone that hasn't felt them both. While the belt stings a lot, the board is on a whole different level. I would have expected more licks with belt then I got with the paddle, but it would have still been less severe IMO. The 2 times I've had the strap, the first time I had to take off my jeans and I was wearing a thong so it was effectively bare, 2nd time I was wearing a swimsuit. I would guess if I'd got strapped at home it would have been on whatever panties I was wearing at the time. As I only had one thin layer of spandex as protection from the board, I don't think I was really any better protected than I would have been from the strap.

Becky: Many of us have been spanked at times when we were not wearing what we wished we were wearing. Does that sound right? Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Kelli and Jen got paddled when they were wearing something really thin and that is mostly just bad timing. When they are spanked at home, they are lucky to be able to have 2 layers of clothes on. Girls who never have to pull anything down are lucky to be wearing jeans when they are spanked. But the next time they might only have a swimsuit on and we all know how thin those are.

JD: We talked about the possible differences that could have made the experience with Principal Hooper so much more intense than with Coach Grey, and I think we narrowed it down to two changed variables:

1) Principal Hooper just simply spanks harder;
2) You were wearing way less protection.

One thing I don't recall us mentioning, was the possible variation in the board itself, which definitely plays a significant role in the whole experience. We used to hear legends about how the school principal always had the BIGGEST, MEANEST paddle of anyone at the school, how it was something to be feared more than any other, etc.

So my question to you is, did you notice any discernible difference in the board itself, like was Principal Hooper's paddle longer, wider, thicker, maybe have holes drilled in it, darker color, etc.? Sometimes a darker color can indicate the potential for more intense sting if the darker color is the result of a hardwood type of wood, such as oak vs. a non-hardwood, like pine.

Kelli: It's hard to say for sure, as I forgot to take my tape measure with me, and as strange as it may sound I never really got a good look at either board. But I would guess that both boards were of a similar size.

Principal Hooper's was more rounded at the end, where Coach Grey's was more straight. I know absolutely nothing about wood, so I can't say anything about what types of wood they were, but Principal Hooper's was definitely a darker color.

Jen: Poor Kelli -- so much ribbing -- but I'm glad it's thee now and not me.

Seriously -- you got it bad but you survived it. I feel for you girl.

JD: ...and I'm sure Kelli wishes you could have felt it FOR her, haha!

Wouldn't that be a cute little movie stunt...like a magic spell has been cast by the Evil Maygin, and when Kelli gets the board, she feels absolutely nothing...but our poor, lovely and talented femme fatale Jen, probably busy at her job, possibly discussing things with her boss, suddenly and completely unexpectedly, feels this tremendous paddle swat across her behind...and not just once, but 5 times! THEN she could truly say, "I feel for you girl!"

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[> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

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Date Posted: 07:45:51 11/18/24 Mon

I may have provided a confusing title. When I said "The One" her coach used as for a demonstration, I meant the GIRL as "The One," not the PADDLING.

This is about Kelli's second paddling, this time by her Principal.

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[> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

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Date Posted: 08:52:13 11/18/24 Mon

In 5th grade I was called to the office for disturbing class on the third day of school and we got a new AP in her old school the paddled but Mr B wanted her to see how we did it before she paddled a student . She had to witness my paddling which was required to be a witness . Mr B told me to put my hands on the chair and bend over legs spread and eyes ahead He tapped on my upper bottom then a hard swat owww then tapped the middle of my bottom a second harder swat owww I cried on the second swat then tapped the lower part of my bottom a and the hardest swat owww I really cried after that one I was in my school uniform so it was over my pleated skirt and a half slip and panties . Mr B picked me because I got and stayed in position for my paddling. Safety and effectiveness is a concern the swats have to be hard but not hard enough to injure the student .

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[> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

JD to Beverly
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Date Posted: 09:52:33 11/18/24 Mon

That sounds perfectly fair, Beverly. Really the bottom half of the buttocks is the safest place to spank - and especially paddle - because that's where most of the "meat" is, and not likely to cause an injury, like paddling too high up the butt so as to cause a swat to the lower spine.

If a paddling or spanking cannot be done safely, it should not be done at all. A good spanking is intended to be discipline, a punishment, not cause any kind of bodily injury. What happened to Sonya in the 7th Grade IMO, was child abuse and that should NEVER be tolerated.

There are some parallels to your 5th Grade experience and that of a 5th Grade daughter Teresa, of a friend of mine, Fiona.

It's a longer story but I shan't ramble on as I tend to do, but the gist is that Teresa was CONTINUALLY disrupting her 5th Grade class which would cause her to get to the Principal's Office, where she would get another detention...usually after school or on Saturday mornings.

Fiona was at her wit's end; as a single mom, her entire schedule was being compromised to accomodate tranportation for Teresa's detentions. Finally the lady Principal convinced Fiona to give permission for Teresa to get a paddling the next time she gets sent to the office for disrupting the class, instead of yet ANOTHER detention.

Neither of Fiona's kids were strangers to getting their butts tanned by their mom or their dad, but she said she had never liked the idea of anyone else spanking them. Finally, out of frustration, she relented and gave permission. She told Teresa the score, warning her beforehand, she would be subject to a paddling if she got sent to the office again.

Fiona was called to witness the paddling, as she requested. The principal turned a guest chair around and ordered Teresa to bend over the back of it. She burst into tears, refused to comply. Fiona warned her that she is getting 3 swats but if she keeps fighting it, she will have the Principal give her 4 licks.

Strangely - to me - Fiona said the Principal pulled out a "clear, plastic paddle." I guess it's what WE would call a Lexan paddle. Fiona said Teresa got the 3 swats and "we both cried."

That was the LAST time Teresa disrupted the class.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

Beverly for Cliff
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Date Posted: 11:28:56 11/18/24 Mon

I have three daughters Mr B retired after the end of the last school year he is special to me he gave me my first paddling although the school and students called them spankings with a paddle . I learned from my spankings at home and school . The new AP is now principal I know the new AP would have witnessed a paddling a student . Most schools that paddle require an employee witness the paddling since the mid 80s to make sure it is done properly and safety . At our school Kelli would had no choice but a suspension our school believes more than three swats with school type paddles cloud lead to abuse .

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

Beverly for JD
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Date Posted: 12:23:51 11/18/24 Mon

I ment you above not Cliff

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

JD to Beverly
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Date Posted: 21:16:57 11/18/24 Mon

Got it, thanks!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

JD to Beverly
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Date Posted: 21:34:11 11/18/24 Mon

I find it interesting what people refer to certain things as...sometimes it's a regional difference, sometimes generational.

At least in MY definition, a paddling IS a spanking (as you said, just a spanking with a paddle) but a spanking is not necessarily a paddling...if no paddle is used.

A good while ago, the FB forum I am Co-Admin on, had this wonderful 19 year old young lady from around Seattle as a member, named Emily Renae. At the time there was a LOT of content on Twitter, where ladies - younger and older - would post about either their current experiences with corporal punishment in school (most of them were of this variety), or about how they were paddled in the past.

Emily was highly intelligent and she pulled a lot of content from Twitter, reposted it to our own files. One thing she taught me, is how best to search using key words. She said you'll never get many hits using the word "spanking" as it relates to school, and really not that many even when using "paddling."

She theorized these girls believed that verbiage sounded too juvenile, so they would almost always, only refer to them as "swats." And again, seemingly according to region, some would call them "licks." When and where I grew up, that's what we called them, "licks." To a lesser degree, some called them "pops."

Can you share with us how old you were when you got your first paddling (spanking with a paddle) from Mr. B, and perhaps some circumstances surrounding the event...like what you did to get into trouble, how many swats you got, etc. And also, how old/what grade werer you in when you got your last school paddling?


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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

JD to Beverly
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Date Posted: 09:22:34 11/19/24 Tue

Many thanks, Beverly!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

Beverly for JD
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Date Posted: 08:52:12 11/19/24 Tue

I was 6 and got referred to the office with another girl for talking it was early in the school day The teacher was a new teacher but went to a Christian school that paddled in the classroom . It was the second week of school after lunch we were called to the office over the loudspeaker it went all over the school . I was scared so I was crying while waiting on the bench we heard 6 swats in Mr Bs office three each for two middle school cheerleaders who both came out crying . Mr B told us he was going to use the smaller paddle and not spank us as hard as the big girls he had pictures of his four daughters the youngest was about my then youngest sisters age 18 months old although my mom had two more girls after her for 5 total I am the oldest . I got spanked first because I was already crying and scared after I was spanked it was just a spanking like the many I got from my mom and dad. My last school spanking a female AP gave me for parking on the grass I did not want to park far away I got 3 swats and cried that one was a week before graduation

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