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Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 17:26:57 11/27/24 Wed
In reply to: JD Winchester 's message, "Paddling Position" on 12:51:24 11/16/24 Sat

"Grab your ankles" or "Touch your toes." Those are the two directions I remember. The posture pushed the lower spots on your butt out so they made the best target for the paddle. The paddle was brought back and swung straight and level with the floor, the swats landing flush across the lowest curves of the cheeks. Striking low was probably a safety consideration. Some administrators, male or female, knew how to propel the paddle with great velocity. Five swats was the most I ever heard of. The repeated impact on the same spots made each swat more painful than the last. The seat of the pants provided far too little protection, and the punishment was like being branded with a red-hot iron. It is an understatement to say it burned. When you checked in the mirror the next day, you knew you got spanked, as the paddle had left dark red-to-purple bullseye marks on the two spots where the wood made initial contact, where the full impetus of the board was absorbed by the vulnerable target. Sitting would be uncomfortable for awhile.

I don't know what paddling is like in schools these days, but it could be downright cruel where I went to school.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 20:09:29 11/27/24 Wed

Most of the times I got spanked or paddled at school, stung for a few hours but they weren't terrible. The last one I got from the Assistant Principal in Seventh Grade, left me severely bruised. That's why my parents no longer allowed them to do it.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 22:41:43 11/27/24 Wed

That is good your parents stopped it from happening again. Where I went, the school did not need approval of the parents, but mine also spanked at home with a paddle. It was a small paddle, but more licks on the bare caused similar bruising. A spanking at home was much more embarrassing, but the pain was not as long-lasting. The marks made by the smaller lighter paddle looked worse than they felt, and sitting down the next day was not too uncomfortable. Once when I got in big trouble at school, I wasn't sure whether I would get swats from the principal or a spanking at home. It turned out I got a spanking at home. If given a choice, I don't know which I would have picked.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 23:21:32 11/27/24 Wed

Well sweetie, If I got in trouble at school whether it was a paddling or detention or whatever, I usually wound up over Momma's knee getting my bare butt spanked at home. Just because they told the schools they couldn't spank us anymore, that didn't stop them from doing it at home.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 14:33:35 11/28/24 Thu

Well, Sonya, I was lucky there. My parents did not spank an already paddled behind. I guess they figured if I had not learned my lesson in the principal's office, I was hopeless. I could be rebellious at times, but I did not need lots of spankings. One blistered burning bottom, and I was well-behaved for a good length of time.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 23:15:06 11/28/24 Thu

I think in the case with me and my sibs, it was because my folks expected us to behave better away from home than we did at home. Also, in their defense, they didn't always spank us for getting in trouble at school. There were a few times I got paddled or a detention and Momma understood why I got punished but actually understood why I did what I did. She would always listen to our side of the story and then decide if the spanking was needed or if we'd get a pass that time. I hope I'm making sense.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 14:58:03 11/29/24 Fri

I think every parent has their own way of thinking and, yes, what you say makes sense. Your mom was not looking for an excuse to spank. She listened to your side and was hoping she didn't need to punish you like that. My parents were the same way, and a lot of the time we escaped a spanking where other parents might have gone ahead with it.

One difference is that mine never doubled the punishment. One spanking, at home or at school, and that was the end of it, but then a spanking where I lived was, I believe, more severe than average. I'm glad I don't know what a paddling feels like on an already sore behind.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Paddling Position

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Date Posted: 06:21:59 11/28/24 Thu

Maybe your parents believed that you preferred spanking to any other parental punishments such as taking your phone or your car away, early curfew and/or bedtime, or no spending money?

You got a lot of spankings but I wonder if you ever felt that you got better at taking them?

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