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Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

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Date Posted: 08:52:13 11/18/24 Mon
In reply to: JD Winchester 's message, "Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate" on 07:43:21 11/18/24 Mon

In 5th grade I was called to the office for disturbing class on the third day of school and we got a new AP in her old school the paddled but Mr B wanted her to see how we did it before she paddled a student . She had to witness my paddling which was required to be a witness . Mr B told me to put my hands on the chair and bend over legs spread and eyes ahead He tapped on my upper bottom then a hard swat owww then tapped the middle of my bottom a second harder swat owww I cried on the second swat then tapped the lower part of my bottom a and the hardest swat owww I really cried after that one I was in my school uniform so it was over my pleated skirt and a half slip and panties . Mr B picked me because I got and stayed in position for my paddling. Safety and effectiveness is a concern the swats have to be hard but not hard enough to injure the student .

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[> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

JD to Beverly
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Date Posted: 09:52:33 11/18/24 Mon

That sounds perfectly fair, Beverly. Really the bottom half of the buttocks is the safest place to spank - and especially paddle - because that's where most of the "meat" is, and not likely to cause an injury, like paddling too high up the butt so as to cause a swat to the lower spine.

If a paddling or spanking cannot be done safely, it should not be done at all. A good spanking is intended to be discipline, a punishment, not cause any kind of bodily injury. What happened to Sonya in the 7th Grade IMO, was child abuse and that should NEVER be tolerated.

There are some parallels to your 5th Grade experience and that of a 5th Grade daughter Teresa, of a friend of mine, Fiona.

It's a longer story but I shan't ramble on as I tend to do, but the gist is that Teresa was CONTINUALLY disrupting her 5th Grade class which would cause her to get to the Principal's Office, where she would get another detention...usually after school or on Saturday mornings.

Fiona was at her wit's end; as a single mom, her entire schedule was being compromised to accomodate tranportation for Teresa's detentions. Finally the lady Principal convinced Fiona to give permission for Teresa to get a paddling the next time she gets sent to the office for disrupting the class, instead of yet ANOTHER detention.

Neither of Fiona's kids were strangers to getting their butts tanned by their mom or their dad, but she said she had never liked the idea of anyone else spanking them. Finally, out of frustration, she relented and gave permission. She told Teresa the score, warning her beforehand, she would be subject to a paddling if she got sent to the office again.

Fiona was called to witness the paddling, as she requested. The principal turned a guest chair around and ordered Teresa to bend over the back of it. She burst into tears, refused to comply. Fiona warned her that she is getting 3 swats but if she keeps fighting it, she will have the Principal give her 4 licks.

Strangely - to me - Fiona said the Principal pulled out a "clear, plastic paddle." I guess it's what WE would call a Lexan paddle. Fiona said Teresa got the 3 swats and "we both cried."

That was the LAST time Teresa disrupted the class.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

Beverly for Cliff
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Date Posted: 11:28:56 11/18/24 Mon

I have three daughters Mr B retired after the end of the last school year he is special to me he gave me my first paddling although the school and students called them spankings with a paddle . I learned from my spankings at home and school . The new AP is now principal I know the new AP would have witnessed a paddling a student . Most schools that paddle require an employee witness the paddling since the mid 80s to make sure it is done properly and safety . At our school Kelli would had no choice but a suspension our school believes more than three swats with school type paddles cloud lead to abuse .

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

Beverly for JD
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Date Posted: 12:23:51 11/18/24 Mon

I ment you above not Cliff

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

JD to Beverly
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Date Posted: 21:16:57 11/18/24 Mon

Got it, thanks!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

JD to Beverly
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Date Posted: 21:34:11 11/18/24 Mon

I find it interesting what people refer to certain things as...sometimes it's a regional difference, sometimes generational.

At least in MY definition, a paddling IS a spanking (as you said, just a spanking with a paddle) but a spanking is not necessarily a paddling...if no paddle is used.

A good while ago, the FB forum I am Co-Admin on, had this wonderful 19 year old young lady from around Seattle as a member, named Emily Renae. At the time there was a LOT of content on Twitter, where ladies - younger and older - would post about either their current experiences with corporal punishment in school (most of them were of this variety), or about how they were paddled in the past.

Emily was highly intelligent and she pulled a lot of content from Twitter, reposted it to our own files. One thing she taught me, is how best to search using key words. She said you'll never get many hits using the word "spanking" as it relates to school, and really not that many even when using "paddling."

She theorized these girls believed that verbiage sounded too juvenile, so they would almost always, only refer to them as "swats." And again, seemingly according to region, some would call them "licks." When and where I grew up, that's what we called them, "licks." To a lesser degree, some called them "pops."

Can you share with us how old you were when you got your first paddling (spanking with a paddle) from Mr. B, and perhaps some circumstances surrounding the event...like what you did to get into trouble, how many swats you got, etc. And also, how old/what grade werer you in when you got your last school paddling?


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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

JD to Beverly
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Date Posted: 09:22:34 11/19/24 Tue

Many thanks, Beverly!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Kelli's Second Paddling - The One Her Coach Used to Demostrate

Beverly for JD
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Date Posted: 08:52:12 11/19/24 Tue

I was 6 and got referred to the office with another girl for talking it was early in the school day The teacher was a new teacher but went to a Christian school that paddled in the classroom . It was the second week of school after lunch we were called to the office over the loudspeaker it went all over the school . I was scared so I was crying while waiting on the bench we heard 6 swats in Mr Bs office three each for two middle school cheerleaders who both came out crying . Mr B told us he was going to use the smaller paddle and not spank us as hard as the big girls he had pictures of his four daughters the youngest was about my then youngest sisters age 18 months old although my mom had two more girls after her for 5 total I am the oldest . I got spanked first because I was already crying and scared after I was spanked it was just a spanking like the many I got from my mom and dad. My last school spanking a female AP gave me for parking on the grass I did not want to park far away I got 3 swats and cried that one was a week before graduation

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