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Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 01:47:28 01/09/25 Thu
In reply to: Karin_ven 's message, "Implement" on 01:00:43 01/07/25 Tue

Sinc age 9 my 3 girls have been spanked wit moms dreaded hairbrush. My hairbrush the same one my mom used to tame my bottom, a Fuller Brush. Gives a nice red bottom and a sting that will be remembered for some time. Of course, there is the dance that follows that tells mom that the spanking was a GOFS...

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 04:19:42 01/09/25 Thu

Regardless of how much the spankings themselves hurt, my most horrible experience was when I was forced to go to the basket maker with my mum to buy my first cane when I was 12. I had to tell the shop owner exactly what I needed and for what, and then pay for the cane myself out of my pocket money. The people in the shop were amused, some laughed out loud and made jokes. I stuttered and stammered until my mum slapped me in the face.
And when the basket maker had fetched a few suitable ones, I had to bend down (fingers to toes) so that my mum could try out the canes for practice. I didn't have to pull my trousers down, thank goodness, but I died of embarrassment. Everyone in the neighbourhood now knew that Radka was now getting her spankings with a cane. And it wasn't long before my classmates knew too.
This procedure was repeated every one and a half to two years.
As I said, it was an experience more terrible than any caning. But by the way, the cane is also the worst thing I've ever felt on my bottom.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Radka
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Date Posted: 15:07:07 01/11/25 Sat

Trousers help a tiny bit but the cane is well-known to burn right through even heavy winter trousers. I and almost everyone totally agrees with you when you assert that the cane is the worst.

What were the differences among the sample canes that your mom "tested" on poor Radka's tight bum? Did they all feel the same to you? Or did one "stand out" as especially stingy?

When you got back home with your new friend, the cane, did you look in the mirror at your striped bottom?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 03:22:42 01/13/25 Mon

Well, back in the shop I didn't get ‘punishment strokes’, I got ‘trial strokes’. It was more about whether my mum felt comfortable with him at her end of the cane, and less about the feeling at my end. The fact that the latter neither felt good nor should feel good when used seriously is the real point of using a cane anyway.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Radka
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Date Posted: 08:14:37 01/13/25 Mon

What was the result of the basket shop visit? How many canes did your mum find to be satisfactory and worthy of purchase?

Often length is a distinguishing feature. Size does matter as the saying goes, especially diameter and length. Since you were just beginning your years of eligibility, her target was narrow and she was most likely putting shorter canes on "trial."

So, assuming that your household had several eligible children, each with her or his own cane, how did she distinguish them at home?

The purchase visit must have been quite unpleasant for you, even if the trial or demo strokes were not given at full intensity. I do feel your pain. Even one cane stroke produces an enduring memory.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 02:24:49 01/14/25 Tue

In the end I(!) only bought the one that my mum found the most comfortable to handle. It will have been 6mm thick (what they call a junior cane in the UK) and probably about 70cm long. As the oldest of four, back then I was actually the only 'eligible one' (the translation in Czech sounds as if you are entitled to something really great and wonderful). Later on, there were even three different canes in my parents' household at times, when I got my canings with a 10mm cane from the age of 15, my youngest brother still with the 6mm cane and the two middle siblings with an 8mm cane. So we didn't have personal obedient makers, but rather a cane strength for each of the specific physical stages of development we were currently in. And these are/were easy to tell apart. (There don't seem to be many ways to name a cane in English. Do you have any suggestions so that the word 'cane' doesn't keep repeating itself?)

Since I don't remember the physical pain of the test strokes in the shop, it can't have been particularly bad, even though it was my first experience with the cane-assisted style of parental correction. It was this feeling of having been paraded in front of everyone - my naughtiness and my punishment as an amusing spectacle for strangers who happened to be present. This humiliation has burned itself into my brain more than the possible pain in my bum.

So we spared our children this part of the punishment - not least because I wouldn't even know where to find the nearest basket maker any more... ;-)

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Radka
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Date Posted: 09:04:30 01/15/25 Wed

Where do parents in the Czech Republic obtain their spanking implements if basket makers have disappeared?

Multipurpose implements such as the belt and the hairbrush are readily available at clothing stores and chain drugstores. But single purpose, for spanking only or primarily, implements might require an online only source.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 21:35:56 01/15/25 Wed

In Czech Republic, hairbrushes were never that much used as spanking implements, but belts are traditional -- and so are kitchen wooden spoons.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 07:39:37 01/14/25 Tue

In English I would use either an adjective such as "judicial" or "massive" for the monster 10 mm cane. For the 6 mm cane various qualification adjectives come to mind but "junior" or "beginners" perhaps.

I have some experience with an 8 mm bamboo cane and I would describe it as "the amazingly thuddy" cane. It barely flexes at all. Bamboo is notoriously prone to shatter into nearly razor sharp pieces but this cane has lasted forever. It must be nearly 50! Admittedly it is not used very often and then only very sparingly.

Since you have access to rattan or yew, I suspect, you can name your 8 mm, the "happy mediusm" or "the Golden Mean" cane -- "not too thick and not too thin,:

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 23:51:38 01/14/25 Tue

Thank you Alfred. However, I was thinking more of terms for the cane itself. You remember that in Czech we like to say ‘artist / expert’ to the cane (do you want to be good, or do you need the expert first?). Or also obedient-maker. But you can also just call it a stick without losing the meaning.

In English, I find the possible alternatives (stick, rod, club) all somehow inappropriate, but of course this could also be due to my understanding of the language.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 07:37:02 01/15/25 Wed

"You remember that in Czech we like to say ‘artist / expert’ to the cane (do you want to be good, or do you need the expert first?)."

I'm Czech and I've literally never heard using "expert" for a cane.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Claudia for Radka
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Date Posted: 09:05:30 01/19/25 Sun

Hello Radka, are you same Radka from CZ like the one on Quora? but this Radka on Quora is 21 I think, how old are you?


And are you the same Radka like in this voy forum?


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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Karin @ Radka
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Date Posted: 08:32:10 01/22/25 Wed

hello Radka, do you have kids too and if so, how old? Do you use the cane at home and since what age?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Marek and Radka
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Date Posted: 08:37:23 01/15/25 Wed

Personification of implements seems fine. I have a friend who would see the family spanking paddle in the closet where it was kept and say to it "Ha. Ha. You aren't going to get me today!" Another professional musician friend calls her cello "Mister S."

Frequently spanking paddles will come with names/descriptions/purposes in big letters on them. Most notorious are the ones saying "For the cute little deer with the bear behind!" More common are "Attitude Adjuster." Lately people have mentioned "Obedience Improver/Obedient Maker."

The terms or names "the artist" or "the expert" seem very useful and suggestive of the influence even one cane stroke can have on one's mental attitude or mood. Long ago a bubble gum cartoon had this dialogue:

Kid 1: "A great artist can change a smile to a frown with a single brush stroke."
Kid 2: " That's no bid deal, so can my Mom!"

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Ms. Radka
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Date Posted: 08:51:39 01/15/25 Wed

Here are some names for the three different diameter/length canes your family employed:
6mm cane: The Apprentice
8mm cane: The Master
10mm cane: The Judge

I am hoping that any children in your current family never graduate beyond an occasional touch of The Apprentice. I am confident that a sample stroke and a firm warning should more than suffice to promote a better mood and a strong interest in being cooperative and obedient.

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