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Subject: Addicted To Spanking

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Date Posted: 09:55:39 12/06/15 Sun

I've got more than just a passing interest in spanking - I'm addicted to it. I shoplifted a spanking paperback when I was in high school. For some reason, there was a rack of naughty books in this Arts & Crafts shop, and this one particular book had such wonderful descriptions of bare bottom spanking that I just had to have it!

I went in after school one day with my schoolbooks and my binder under my arm. I was a budding artist back then, so that's where I went to get my supplies. The shop was L-shaped, and the rack of paperbacks was around the corner from the main area. Even with the parabolic mirror for security purposes, I still figured I could casually pass by the books, quickly take the one I wanted and slip it under my schoolbooks - and that's exactly what I did.

This was in the late 1960s, and there was no alarm system in the shop to catch a shoplifter. I've forgotten if I simply walked out at that point, but in any case, I got away with it.

Over the years, I've done things where spanking's concerned that only an addict would do. I got in trouble with the bank because I'd spent so much money on the services of professional spanking ladies that I'd tricked the ATM into giving me money I shouldn't have gotten.

And I got in trouble with the police because I'd written several letters describing my spanking history to an older woman whom I knew to be pro-spanking, and she took the letters to the cops. I'd done my best to avoid detection, but they tracked me down and phoned me at my mother's house one night. My mum never did know who it was who'd called me. I guess you could say I was let off with a warning, but it was still a profoundly shaming experience.

It's really no exaggeration to say that I've got spanking in my DNA. Or to put it another way: Spanking is my religion and the Female Lap is my place of worship.

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Re: Addicted To SpankingCuthbert03:13:12 05/28/16 Sat

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