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Date Posted: 16:00:26 09/02/04 Thu
Author: Torch
Subject: Memories consume, like opening the wound...

I'm picking me apart again...

the darkness of the night concealed the Tsenlite as she knelt at the lake, her hooves sore from lurking in the shadows. The water was not still, and ripples marred the reflection of the dark skin, flaming hair, and silver eyes. Gently, these pale eyes looked up to the moon. It was so beautiful, so different from Seiliek's...

Giving the smallest of sighes, she looks back down into the dark pool of blackness, the water rippling from some unknown disturbance froma far part of the mass. She gently lowered her hands to the water, and brought them to her lips. The sudden rush of cold life-giving fluid to her hot dry throat was refreshing, and she thanked the goddess that it was there.

Shifting her gaze, she stared back up to the sky, this time her attention diverted to the stars. They were lovely, but seemed to taunt the 18-year-old... seemed to echo everything she could've done, and everything she hadn't done...

And she hated them all the more for it.

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