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Date Posted: 19:34:06 07/18/04 Sun
Author: Seleth
Subject: Smile... and then...

Violet eyes lift, a brief grin touching the silver muzzle of the Canis at Anzu's voice, growing in intensity as another whistle joins along, and she finds the owner of this melody a creature recognizable as Olashi. Lifting her wings from the water, Seleth begins to powerfully propel herself up and away from the rippling surface, sending small waves out in a circle from her body as she lifts, glistening from the Lake. For a few seconds she seems to run over the water, and then finally she is aloft... tipping her head back to join the other two in their brief singing. And then pausing, at the odd scent of something that did not belong here. Pulling her wings up behind her she drops a good twenty feet away from the strange pillar, hackles raising as she instinctively drops into a crouch. Every fiber of her being told her that this thing should not be, for such random occurences could not be trusted in times such as this.

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