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Date Posted: 18:28:30 10/20/04 Wed
Author: Phamiile - Yukinae ( Kyrusk )
Subject: Glory
In reply to: Torch 's message, "Hm..." on 05:49:14 10/20/04 Wed


Phamiile totters upright, trembling hands finally releasing his skull. He blinks a few times, tentatively prodding back into his mind, expecting it this time. Here is a turbulent sea, pain and war filling each lap and wave. Painful colours jet through his senses and he gives an audible groan, trying to blink it away. One spindly, internally-writhing hand kneads his temples as he turns to face the Tsenlite.

'I'm sorry. I just don't know what's wrong with me.'

Hazel eyes are stained with worry, and Phamiile lounges back against Yukinae's smooth, luminous pelt. The simple motion sends a wave of calm through him. Pain flashes once in his forehead as a golden horn juts from it, spiralling from nothing into the air. The Shifter gacks roughly, but emits a quaking sigh of relief.

'That's something, I suppose.' Fingers trace his beard, lightly. 'So, Torch, do you live around here?'

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