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Date Posted: 15:07:17 07/05/03 Sat
Author: Heki and Mayah
Subject: *G*
In reply to: Aduuni, Hashe, Hora, Eliqui 's message, "Re: Heh heh heh. XD" on 07:33:53 07/05/03 Sat

They must think we're slow or something. Mayah's thoughts are tinged with amusement, though the slender Wolf isn't capable of telepathy. Either way, she wriggles her fingers into her cousin's thick ruff and grips his fur tightly, leaning her torso forward and gripping his ribcage with her knees. Heki grins, tongue lolling briefly before he crouches and springs, going from 0 to full speed in about two seconds. He catches up to the Olde Phia, his cousin hanging on for dear life, and matches pace, his rangy form that gives him such easy speed falling into a measured running rhythm. Heki is far from a slow Wolf. ^_^ Mayah, meanwhile, listens to the wind whip through her green ponch and tug on her long brown hair, tossing some strands in her face where she swipes at them, never letting go of her grip for more than a few seconds at a time. Falling off would hurt.

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