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Date Posted: 07:33:53 07/05/03 Sat
Author: Aduuni, Hashe, Hora, Eliqui
Subject: Re: Heh heh heh. XD
In reply to: Heki and Mayah 's message, "Heh heh heh. XD" on 16:39:25 07/04/03 Fri

Hashe continues to catnap on the beach, the occasional breeze ruffling her hair up against her face, whereupon it is snored back away again. Hora looks over at her, amused.
The Cheetah breathes a little more easily now that the whole party is capable of defending itself or being defended effectively, but for the time being only smiles at the two Wolves, saying nothing.
"Yes, a Cat Sword," replies Aduuni, allowing a small hint of pride to tinge her tone. "One of my favorites." Eliqui paws at the ground in impatience. By the time they would arrive, the battle might already be won or lost by those who had remained. "Let's go," says the Jaguar, scratching the nervous Phia behind the ears as the huge creature set off at breakneck speed. "Follow us!" she calls back to the others, leading them to the Market Square.

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