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Date Posted: 15:39:59 07/18/03 Fri
Author: Onaru, Cadoc, and a random Olashi pilot who's not really a char
Subject: This seems to be an accepted landing spot... XD! Although our pilot chose it for a different reason than most...

A whitely silver spacecraft slowly slipped into atmosphere and angled downwards, skillfully spinning to shake off most of the heat of entry. The pale grey Olashi at the controls grimaced, eartips flattened into a shaggy mane and eyes narrowed nervously though deft hands didn't so much as quiver as she maneuvered the big Olashi ship. "Cadoc, you said you wanted near water?" she tossed over her shoulder at the Lavanian spy. She, the Keshalan mercenary, and the Thaizian warrior were all in the spacious cockpit, behind the pilot and watching her work. The Katok nodded, then realized the grey Olashi couldn't see her and muttered, "Aye." Cream-furred Onaru stayed silent from where he crouched, a noticeable space left between him and the lean predator. On Cadoc's left was the silent, scruffy mercenary, a shadowy-black Vhena named Jaedo.

"Onaru, you and Cadoc have your comsets?" After both beasts affirmed this, the Olashi continued, snaking her craft through the layered atmosphere easily, "Good. Keep in touch; I'll be in orbit. Anything you tell me will be immediately relayed to the Olashi commanders on Base, and from there to Station and then Lavana. A copy will be sent to the Olashi ambassadors on Thaizi. Just remember that your comsets can't reach past this planet; should this ship be destroyed, you don't have a way to communicate with anyone else except each other." The Aluben stayed silent, having known this information, and out of the corner of his eye he caught Cadoc's uncaring shrug. The Lavanian spy obviously wasn't worried about losing the ship and pilot, or it simply didn't matter to her. Onaru wondered which, and also wondered what kind of company he had taken up when he boarded this ship.

The Olashi ignored the nagging instinct that ordered her to do something about the three predators behind her and finally hovered above the lake, flinching. "There isn't a place to set down here, not for a ship this big. I can get you within fifty feet of the water or seventy of solid ground." Cadoc spoke up before Onaru could, "That'll be fine. Open the hatch." For once, the pilot turned to glance skeptically at the black-spattered, silver-winged cream Katok, but she shrugged and swept her hands across the plasma control boards in a keying symbol. The outer hatch whooshed open, and silently Onaru followed Cadoc towards it.

The Katok simply opened her draconic pinions and fell forward, catching a gust of unsteady air from the Olashi craft's hovering and soaring easily to land on the shore. Onaru eyed the seventy-foot leap and decided a swim would be more worth it; with a deep breath he dove, splashed, and paddled to Cadoc's position. He climbed out with some effort, shaking off. The Olashi pilot waited until the mercenary had also gotten out before shutting the hatch and kicking her ship into high-gear. It would be no good if anyone caught her down here, as the fightership's weapons relied on the vacuum of space for their full power and precision.

Onaru tilted his long, raptorine muzzle upwards to watch as the bright, streamlined spacecraft vanished into the indigo atmosphere before settling his pale blue gaze on his two companions. He felt uneasy around both and laid his long ears back in silent comment to this unwanted situation. Cadoc rolled her fire-orange eyes, rather like Jaedo's own bright gaze, and huffed an annoyed sigh. "Are we going to work together or split up?" she muttered after long last, wrinkling her nose in distaste. Onaru braided his hindtails around his maintail in thought, foretails looped as usual over his back, and finally shrugged. "At least keep in contact. This is a hostile situation. We all have different reasons for being here, so perhaps working at least partially independently would be best." Fiery and sky-like gazes fell on the mercenary, waiting for his opinion.

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