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Date Posted: 08:36:50 07/26/03 Sat
Author: Hashe, Hora, Aduuni, Eliqui
Subject: Awakening and arriving

The albino leopard that now lies beside the lake raises up her head and notes a rustle in the trees. How long had it been...? Hashe springs to her paws and then shifts into human form.
"Wait... it's easy again. That energybean must have done its trick!" she exclaims.
Just as she finishes her shift, a massive Olde Phia, black fur punctuated with rosettes of bright gold, emerges from the woods, carrying two more Cat Shifters. Aduuni dismounts without a hitch and runs over to her friend.
"We won," she says. "Feeling better?"
In a flash, Hora joins them. Eliqui pads down to the lake's edge to take a much needed drink.
"You should have seen her get the last one!" says Hora, as Hashe gathers up the armor she had discarded while healing and attempts to put it on. "It's being 'recycled' in her necklace."
Hashe grins mirthlessly, knowing that more battles will surely come.
"Anyway, Heki and Mayah were with us; they're probably still hanging about in the woods. I'm going to teach them some Tokathian, probably starting when they get here. Translating for them is a little bit trying sometimes." Aduuni sits down, pulls out her sword to clean it, and waits.

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