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Date Posted: 07:22:38 07/22/03 Tue
Author: Lifowa, Era, Degeh
Subject: Onaru isn't the only one-minded guy around here...
In reply to: Matriarch, Rifu, Otonan, 's message, "..." on 18:40:47 07/21/03 Mon

Russet, ebony, and mottled iron-grey streaks pound across the forest floor, rust-gold eyes watching as the trees flashing by slowly become more sparse and slightly healthier-looking. But Era has the scent of his Matriarch now and nothing will stop the young racer from reaching her. The black and grey following him can only attempt to keep up as the fastest Katha on Etreus rockets forward, his golden hooves a mere blur as he gallops all-out. Lifowa and Degeh exchange amused-annoyed glances at the red soon disappears, but neither Katha are about to lose his scent, nor the much fainter one of their leader.

A sudden fresh gust of wind from an angle to the previous breeze catches Degeh's attention, and with a bass snort he detours. Lifowa, elegant black form hesitant, soon follows the stocky grey. Taking a slower pace over rocky terrain, Lifowa soon catches the scent that had turned Degeh. "Otonan!" the black cries, kicking herself into a faster gallop despite waning endurance, ignoring the pitted ground as her shapely black hooves crack against rocks in a sound like a snare drum. But she slows to a light trot when cerulean eyes catch sight of the well-built brown, dipping her slender head in a pleased greeting as she stops near him. Degeh snorts, his own type of hello, and turns his blocky muzzle to look over the lake. A flash of red can still be seen, racing towards a solid green form.

Era... pretty much ignores Otonan's scent and the fact that his companions are no longer following him. The graceful Katha pulls a dangerous but quick stop from his racing-speed, coming to a standstill in a cloud of dust near Matriarch. He bows his head, then whipcracks his tail to 'point' at his sister and Degeh, who by now have joined Otonan in the shadows of the wood. Rifu's presence is greeting with a friendly horn-clash, rust-gold eyes shining brightly. Era is pleased.

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