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Date Posted: 18:32:34 05/26/03 Mon
Author: Myk
Subject: Well hello to you too!
In reply to: Skavan 's message, "What the FRASH?!?!?!" on 18:08:23 05/26/03 Mon

A tan ear flicks, and violet eyes merely shine a bit as the male Tarok proffers a quiet nod of his lengthy neck to both the silent Tokathe and Januya, in both greeting and understanding of words not said. However, in the same instant, he lowers his gun arm completely.

"I am called Myk. I came..."

Muzzle jerks upright, gaze narrowing as the Masi's mech appears from it's cloak; only to pause and reveal a feline creature which the tan had encountered only once before... and thus recognized the language, at least somewhat.

"Well met Rinyosan the xenobiologist. I'm known as Myk..."

The Tarok paused a moment, eyeing the Masi's waist for any signs of blade or gun.

"Though I must wonder at your lack of weapons, peaceful profession or not, to answer a distress signal?"

The query is tinged with enough of a jesting tone to be considered rhetorical, and thus Myk is able to use the question as a tangent... to what he was sure Januya wished to know.

"The reason I, and I can safely assume this Masi as well, came to Etreus was in answer to the aforementioned distress signal. As of yet I've no idea what's occured, but as I'm sure you noticed on your own entrance... the distinct lack of defense system has me worried for the place's well being..."

The tan shrugs quietly, muzzle tilting as a warm scent catches his muzzle... but Myk merely smiles in recognition and says nothing. He was glad, however, to find that the Masi wasn't as unprotected as he'd originally thought. However... the black lacked any sort of gun or blade as well.

"As to what I said before, about lack of defense; I've weaponry belts that any who wish to use them may.. So long as you won't use them on this over trusting body of mine."

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