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Date Posted: 02:53:36 03/27/17 Mon
Author: Kate
Subject: Re: Who does the spanking?
In reply to: MarkW 's message, "Re: Who does the spanking?" on 02:30:53 03/27/17 Mon

>Very much the same in our household, Kate. My wife and
>I are supportive of each other when it comes to
>spanking one of ours. We both spank (3 boys, 1 girl,
>ranging from 12 to 15), and like you we pay no heed to
>gender when putting a child over the knee.
>I would say that the ion's share of spankings are
>administered by me, but they all fear their mother's
>hairbrush, and with good reason.
>Funny what you say about 'Daddy's girl', as that seems
>to apply here too. Ours is 13 and, while not exactly a
>bonding thing, she does seem to respond well to a
>sound spanking from me. And, yes, always bare bottom
That's interesting Mark.I think I would use the word bonding for the dad/daughter spankings here: a spanking by my husband of our daughter does seem to bring them closer together.
Do you mind having to do more of the spanking in your household? My husband doesn't regard administering spankings as a disagreeable chore but as a (how can I put this)a not unrewarding part of being a good dad so he doesn't mind that he is now doing a bit more than me.
Glad you are spanking yours bare bottomed.We dont use that method to humiliate them but because it makes it more of an event and because it feels natural and right.

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