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Subject: Re: The oldest and the youngest

Amanda J to Sarah
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Date Posted: 09:10:47 12/13/24 Fri
In reply to: Sarah to Cory 's message, "Re: The oldest and the youngest" on 17:50:19 12/12/24 Thu

Hi Sarah,

Wonderful job providing your son with what you knew he needed, even in such a setting of having other family and his girlfriend present. He made his choice in behavior and left you with no choice.

Any idea what his girlfriend thought or how she responded to what she saw and heard? Do you know if she already knew that he is subject to spankings or what her background is in spankings?

Did anyone else comment on what they saw and heard? Curious what the response or comments were when you and your son emerged from the back bedroom.

My boys are a bit younger as you know, however I really hope and plan to handle such issues just as you did. I highly respect that no matter his age or where you were, you did what you know was needed. Great job!

Hugs, Amanda J.

>Oh, embarrassed is quite the understatement when I
>announced he earned himself a spanking and then bared
>his bottom. Fortunately for him he was spanked in his
>bedroom, although unfortunately for him it was done
>with his bedroom wide open (as I always do when I
>spank in their bedrooms).
>And to make it worse, it happened during our annual
>family trip up north, so most of the family was there,
>and his girlfriend was in attendance as well.
>He claimed that evening that 'everyone' saw his
>spanking, as his bedroom is at the end of the hallway
>and "that they could see in", as he put it. And it's
>possible they may have. However, as I have mentioned
>here before, I have never been one who has had an
>issue administering spankings where others can see.
>But I'm sure in this case, due to the length of the
>hallway as well as the angle of bed compared to the
>door, the best they likely would have seen is my back
>and the raising of my right arm up and down. Although
>what was certainly clear, is that the entire family
>heard what was happening while I spanked his bare
>bottom long and hard over my knee.

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Re: The oldest and the youngestSarah to Amanda16:02:02 12/13/24 Fri

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