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Subject: Re: Spanking

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Date Posted: 07:31:02 12/20/24 Fri
In reply to: Pam 's message, "Spanking" on 18:44:30 12/19/24 Thu


What Cordelia said is so good, every spanking parent has to learn that a spanking that doesn't hurt enough is worse than useless.

For me it has to be bare. Psychologically it has an impact on our children, lowering my daughter’s panties or my boys briefs or underoos or pj bottoms it signifies that I have complete control as well as the intent to inflict maximum punishment as I am going to spank your bare bottom.

A good bare bottom spanking is the proven antidote for any number of juvenile transgressions. The inherent embarrassment of a bare bottom spanking is most keenly felt even before the first smack has landed. With the child's bottom being the absolute focus of attention, I found that once they are 8 it is a very memorable experience for them, they might as well be a helpless five-year-old as Mommy bares their bottom and takes complete charge of the over-the-knee spanking experience. I don't think it matters how the bottom is bared, as long as the bottom is bare and they are over our lap.

I take my time barring them, first their shoes then everything from the waist down is removed, pants, shorts panties, briefs. It depends as some have said, spanking my 3 naked has been situational ie when we have come back home from the beach at Salt Lake and I need to spank, with the boys I lower and remove their swim trunks when my daughter was younger her one-piece suit was peeled down and off. However, when she got older and is in her two-piece, then the top is left on. Or when I spanked them out of the tub or shower then of course they are spanked naked.

When my boys are in their pjs, their pj bottoms and underpants drop to the floor and I have them step out of them, but with my daughter, her nightgown will be removed but she will keep her bra on, her panties will be lowered and removed.

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Re: SpankingRosey07:55:35 12/20/24 Fri

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