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Subject: Re: Thinking about an upcoming spanking

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Date Posted: 11:18:05 12/29/24 Sun
In reply to: Grumpy 's message, "Thinking about an upcoming spanking" on 12:35:03 12/28/24 Sat

This question really got me thinking and you can look at this through so many different lenses. I mean you could be the spanker, spankee or a sibling/friend witnessing for example. Maybe I will go through all 3.

Spanker- when I have to spank my thoughts are pretty wide ranging depending what I am spanking for, the reaction and attitude of the one(s) to be spanked etc. Sometimes I am angry and really disappointed, if that is the case my thoughts are usually around how that bottom is going to look when I'm finished. In those situations the anger and disappointment overpowers any itch to spank.

The disposition of the spankee plays a big part in things too. I know I've said it before but I really prefer the guilty type spankee that doesn't argue, he or she knows they deserve it and even though they dread what is to come they quietly/meekly submit to it. As your kids get older you kind of know which ones argue and which ones are more apt to take responsibility, acknowledge whatever it is they did show some remorse and be submissive about their spanking. If I have reason to spank a guilty type spankee and I'm not super angry about whatever it is they've done my spanking itch goes way up and the guiltier they act the more that itch shoots up.

I love the post-spanking period for those types of spankings too. The boy or girl is kind of reflective, remorseful kind of in a pathetic state (I love that). You go into their room they have their bare in the air and you have a good talk and that is when they tell you some useful things/perceptive things and at times show some personal growth. Then as mother and son (or daughter) you kind of come up with a plan (jointly) so we don't end up in the same situation. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not but both parties agree to try something different.

If it is one that is going to argue and fight with me I get more focused on the upcoming conflict and anger trumps any spanking itch.

Spankee- hate to admit it but I was in this position often enough decades ago. Nervous anticipation, dread etc. The length of time matters to some degree I think as well. The longer the wait I think the more time you have as the spankee to get to acceptance of what is to come. Some argue that with older kids (teens etc.) you should always sentence them and make them wait as it gives them time to process, really think (get their heads back on straight) before you punish.

Sibling or other kid witnessing- generally speaking I'd say excited, giddy about what is to come. At times those emotions are mixed with guilt if you generally like the spankee(s). I remember sometimes with large groups of cousins we were like a bunch of hens OMG I can't believe he's going to get it. Giggle, giggle, smile, smile we were excited about it.

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Re: Thinking about an upcoming spankingElizabeth14:37:24 12/29/24 Sun

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