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Subject: Re: Different phases

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Date Posted: 12:00:54 12/29/24 Sun
In reply to: Jennifer 's message, "Different phases" on 07:27:35 12/26/24 Thu

Majority of the time growing up, mom & dad would start spanking me on my bare bottom & upper thighs.

Yet, sometimes, they would start spanking me on each layer of clothing , gradually working down to my bare bottom & after been given swats on each layer of clothing, then I was given rest of my spankings on my bare bottom & upper thighs!

Once I was bared, mom & dad would tell me, I’m now going to be given the spanking I deserve & need!! I thought maybe get less swats on my bare bottom & upper thighs, as my skin felt like a never ending forest fire during these spankings too, but I always got more very painful swats on my bare bottom & upper thighs & just as many as a normal are spankings!! These spankings took just as long as my normal spankings did, when started on my bare skin.

While I could talk & be understood, I would be crying in pain, telling mom or dad my bottom hurts lot & is on fire, no more swats & stop spanking me, OWIE, OWIE!!

Mom & dad would always tell me, mom & dad know when to stop giving you your very painful swats & stop giving you your very painful spankings, you don’t tell us when to stop!! You’re getting a very painful red bare bottom spankings & you’re not going to want to sit or lay on your bottom, after your spankings is done for awhile & I couldn’t either cause it hurt too much!! Pretty soon, I couldn’t talk, all I could do is cry in pain!! OWIE!! OWIE!!

Growing up, I didn’t understand why they did this, but now as an adult I do!! It didn’t matter which way they gave me my spanking, I always ended up with a very red bare bottom & bare red upper thighs that were very much feeling lots of pain & throbbing!!

Each time, I hoped they wouldn’t take my underwear off, as each layer, I was given several swats, wishful hoping & thinking, but my underwear was always taken off too!! I didn’t get any less amount of swats than normal on my bare bottom either, as my mom & dad say, now you’re going to get the spankings you deserve & need!!

Mom & dad would give several more swats on my bare bottom & upper thighs, as many as normal routine & times probably more too!! OWIE!! OWIE!! Spankings for being naughty were vey painful & not fun to get from mom or dad for being naughty or very naughty!! OWIE. OWIE!! I would be given all my very painful swats & all my very painful spankings, especially on bare bottom & upper thighs!!

Real spankings weren’t considered spankings with mom & dad, only unless they were on my bare bottom, especially when I was naughty or very naughty!!

Times, if I was naughty, but no privacy for bare bottom spankings, I was given spankings with all my clothes on & another spankings when we had privacy for needed bare bottom spankings I needed earlier, but didn’t have privacy!!

Mom & dad would always promise me & tell me, later, when we have privacy, we promise you, you’ll be getting bare bottom spankings!! Mom & dad always made all their promises & never forgot or changed their minds & I was given very painful bare bottom spankings later, once had privacy, on my bare bottom!!

When it was time for getting my bare bottom spankings in private, I always Would be crying & telling them, but I got spankings already!! Mom & dad would always tell me, unless you get bare bottom spankings, your clothed bottom spankings a just a warning & appetizer of the spankings you’re going to be getting, once we have privacy for bare bottom spankings!!

Spankings for being naughty or very naughty, need to be very painful & be given on your bare bottom!! Just cause I had been given spankings earlier on my clothed bottom, didn’t mean I was given any less swats or less painful swats & spankings later on my bare bottom!! I was always given same level of very painful swats & same amount of very painful swats during all my spankings, but more naughty I was, more painful swats & more quantity of very painful swats given too!! OWIE!! OWIE!! Sometimes, as we were getting in the car, mom or dad would remind me, when we get home or wherever in private, I’m getting spankings on my bare bottom & if not, once we got home or n private, I was given my spankings on my bare bottom!!

Sometimes, mom or dad would remind me of spankings I’m going to be getting at home or wherever in private & give me a few firm swats on my bottom & upper thighs! I would be crying on the way home or wherever we were going!! My bottom would be hurting & throbbing, as I Waited to get my needed & deserved bare bottom spankings!! I would be crying as if my spankings were being given, before they started giving me my spankings I needed & deserved!! All my Spankings for being naughty or very naughty were always very painful & hurt lots & Made my bottom very red, as they needed to for very painful consequences for being naughty or very naughty!! OWIE, OWIE!!

I’m a much better person & adult for how mom & dad raised me with lots of great care & lots of love always!! I appreciate all my very painful swats & very painful spankings both mom & dad gave me, as I deserved all my very painful swats & all my very painful spankings & especially on my bare bottom!!

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Re: Different phasesElizabeth14:41:16 12/29/24 Sun

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