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Subject: Re: Different phases

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Date Posted: 14:41:16 12/29/24 Sun
In reply to: Jennifer 's message, "Different phases" on 07:27:35 12/26/24 Thu


Submitting a child to a spanking is great a responsibility. It has to be effective, painful, but not abusive. My son Danny is 10 and I am taking my time getting his body just so over my lap and I have him under control before I start to spank.

The ritual of the barring and then getting my boy over my lap and in place is something to not be taken lightly or rushed, an important 'phase'. My legs may be together as I bare him and take him over, pulling him as I drop my right knee/thigh then as he is getting over I raise that thigh back up and I separate my thighs so I have a wider area for him to lay on and he is flat I take my time getting his body just so and I have him under control before I spank.

My spanking consists of a hand spanking and a brush spanking. A hand spanking is just a warmup for me, I simply like to use my hand a bit before I bring brush to his bottom, and there isn’t a pattern to it.

The hairbrush spanking is much longer than my hand spanking, and I always use a deliberate pattern to make the spanking much more painful. I start from the middle, roundest point of the cheeks. The brush is hitting almost the same place, with small differences. Then, I start spanking all around the bottom. By the time my brush meets their entirety of his cheeks, sit-spot and upper thighs, he is doing everything to stop the spanking. Begging, yelling, squirming, trying to break free kicking his legs. I hold him steady and I continue.

But it doesn’t end there. Making my way around the bottom, I make little stops. I keep hitting the exactly same place couple of times before I move on. This gets him crying at the tops of his lungs and howling like nothing else. I spank an inch or two below the bottom, and I reach upper thighs. This place is so tender that even a single smack burns, and knowing it I reserve this place to deliver smacks in succession.

Daniel comes off my lap with no thought but trying to put the fire out and he is yell crying, and absolutely no modesty and all the embarrassment that he was feeling as I bared him and laid him over my lap is long gone.

Then we have a wonderful cuddle and it takes time before he wants anything on below the waist.

Those are our phases to a bare bottom spanking.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Different phasesTrish15:09:48 12/30/24 Mon

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