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Subject: Re: How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?

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Date Posted: 08:58:04 01/02/25 Thu
In reply to: Bridget 's message, "How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?" on 09:26:44 12/31/24 Tue


I was going to say, ask the same as Mary to you. Hopefully you and your friend can have a good talk about this.

Every time I have spanked no matter who it is, be it my 18 yo son Steven or Aaron who was last spanked at 19 or my nieces and nephews, I hear at some point early on and very loud, the pleading and promises and they at some point during the spanking all go through the ’spanking time machine’. There is plenty of tears and snot with uncontrollable crying and a good spanking dance after with all modesty gone. Now of course as they get older it takes longer for this to happen, but the individual and reason for spanking comes into play, there are times they cry sooner and all but my oldest before I start to spank, but those aren't the real tears, the loud crying the uncontrollable crying that comes during the spanking are the real tears.

When I spank with my bush anyone within hearing distance can tell the difference between my hand spanks and my brush. They will either hear the cracking sound of my brush spanking a bare bottom it is loud with its differing unmistakable sound, then my hand has it own sound as well, my loud hand spanks have a sharp crisp smacking sound like I am applauding very hard and depending how I have my hand and the size of the bottom it can sound as if I am clapping very loud.

They have always since their first spanking been very frantic and desperate on my lap but at their very young ages they were very easy to control and there was no talking just the uncontrollable crying, as they got older they would be trying to arch their back, they do try to do a lot of wiggling and side to side movement with their hips and shoulders, I was and am always able to keep them where I want them and still always able to place my smacks exactly where I want to. They press their hips into my lap, as if thinking it will help or is it just an uncontrollable reaction to the intense pain I am inflicting? Also, I still always go from ‘mom to mommy’ as I do smile a satisfied smile as they go through that ’spanking time machine’ knowing I have administered another successful spanking.

I spank until I feel they have received their needed and deserved punishment. I will say I do believe a “good old fashion spanking” is supposed to be loud, long and thorough. As Mary has said they should and need to hate our spankings and come off our laps crying for all they are worth, When I finally stop spanking and let them up there is a good spanking dance after with all modesty gone.

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Re: How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?Nancy16:29:17 01/02/25 Thu

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